Archived Arena Brawl

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May 12, 2015
Reaction score
Arena brawl

The idea behind this is to bring more people out to PvP and be more interested in getting involved with the PvP side of Massivecraft.

What is Arena Brawl?

Arena Brawl is where you can join a specific arena with the choosen number of people your going to fight as for example: 1v1, 2v2,4v4, 6v6 etc where you get to choose a class just like in Kitpvp but you are facing a fair number of enemies of your satisfaction.

This is much like the Kitpvp but what i have experienced is when you're fighting in kitpvp you often want to 1v1 or 2v2 some people and someone else is running in the middle of the fight and ruining the whole fight, you have to start over and scream to people around you to stop hitting you because you're going to fight someone else.

Maybe add some rewards to this aswell? that if you win an match you'll gain for example 10 regals but that this has a cooldown on 12 hours? or if you win 10 matches you gain an reward just to keep it going :)

This will be more like a PvP minigame where people can test their skills against the exact exact number of players without getting interupted.

Ranking System

While you're winning these matches you should have the ability to rank up so you eventually face an
opponent that is just as strong as yourself, this way we don't scare away new players who would love to try this out as it prevents that the huge fighters are fighting a bunch new people who are trying to join the PvP community.

maybe even devide it up so there is premiums vs premiums and Non premiums vs Non premiums with no Mcmmo involved, get it as fair as possible.


i'm joining a 1v1 match where i am facing "cookie lord" which is of course better than me, he kills me and win, the "cookie lord" will gain +15 rating. After the "cookie lord" have won a couple of arena matches and reaches a total of 150 rating he will be sent over into the Bronze tier which only players with a total of 150 rating are able to play.

After a while the "cookie lord" have reached the maximum possible rating, he will then get a trophy for being in the highest tier of the Arena Brawl.

It's all about bringing new players into the PvP community of Massivecraft :)

I would love some feedback what other people in the community think :)
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I really like this idea and I would personally love to see this in massive.This seems like a fun idea and the ranking system seems quite interesting.I believe this would be even more fun if every single player(Premium and non) would have the same opportunities to win without having op buffs for premiums or anything like that.I also agree that there should be no mcmmo involved(as well as no traits) since this would make for an arena that is based purely on skill.Also i believe that if there are no premium buffs we do not need to make matches premium vs premium and vice versa.
Mmm very good idea, If you can plan it out and get it setup, Staff might even intervene to help <3
Alright, i'll try write the thing tonight :)
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Here is a suggestion on how the arena brawl may look.

Arena Brawl

After typing in the choosen warp command of the Staff for example /tp Arena or /tp arenabrawl. You then find yourself in a starting room, there will be different types of kits inside this room just as in Kitpvp. You are also able to see 4 or 5 Signs, it's here you que up for the Arena Brawls(1v1,2v2,3v3,4v4,5v5,) the sign will tell you how many players who are inside the current match, if you click the sign you will automatically set up in a que. you will have to wait until the match you que'd up for is done before you get teleported into the fighting pit facing your opponement.

In the starting room you will also see a "spectator" sign over the "joining" signs, this will allow players to witness the current arena match without intrupting the fight, there is different ways to make the spectator mode, Staff can maybe make players become ghosts which players in the current combat cannot see or hit. Or we can just make spectator seats where people can watch through glas windows down into fighting pits.

There will be two "Types" of arena's which you are able to join, one which have no Traits and the other mode will be with traits, this is to satisfy every player of their taste of combat, there will also be no Mcmmo involved just as in Kitpvp.

Non Premiums vs Non premium, Premium vs Premium

Inside the arena/fighting pits there will be no Premium advantage, this is to make more players interested and not joining the pits thinking "if i meet a premium member now, i will probably loose"
Non premiums will have the same advantage as a premium player does, This will of course only be inside the arena and premium advantage will return after leaving. This will make PvP more interesting for new players and maybe for some of the roleplayers? they will really be able to taste the PvP on their lips, hopefully making them more interested joining the PvP community.


There will be 5 different maps/arenas with unique design for our fighters to join. (These can also be built and presented to the Staff if required)

Ranking system

Each time a player/a team wins a match they will gain a total of 6 rating, this will increase if they're having "kill strikes" to a maximum of 36 rating per match, this is to easily scale players depending on their skill of combat. However players can also gain a "kill decrease" by loosing matches to a total of 36- each match, Your rating will also decrease by 6 everyday this is so people will have to be active inside the fighting pits to maintain their current rating.

The maximum rating level will be at 3000, reaching the maximum rating of total of 3000 will make the player able to access a special effect/trail over his head which the player can use inside the arena brawl.

If a player/a team have 3000 rating at the end of the month each of the member will recieve a throphy with their name written on it [lore item] There will also be unique rewards depending on which Type of arena you choose [1v1,2v2,3v3,4v4,5v5]

Defeating an enemy team/player will also grant you 25 Regals, this will however have a cooldown on 12 hours.

This is just a rough version of what i have on my mind, If the Staff is interested in this i would be happy to start on this project.

Feedback is much appreciated :)

@qgmk @MonMarty
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A very neat idea especially if the arenas are simply designed and focus on function and lag reduction. This could get to the heart of PvP with fair competition in a lag reduced environment while also getting past any negative ideas of unfairly throwing mcmmo and vampires plugins under the bus that have been floating around out there lately, because this would be a bubble that would deactivate those plugins for the arena purposes only and spare the rest of the server from having these plugins deactivated/reset/nuked on a whole scale basis as that would surely make a lot of people sad and upset.

Definitely some form of ranking system based on achievements done during combat should be looked into. This would be in addition to the current mcmmo leaderboard which focuses on achievements prior to combat (hours of darkroom training). A few years back I was really into a FPS and highly enjoyed the immediate feedback in stats after each map as well as having my overall server stats tracked on gametracker. It was the perfect balance of the little picture (each match/map) vs the big picture (combined total of achievements on the server). As someone who was highly motivated to be ranked on the leaderboard, I imagine more ranks and recognition would be a good stimulant to massivecraft PvP.

This is just an opinion coming from someone who is a third party and has no vested interest in massivecraft PvP, but who has had lots of experience in the past with competitive online combat.
