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Arcane Notice - The Brissac Hauntings - A Seeming Success?


As Issued by the Office of Arcane Registry & Security

Joint Efforts with the Imperial Tabloids


Following the efforts of the Office of Arcane Regulations & Security against the Poltergeist haunting La Maisonette de Brissac, the Arcane Office has indeed confirmed the existence of the Poltergeist. Just last eve, Arcane Officers were spotted warding the perimeter of the haunting site with chains of Lapis Lazuli woven against the iron bars of the residence - the effect of which was almost instantaneous. Immediately Citizens were quick to report a drop in the eerily gravitating pull that the haunting site emanated, alongside dreams devoid of nightmares.

Despite this seemingly certain victory, the Arcane Office has declared a quarantine on the site, having fortified the prior rusted and unkempt iron bars surrounding the home. Having deemed the Poltergeist a powerful arcane threat, despite its seemingly sturdy containment, the Arcane Office has warned against any attempts to enter the site. To meet the concerns of the parents and caretakers to those children still supposed within the Site, the Arcane Office has ensured that the greatest lengths are being taken to secure the safety of those trapped within.

When asked to comment on whether it was the Arcane Office's prerogative to rescue those trapped within the haunting site at the expense of the exorcism, or vice-versa, they offered no response forwards.

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