Preserved Sheet Apollonia Tzavaras Ishmael

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Dec 28, 2013
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the cursed village of DARGAVS
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Basic Information
  • Full Name: Apollonia Lysistrate Darejan Tzavaras Ishmael.
    • آپولونیا دارجانی اسماعیل
    • Απολλωνία Λυσιστράτη Δαρέξαν (დარეჯან) Τζαβάρας Ισμαήλ.
  • Age: 28.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Ailor, 3/4 Etosian and 1/4 Claith.
  • Main Ambition: Exacting revenge on those who she feels have wronged her, and the acquisition of power.
  • Apollonia is the Duchess of Kavosikion. She has been living in Regalia for several years and originally arrived there to seek adventure and power. Some past places of residence include:
    • The Barony of Loukaḯtion, held by Plenora Estomneona.
    • Pargemnon, the capital of the Duchy of Kavosikion.
    • Qardhba, Al-Alus.
    • Lieu Sancte, Basta.
    • The County of Lamadeleide.
    • Regalia.
  • Apollonia was born in the Barony of Loukaḯtion in Etosil, on July 14th to Chrysanthos Tzavaras, and his consort, Xanthippe Tzavaras nee Estomneona. As the eldest child, it was decided that she would be the heiress to the lands.
  • Some other goals of Apollonia's would be:
    • To liberate the Songaskia from the bounds of racism and bigotry.
    • To learn several more languages (bits and pieces to be used conversationally). Most notably Saivallen.
    • To grant her duchy to her husband Kaleel so that she can avoid the stresses of a political life whilst remaining a duchess (albeit a consort). Furthermore, Apollonia would like to give her son Dima a county or a duchy, as he is far more politically adept.
    • Get control of gangs and take down Usque Galenas.

Skill Information
  • School: Martial Nicoloan fighting, light magic (cutting, barrier and blinding), starlight magic.
  • Levels
    • Formerly an Usario in Nicoloan Fighting, but Apollonia sacrificed some of her abilities for the sake of having magic in her repertoire. Currently at the physical level of an alumno, but retains the knowledge and experience of an Usario.
    • No given levels of starlight, but she's been training for several months.
    • Caster level in cutting, barrier and blinding light.
  • Sources
    • Barrier light from a tome given several years ago.
    • Cutting and blinding light from her husband's niece.
    • Starlight from a tome.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Amber.
  • Hair Color: Auburn.
  • Hair Style: Wavy and touching her shoulders, with bangs.
  • Skin Color: Light tan.
  • Clothing: Long and flowy gowns, though she'll alternate between multiple styles.
  • Height: 5'1
  • Weight: 129 lbs.
  • Body Build: Pear shaped and somewhat plump.
  • Weapon of Choice: Cutting light and/or brass knuckles.
  • Face references [1] [2] [3] [4]
  • For the most part, the woman wears a blank expression on her ovular visage. With long, dark eyelashes and wide-set amber colored eyes, Apollonia often gives the impression of being innocent at a glance. She has a slightly up-turned nose, appearing rather playful and perhaps childish, although it can certainly veer into a snobbish exterior. Plump, often reddish painted lips are also a noticeable attribute. Apollonia's eyebrows are bushy and thick, and rarely does she ever try to make them look nicer. She already shaves her arms, and she certainly has no intention to do anything more than that, so she will not further waste her own precious time. Apollonia's skin tone is a relatively light tan, due to her being from the Middle Isles of Etosil. Freckles speckle her face, covering her nose and her cheeks. This is not a common trait, especially from her heritage. Her hair is of a light auburn color, and is curly and mildly untamable. However, Apollonia manages to make her hair merely wavy in some time consuming beauty routines. It is let down behind her back on most occasions, however she will pin it up into a braided bun when she deems it to be necessary.
  • Apollonia stands at a fairly unremarkable height of five feet and one inch, weighing 129 pounds. One could consider her to be fairly plump due to eating habits and pregnancies, but most of the fat she acquires lies in her hips. The woman boasts a pear body shape, with wide hips larger than her bust, and a well defined waist. Most of Apollonia's muscle can be found in her arms, which she maintains through plenty of exercise and practice in Nicoloan Fighting. Apollonia has a considerable amount of body hair that is more obvious on her arms rather than her legs. She shaves whenever she feels it's a good time to do so by using her razor, but tries to avoid it for as long as she can because injuring herself is definitely possible.
  • Tattoos consist of:
    • A Ch'ien styled fortune cat on her waist.
  • A pomegranate necklace can be found around Apollonia's neck 24/7. It was a gift from Kaleel given to her after Dima's birth. She wears earrings every day and usually alternates between a few: Flowerite, lapis lazuli and ruby are her favorites. The lapis earrings are intended to deceive the public from thinking Apollonia is a mage. On the ring finger of her right hand, Apollonia wears a golden ring as a graduation gift. The ring finger of her left hand is home to a sapphire wedding ring that she will only take off while bathing. In addition to a wedding ring from Kaleel is an emerald and sapphire engagement ring, situated on her middle finger. It is much more simplistic in design but Apollonia has a sentimental attachment to it.
  • Apollonia speaks with a breathy, fairly high pitched voice, which naturally lowers to sound even breathier whenever she finds herself in the presence of an attractive individual. She tends to roll her "R"s and pronounces things a bit differently than they are in common, but otherwise she has the equivalent of a normal British accent.
  • Languages spoken:
    • Etosian, native tongue 10/10
    • Common, native tongue 10/10
    • Qadiriq, 9/10
    • Tatsugo, 6/10
    • Daendroque, 4/10
    • Saivallen, from lessons, 1/10

Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits
  • Neutral trait 1 - Emotional: For her whole life, Apollonia has worn her feelings on her sleeve, unafraid of showing the world her joys and sorrows. This unfortunately makes her a fairly easy target of teasing. To her, one of the worst feelings imaginable is not being liked by someone regardless of whether or not she respects them. A negative aspect of this is that she is prone to hopping on the bandwagon to be liked, even if Apollonia does not personally agree with a concept. While she won't openly acknowledge this quality, Apple just wants to be popular and liked by all. This is of course an unrealistic standard, but she cannot help it for the most part. She's just a very open book when it comes to her feelings and is not used to the concept of bottling them up.
  • Neutral trait 2 - Religious: While Apollonia's parents would have certainly wanted their children to have a pious upbringing, they were not around enough to enforce it. Apple's governess, a devout practitioner of the Old Gods, deliberately withheld a religious education from Apollonia for as long as she could get away with doing so. By the time more devout family members caught on to the fact that none of Chrysanthos and Xanthippe's children could recite any of the verses of the faith, Apollonia was around ten -- no longer quite as malleable. As she grew, her own secular beliefs further developed even as Apollonia began attending mass. To the Etosian, reading religious texts or engaging in practices was strictly for the purpose of education, an attitude maintained until she was living in Lieu Sancte in her early twenties. Perhaps due to her extreme depression at the time, the woman resorted to constant prayer to alleviate her suffering, and found it to be quite successful. She attends mass every day whenever possible, but in private worships the saints of Etosian Unionism.
  • Neutral trait 3 - Quiet: Though she's typically a gregarious individual, in the wrong company Apollonia is often scared into silence, trying her best to remain in the background. One could describe it as a defense mechanism to prevent herself from making the wrong impression, though it most certainly can backfire and display the woman as disinterested. This is exacerbated by her struggle with maintaining eye contact with those she is unfamiliar with. However, this gradually fades away as one gets to know her better. And she'll almost certainly be more openly weird.
  • Positive trait 1 - Tolerant: As a mother, it's safe to say that Apollonia has had her fair share of unusual experiences, especially with one of her children being of mixed racial percentage. One could say that a result of this is her willingness to learn about new ideas and seeing new things. She generally won't judge the topic at hand unless she feels it is morally wrong, and tries to understand both sides of an issue. People have different opinions and their morals may not be the exact same, and that's something Apple mostly respects. HOWEVER, one should note that she has difficulty empathizing with the other side of the conflict if she has any involvement in it.
  • Positive trait 2 - Passionate: Whether it is mathematics, Nicoloan Fighting, magic or raising her children, Apollonia puts an impressive amount of effort into whatever she does. Assuming she finds it worthwhile, of course. This evidently translates to her child rearing. Some think she is abusive for forcing Mirwen and Dima to practice dance or their instruments for hours on end (among the many other pressures she puts onto them), but Apple's high standards for each of her kids come from her genuine belief that they can achieve greatness with practice. She spends so much time ensuring they become child prodigies and math whizzes because Apple knows they can. And she will not let them settle for less when they are capable of so much MORE.
  • Positive Trait 3 - Benevolent: As cruel, austere and unnecessarily vengeful Apollonia is often perceived to be, she genuinely wishes for the best. Some of her morals and perceptions of right and wrong are a far cry from what's typically acceptable, and the woman has trouble realizing that. When she calls her children trash, Apple expects them to realize that she does not actually think they're trash, but that their behavior is. When she makes disparaging remarks about her family and friends, it's only because she wishes to help them and does not know how to phrase it better. Overall, Apollonia's intentions are simply misunderstood.
  • Negative trait 1 - Hedonistic: Although she has been putting a sincere effort forth in staying sober, Apollonia has the tendency to indulge in materialistic pleasures. Eating is oftentimes the first coping mechanism that comes to mind, but lately she's been ingesting large doses of her prescribed medication in a desperate attempt to treat her anxiety. These horrible habits and the susceptibility to addiction likely stem from Apollonia's impulsivity. Assuming she doesn't splurge on alcohol and food, Apple goes to tea as the next best thing.
  • Negative trait 2 - Vindictive: An eye for an eye is a principle Apple adheres to as law. Even as a mature adult, it is exceedingly difficult for her to see things as more than black and white. If someone inflicts harm upon her, she will undeniably strike back, perhaps even more cruelly than what was initially dealt to her. There are exceptions to this, however: if Apollonia feels as though the instigator feels remorse for their actions and adequately conveys said remorse, she is willing to forgive. But she will not forget.
  • Negative trait 3 - Cruel: Though she means well at the end of the day, Apollonia believes that the ends almost always justify the means. When it comes to disciplining her children or students, the woman is often times ruthless, having no qualms with verbal degradation or even corporal punishment. Of course, she does not intend to cause any long term mental issues and expects whoever is on the receiving end to find it reasonable. The term "child abuse" means virtually nothing to Apollonia, who has been accustomed to physical punishment ever since her childhood. She's always been cruel to an extent, but has gotten significantly harsher as a result of the infidelity on her husband's part.
  • Negative trait 5 - Jumpy: At a glance, Apple generally seems a bit anxious and jittery. She's easily spooked by things that include, but are not limited to: loud noises, gore, tall people, and the dark. Her small stature only adds to the worry, thinking that she could be a target of assault by a criminal. The physical symptoms of this manifests in a number of ways, like shortness of breath and dizziness. By no means will Apple want to stay anywhere that frightens her, usually opting to run and/or hide. However, much like Scooby and Shaggy, when push comes to shove, one can (probably) count on Apple to come save them. But only if the situation is dire enough. And if you bribe her with food.
  • Bold: Regardless of how her fellow nobles may feel about it, Apollonia is unafraid to stand out among more jejune crowds. She's eccentric as any adult who wears a butterfly costume and poses as the Social Butterfly would be, but there's nothing wrong with it... Is there? Around those she trusts, Apollonia is likely willing to reveal her renegade opinions and views. The people who change the world are the ones who think outside of the box and refuse to conform no matter what, she believes.
  • Magic: Currently, Apple is a practitioner of light magic, which she has been studying for over a year, as well as starlight, which she has only recently learned. Having been rendered incapable of physical combat, the woman has sought out another way to use her time. She's a student in both barrier, blinding and cutting light magic, and intends to learn the three sub-schools of starlight.
  • Captivating: If she puts her mind to it, Apollonia is capable of charming her way out of bad situations. Whether through harmless flirtation or posing as a damsel of distress, the countess has had years of experience with using her physical appearance to her advantage. Ironically, Apple does her best to stay 99% loyal to her marital vows.
  • ADHD: If Apollonia lived in the present day, she would most certainly be diagnosed with ADHD. A number of symptoms are displayed in her everyday life, though less so due to her medication.
    • Impulsivity: Assuming Apollonia isn't scared into silence, she'll likely blurt out answers at inappropriate times, or interrupt conversations. This has earned her more scoldings and punishments than Apple can count throughout her childhood, all which ended up in tears. But that hasn't really helped her; she still acts on impulse and emotion.
    • Hyperactivity: A common analogy but no other more true, it is like Apollonia runs on a motor. She talks excessively and has immense trouble engaging in leisure activities without being disruptive in some way. In the days of her childhood, the girl was almost always running around or climbing furniture, but with adolescence came more self control. Apple is perpetually restless and cannot stop moving, though the ways she goes about doing it are more subtle. For example, fidgeting is a common form of release for her, like squirming in her seat or idly drumming upon the table.
    • Inattentive: This is surprisingly not the most obvious symptom of Apollonia's ADHD from afar. But chances are she'll doze off or get distracted by something else if you talk to her. Maybe it's the memory of that one bad event that happened ten years ago that just resurfaced, or that adorable puppy over there. As a result, it's really difficult for Apollonia to organize her workspace, tasks, and to even follow instructions. She's been scolded countless times by her parents and by her teachers, all claiming Apple is simply disrespectful. Not to mention that she's an absolutely horrid procrastinator.
  • Untrusting: Apollonia has serious trust issues that she has no intention of fixing. After a childhood of being neglected by her parents, poor Apple has trouble making close bonds with people to this day. Her fear of rejection and heartbreak leads to her thinking loneliness is better than risking getting hurt. There are people she's known for years that have little to no information on her whatsoever. It's not like she's a compulsive liar, but Apple simply does not end up sharing a lot of things about her. On all of Aloria, there are only a few people who she trusts enough to open her heart for.
  • Crippled Arm: As a result of her right arm being severely broken at the hands of the Sorenviks, they are both damaged beyond repair. While the bone is shifted back into place and it doesn't appear abnormal to the naked eye, Apollonia's bones in her right arm are incredibly brittle. If someone of reasonable weight were to shove into her and hit her afflicted arm, it would almost certainly break once more, whereas any other body part would be alright. This has unfortunately made Apollonia incapable of doing any physical combat.
  • Short: Some may argue that being short is convenient, but Apollonia feels seriously disadvantaged because of it. Everyday struggles include, but are not limited to:
    • Always having to look up to see people's faces (which leads to neck strain).
    • Being unable to reach for things.
    • Dealing with people constantly asking if she needs help reaching for things.
    • Not being able to keep up with taller folks because shorter legs = slower pace.
    • Being ignored because Apollonia's height apparently makes it difficult for her to be noticed.
    • Constantly wondering how life appears to a tall person.
  • When nervous, scared, or surprised, Apollonia has a tendency to stutter.
  • She also makes a lot of puns. Fruit puns in particular, but any puns work. Whenever possible, even in circumstances most would consider inappropriate, Apollonia will make a pun. Especially when Paraskevas is around, because he has expressed his distaste for them.
  • Clarinet: Apollonia took up the clarinet from a young age and is now able to play it somewhat decently. Of course, this is not something she often shares with other people so barely anyone knows that she is somewhat musically inclined.
  • Describe your character's talents, their inherent abilities that truly set them apart from the common population of Aloria. These talents are the kind of abilities other people would want to go to your character for to teach them. These are things they haven't specifically developed, but have a natural affinity for.
  • Knitting: One could say Apple has an uncanny obsession with knitting scarves, hats and other articles of clothing even if it's the middle of the summer. Half of her bandana collection comes from the many things knit by her, the other half being from the places she travels to.
  • Stability: Apollonia doesn't like change that affects her life. Moving to another place gives her anxiety, because she doesn't know what to expect. Apollonia feels as if enough things have changed in her life, and she wants to know what to expect so she doesn't have to worry about what will happen to her. Rationally she knows that most likely nothing bad will happen, however those thoughts are buried deep in her mind, covered in many many layers of fear and ignorance.
  • Lettuce: Although Apollonia isn't actually particularly fond of the vegetable due to its blandness, she frequently craves it during her time of the month. It's not a rare occasion to see her carrying a small wooden bowl of lettuce around and eating from it. Her cravings for lettuce slightly differ from each other, though. During a mere monthly occurrence, Apollonia would prefer to eat the vegetable with toppings or sauce. However, if she is craving lettuce during pregnancy, the woman would rather eat it plain.
  • Masculinity
  • Songaskia men
  • Exoticism
  • FOOD
    • Songaskia, Etos and Chi cuisines.
    • Tea (unsweetened tea)
    • Cantaloupes.
    • Watermelon
    • Fruit
    • Pomegranates are a symbol of fertility and love, and Apollonia uses it as her personal emblem. They represent loyalty and her devotion to being a mother to her children and a wife to Kaleel. After she confessed love to him, Kaleel offered her a pomegranate which they shared in between passionate kisses. Not to mention, they are excellent aphrodisiacs ;)
  • Alt-Regalians: They're generally associated with war, oppression of women and beliefs that quite simply have no place in this world today.
  • Being Alone: There are few things in Aloria that Apollonia fears more than being alone.


  • Xanthippe Estomneona Tzavaras ["Oh gross."]
  • Chrysanthos Tzavaras ["I used to dislike him, but now I think the man is just amusing."]
    • She certainly respects his newfound religious devotion, that's for sure.
  • Terpsichore Tzavaras ["She's the living proof that one does not need to be your mother to be the one you look to as one."]
    • Out of all the adults in Apollonia's childhood, none were as inspiring to her as Aunt Terpsichore. This woman was the one who taught her to ignore all the haters and that Apple could do anything she wanted with her life. Though Aunt Terpsichore frequently pushed Apollonia to her very limits in terms of the workload she was given, it was all to prepare her for life in the real world. In Apple's opinion, there was never a woman more loving, more motherly than Aunt Terpsichore -- and she'd never even had children of her own.
  • Soraya Lexen, nee Tzavaras Ishmael ["My favorite daughter."]
    • Out of all her children, Soraya is the nicest, and certainly treats her mother the best.
  • Dima Tzavaras Ishmael ["Certainly the most competent of my children. I chose my heir well."]
    • Defying stereotypes about men is something Dima seems to do a pretty good job at. He's soft spoken, poised, articulate, and wants to be a dancer more than anything in the world. If you asked him, he'd tell you that he'd gladly take up the position as the Duke of Kavosikion whenever it was time; politics intrigue him as much as art.
Romantic Interests
  • Kaleel Tzavaras Ishmael ["The love of my life, the bearer of my heart, my other half."]
    • At the mere mention of his name, Apple gets butterflies. Every time she sees her husband's face, she falls back in love. In the relationships that occurred after Kaleel's year and a half long departure, Apollonia continually felt a dull aching in her heart. These were all bandages to bullet holes, ineffective attempts at replacing one of the few individuals loved unconditionally by her. While their relationship has been… tumultuous to say the least, Apollonia knows for certain that there is not one person on all of Aloria who she would rather be with.
  • Marion Devereux de Gavray ["I idolized her. I still idolize her."]
    • Saying Apollonia merely looked up to Marion would be a huge understatement, as it goes much deeper than that. The Ithanian woman is almost everything Apple aspires to be, and for that, she idolizes her. Apple had always thought of herself as heterosexual, but subconsciously started to question that from the very day she met the Devereux.
  • Hippolytos Tzavaras ["No! I do not fancy him in any way!"]
    • Usually, Apollonia is against relationships between close family members, but she never really spent much time with Hippolytos growing up, and thus had not grown to view him as a brother. When he finally came to Regalia after being newly released from the Viridian Castle, Apollonia firstly noticed just how handsome Hippo was. She mostly disregarded these latent desires, as she logically knew that this man was her brother. Plus, she was married and happy. Nonetheless, Apple still has trouble accepting that Hippo is presumably off limits, but if Kaleel weren't in the picture, she'd undoubtedly flock to him.
Close Friends/Trusted
  • Kaoruko Tae ["I do wish I could adopt her, but my status dictates that I refrain."]
    • Kaoruko is a sweet little girl whom Apollonia adores as if she were one of her own children. As of right now, Kaoruko is the personal maid and the ward of Apollonia. Of course, the countess frowns upon the fact that Kaoruko is half-Wulong, so she puts a considerable effort into ensuring that the young girl looks as Ailor as can be. Interestingly enough, Apollonia is just as tough on the child as she is on her own offspring, subjecting her to hours of grueling practice on the piano, yet isolating Dima, Idris, Soraya, and Mirwen from their would-be sibling. After all, Apollonia is the only sort of parent that Kaoruko ever had.
  • Johann Wodenstaff ["I want him to find love. He's a good egg."]
    • It's not often that Apollonia pities people, but Johann is a special case. He's absolutely inept at finding girls and is incredibly awkward as a whole. In a weird, messed up way, Apollonia finds it adorable, but mostly she feels bad. He's helped her out a lot in the past, and for that she will forever appreciate his services.
  • Lorenzo Martinez ["I trust him with my life."]
    • sadkfjas
  • Aedhlynn Rhuiviel-Baudh ["I never thought I could trust her. How wrong I was."]
    • Aedhlynn is utterly fascinating and even exotic in Apple's mind. She values her as a close friend in spite of the Silvert's less than flattering heritage. However, by the time Apollonia found out which of the Vices Aedhlynn was born to, it was already too late to burn bridges over that fact (even though Apollonia kind of felt tempted to). Currently, Aedhlynn is the godmother of Apollonia's most recent daughter, and named the child Mirwen.
  • Baroness Vixen ["She's an enigma."]
    • Vixen is mysterious and alluring, which conveniently happens to be some of Apollonia's favorite qualities. Apple can only wonder where Vixen is from, and why she lacks a proper name.
  • Madeleine d'Eluise ["She is a disgusting person, inside and out."]


Life Story

Apollonia was born to Chrysanthos Tzavaras and Xanthippe Estomneona in Etosil, their second child after Paraskevas (several years older).

Chrysanthos and Xanthippe were predominantly absent throughout Apollonia's childhood, coming to visit for special family reunions, business, and times shortly before another child was birthed. For the most part, they showed little to no affection for any of their offspring, but spoiled each of them with gifts in place of their presence.

Upon reaching adolescence, Apollonia's brother Paraskevas was arranged to marry his second cousin, Sophronia. From their marriage, a child was immediately born: Aikaterine Mnemosyne Tzavaras.

Apollonia, Paraskevas, Sophirona and her brother Milo all went to college together, spending a fair amount of their time out partying like irresponsible parents. A few years after Aikaterine was born, Sophirona fell pregnant again and gave birth to her and Paraskevas's second daughter, Avra. This deeply affected Apollonia, who did not particularly want children after witnessing the horrors of childbirth.

During a college vacation in Al-Alus, Apple met a handsome Songaskia named Kaleel Ishmael. Despite their twenty year age gap, he was incredibly alluring. Almost instantly, Kaleel was head over heels in love with Apple, so he snatched her and married her in spite of the woman's reluctance. For a while after moving into Kaleel's household, Apple resided in the harem, where she was nicknamed Darejan.

Apollonia fell pregnant on their wedding night, and gave birth to Dima Pelagios and Soraya Morvarid Tzavaras Ishmael, her first children, nine months later. Throughout her pregnancy, she endured some levels of abuse and as such, developed trust issues and a sense of paranoia that never truly disappeared.

Two years after Dima and Soraya were born, Apollonia fell pregnant again and had a daughter, Isela.

When she was eighteen, Apollonia began taking classes in Nicoloan Fighting after reading a book on Adela Torina. She was unfortunately met with scorn by some of her diehard pacifistic family members, but found their opinions irrelevant and disobeyed them.

For a brief time, Apollonia split with Kaleel as he went off to war in Caliphene. Prior to his leave, he told her to not wait for him in case he died. Due to her loneliness, Apollonia sought emotional refuge by courting Atilio Amaya. Their relationship did not last for more than a year and a half, as Kaleel returned to Apollonia and they could not stay apart by any means. While remaining on good terms with Atilio, the two divorced. This was when Apollonia found a tome on light magic and began learning from it, only advancing to student level thus far.

In the recent months, Apollonia took it upon herself to learn starlight magic, and is rather decent at each subform. Merely to keep up with her physical abilities, her magic isn't really paid too much attention to and the woman does not intend to advance any further.

In a horrific turn of events, a plotted kidnapping occurred which led to Apollonia breaking both legs and her nose, getting stabbed in one arm and permanently maiming the other. This rendered her incapable of physical combat, so she has decided to learn starlight magic in addition to light.

Her life chronicles are linked here.




Face claim: Felicity Jones


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I am reviewing this character!

  • Clearly Appolonia has not been trained in combat. I'd like you to add that as a weakness to her character.
  • Make sure you emphasize a tad more, perhaps in Combat Styles, she has no formal training with weaponry. Other than that, this looks awesome, and I look forward to approving Appolonia when you make that edit. Please tag me when you're done. @GoldenCoconuts


Hi, for the weakness I should add about the lack of formal training in combat, should I add another strength to balance it out?

It's up to you. I see no reason to add another strength (more weakness than strength is good for character balance) but if you'd like to add one, you may.
yoyo here to review:
  • Basic information: This isn't mandatory, but it seems you added a bit too much on your Main Ambition. Again, mainly just for me. Mainly typing "Romance" or "Love" could possibly work and the rest to Basic Information Expansion. BUT, the Information Expansion isn't to be reviewed.
  • Visual information: Also not mandatory, adding " after 1 in Height (I think I said this mainly because of my OCD, lol).
  • Visual information: I would not really call Apollonia's bodyguards her Weapon of Choice(s). Again, not 100% sure, but I don't see them as a "main weapon".
  • Personality traits: There are only 3 sentences on Childish. Add 1 more and it seems fine.
  • Personality traits: Being Quiet and Childish seem to contradict from each other. I would add more to this as how these two traits reflect off each other and so on and so forth.
  • Strengths: Add 1 more sentence to Primal Magic to fit the minimum requirement. Improvising on this bullet is also seemingly needed, as you don't really include on how this is a strength for her.
  • Weaknesses: I can't see how being a Martyr relates to jumping into danger. Replace Martyr with something else that fits what you say. Oh, and whatever this weakness will be how will it bash against Jumpy? As she is scared times to times and now she is willing to jump into danger, you did not provide much information on how the two effect each other.
  • Weaknesses: Putting Pregnancy seems to be some sort of shortcut for another weakness. I don't see how being pregnant can really affect her permanently in the mean time as a weakness to put on here.
  • Life story: There is only a limit of 3-4 paragraphs. You have 9 paragraphs on your life story. Combine the paragraphs together into 3 or 4 and you seem to be fine.
Sorry if this was short or something like that, was really burnt out at the moment.
Greetings @Fillyjonk ! Thank you for your patience.
  • For your personality traits, they seem tipped in favour of negative traits. Childish is more of a negative trait, which would give you three negative, two positive, and one neutral. I suggest either replacing a negative with a neutral, or rewording Childish to make it more neutral.
  • I'm hesitant to allow Hypotension as a weakness, seeing that this can be done at a whim. I'm going to ask that you replace this.
  • Selfless is described as her tossing away her fears, making it almost more like a strength. I'm going to ask you reword it.
  • Throw in a combat weakness. I always imagined Apollonia being kind of a klutz, so maybe that could give you inspiration, or maybe even say how her ADHD might have something to do with one.
  • How and when did Apollonia get marked with a spirit, and when did she gain the two other charms? That's important to include.
Mark your edits in blue, and tag me when you're done.
Hello @Fillyjonk, considering @Suzzie originally reviewed this app I feel as though it would be better for her to review the changes you've made. Best of luck in getting your re-review approved though!
  1. Added cruel to personality traits.
  2. Added vindictive to personality traits.
  3. Expanded on her jewelry! Rings, earrings, etc. Also added reference pictures.
@Out_Of_Harmsway @TotallyNotRice @xSketchedCrystal

Also, for funsies I'm going to throw in a response to a character development exercise.
  • Health
    • Food: Apollonia is of an affluent financial background and thus can afford more food than she even needs.
    • Shelter: Never once has the woman found herself concerned about whether or not she can afford to live comfortably.
    • Employment: As a Baroness, Apollonia has no need for an additional job.
  • Affection
    • Friendship: Apollonia has a plethora of friends, though there are only a few individuals outside her famil who she considers especially close to her: Theo Ruest, Kaleel Ishmael, and Rosathine Tzavaras (nee Crawley).
    • Family: For the most part, Apollonia is on courteous terms with everyone in her family (except for Melpomeni, who was disowned by her). She demands respect from each of her relatives and receives such.
    • Love: Apple is relieved to be in a stable relationship with her soulmate Kaleel after a case of neglection and infidelity. The couple has resolved the issues, but it has caused Apollonia to be more inclined to lashing out in rage. Recently she almost broke Melpomeni's fingers, but she refrained from doing so -- only because of the legal repercussions.
  • Understanding
    • As a scholar, Apollonia couldn't be happier to learn all sorts of new things every day. She can be found reading, writing or doing something involving academics a good 90% of the time. As a Nicoloan Fighter, Apple practices every day to perfect her abilities and stay in the top physical condition.
  • Participation
    • Apollonia does not feel understood by her peers, but at the same time she does not really care.
    • However, there is a longing to be doing more for the Empire, and Apollonia yearns for more political relevance.
  • Leisure
    • Regardless of whether or not Apple's on vacation, she's still going to be working. That does not pose much of a problem to her because the woman enjoys studying all the time. Most of her trips are educational in some form.
  • Creation
    • Apollonia feels like she'll undeniably leave a legacy behind when she passes. Due to frequent pregnancies, she feels like her life is almost always on the line, so she chooses to live it to the fullest whenever possible.
  • Freedom
    • Pregnancy is arguably the biggest obstacle to Apollonia, as she constantly needs to watch what she does or where she goes to prevent something catastrophic from happening.
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@Aespair I did some major rewrites, removing primal magic entirely from her and replacing it with light magic! Whenever starlight magic comes out, I intend to add that to her abilities in addition to light magic, or as a replacement.
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Let's get riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight into the review!
  • What level of magic is she? If she's anything above student, you will have to remove Nicoloan fighting. (Put it in her weapon of choice)
  • What is her birthdate?
  • Why did Kaleel marry her twice?
Make the edits in red and tag me when you're done.
@Aespair Edits completed!

Do you mean anything above caster?
Student is the highest she can be because she has both healing light and cutting light unless you remove Nicoloan. In one of your previous posts, you mentioned having letter magic in addition to light magic, but I can't find it anywhere in the app. This is good because light magic and letter magic are not possible to have at the same time.

Student is the highest she can be because she has both healing light and cutting light unless you remove Nicoloan. In one of your previous posts, you mentioned having letter magic in addition to light magic, but I can't find it anywhere in the app. This is good because light magic and letter magic are not possible to have at the same time.

hahaha i'm so indecisive okay i put this back into needs reviewer because i scrapped light magic and replaced it with STARLIGHT. because i don't think you can have both at the same time, right?
hahaha i'm so indecisive okay i put this back into needs reviewer because i scrapped light magic and replaced it with STARLIGHT. because i don't think you can have both at the same time, right?
You can have them both at the same time because they're both Celestial Magic, though having them both will need you to remove Nicoloan fighting.
You can have them both at the same time because they're both Celestial Magic, though having them both will need you to remove Nicoloan fighting.
Oh yeah, I already removed light magic when I put her back into re review. I was just curious for future reference.
In the recent months, Apollonia took it upon herself to learn the basics of cutting light magic, and is a student thus far. Merely to keep up with her physical abilities, her magic isn't really paid too much attention to and the woman does not intend to advance any further.
Also just change this to Starlight Magic please.
Unless she's only crippled temporarily, you may want to replace Nicoloan fighting with a different strength.
Unless she's only crippled temporarily, you may want to replace Nicoloan fighting with a different strength.
Well, for a few IC months i want her to be unable to walk without a cane, but not permanently maimed in that regard. However, apple's right arm (dominant arm) will be damaged so that she can do very little with it (like lifting anything heavy up). When she's recovered, she'll still be able to punch with her left arm and kick with her legs. But her right arm would be incredibly weak and brittle, likely with muscular atrophy. Thoughts? we can discuss in skype if you'd like.
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