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Played Character Aoife Avhaalor Nemmíre

This character is actively played.
Feb 11, 2024
Reaction score
In the middle of a bustling city.

Current Ref by CoacoBerry!

Character Info

Full name: Aoife Avhaalor Nemmire
Former: Aoife Avhaalor (Last name before being adopted)
Former: Aoife Avhaalor Kialooral (Last name after being adopted into the Kialoraal family)

Heritage: Fin'ullen

Birthdate: July 6th.

Gender/Pronouns: She/her

Former: Volunteer Medic, Bartender
Current: Private Practice Doctor.

Sathyk [UNMASKED]:

Sathyk was Aoife's Merfolk form, used in cooperation with Aeigpane to fight Vampires. This is no longer used with Aeigpane cured, and Sathyk was unmasked during a kidnapping.

'Reaven': A black-cloaked and silver-masked figure. The cloak resembles a raven's wings.

  • Fin'ullen can breathe underwater without any Abilities and can also see perfectly underwater without blurring their vision, allowing them to stay submerged indefinitely.
  • Fin'ullen can perform incredible feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders, etc.). They also gain +5 in out-of-comb dice roll Strength competitions.
  • Fin'ullen can use Persuasion /Dice on Spirits even without Charisma Proficiency and gain a +2 Bonus.


-Aoife embodies a complex contradiction when it comes to her outward persona. Despite being a Limited Purist, a group typically characterized by their strict adherence to purity and separation from Mage communities, she comfortably maintains a romantic relationship with her Mage girlfriend. This unexpected association allows her to smoothly navigate social circles filled with other Mages, further complicating her public image. Her behavior often raises eyebrows, especially when she is seen collaborating with the Lothar Order, an organization that many view as controversial due to its rigid policies and enforcement of anti-magic. Aoife's willingness to engage with individuals regardless of their Arkenborn status, Affliction, or other societal labels showcases her open-mindedness, yet some within her community question her motives—an inquiry that remains largely unanswered. Perhaps even more intriguing is what could be described as an 'open secret' surrounding her ties to the Hoterie, a clandestine group that became especially prominent during the Amontaar event. While Aoife would vehemently deny any formal association with the Hoterie if confronted directly, her actions speak volumes. Her involvement in their plans has become increasingly evident to those paying close attention, effectively explaining her ease in mingling among various factions and societies. Through her covert support of the Hoterie, Aoife seems to have carved out a unique position for herself that allows her to bridge disparate worlds while maintaining her own enigmatic identity.

-Despite her adventurous spirit, Aoife is, at her core, a true bookworm. She has an unwavering admiration for Juvin and Ness, often losing herself in their stories and teachings. Her passion for literature extends beyond mere enjoyment; she finds solace and excitement in exploring diverse cultures, philosophies, and ideas through the pages of her favorite books.

-Aoife embodies the quintessential Fin'ullen characteristic of being direct and forthright, often communicating in a manner that is succinct and devoid of superfluous words. A no-nonsense approach marks her conversations; she tends to focus solely on the essential points, which can sometimes be overly blunt or dismissive. Despite this, she has a genuine desire to connect with others on an emotional level. However, she often finds herself grappling with the complexities of empathy. Instead of offering warmth or understanding, she gravitates towards providing practical solutions to problems, believing that addressing issues head-on is the most effective way to help. This inclination may lead her to overlook the emotional nuances of a situation, resulting in a communication style that prioritizes resolution over emotional support.

Attack Stat: d7 - DEX

Defense Stat: d3 - CON

[15/15 points spent]

Proficiency Points

Strength: 0

Constitution: 3

-Rebound Pack
-Breather Pack
-Fortitude Pack

Intelligence: 4

-Safeguard Pack [Mundane]
-Wardrobe Pack [Mundane]
-Puretek Reload
-Puretek Sanction

Wisdom: 0

Dexterity: 7

-Escape Artist Pack
-Disguise Pack
-Ranger Stance [Free]
-Ranger Tag
-Ranger Entrapment
-Ranger Fan

Faith: 0

Magic: 0

Charmisa: 1

-Undisclosed Presence Pack

- Aoife was a burglar in Mineria who worked for a criminal group.
- She turned to crime out of boredom and a desire for excitement.
- Aoife ignores risks in various situations and never considers the odds involved.
- She believes there is a spark of good in everyone.
- Someone she cared for died because of a mistake she made, and she is determined that it will never happen again.
- Whenever she sees something valuable, she often wants to steal it.
-She belongs to the Hoterie Guild. Guild members and folks interested in joining are free to approach her.
-Is a Limited Purist.


"I will love you until your face is fogged by memory; I will love you even if you don't marry me and someone else, or never at all. That is how I will love you, even as the world goes on its wicked ways." 10/10

-Sponsored Myka pre-Celate to attend Unionist College
-Met her at Yololt's bar
-Started dating during Amontaar
-Continued to date after returning to Amontaar
-Saved by her from pirates


"Just because you carry it well doesn't mean it's not a burden." 5/10

-Grill Archon. That's it. That's the pun.
-She doesn't know much about him other than that he may be ancient.


"You collect scars because you want proof that you are paying for the sins you've committed." 6/10

-Met him the second week she arrived at Reaglia
-Crash course history lesson about Reaglia's history
-She learned about the blue book...
-Tricked him with the book to reveal his first secret. (She felt really guilty afterward)
-Started to work more closely with him in Amontaar
-Tipped him off about the official investigation in Amontaar
-Was recused by him on their return to Reaglia from pirates
-Considers him a friend.


"My biggest fear is that eventually you will see me the way I see myself." 5/10

-Does she want Aoife to be her mentor? This terrifies her. Aoife hopes she won't fail Maryna...


"Can you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be?" 5/10

-He told her Erwin's second secret.
-She knows Adagio's first secret from her observations.
He saved his life after his arm got ripped off during a duel.


"A big part of who you are is what you are not." 6/10

-He told her his story about Erwin and how he came to respect the Lothar Order.
-Provides excellent advice and has a good heart.
-She considers him a friend.


"You make jokes because you're afraid to take anything seriously. Because if you take things seriously, they matter." 4/10




By LemonGrace on Cara


By My Story Animated


No Credit Given :(
Last edited:
Ooh, your art is so pretty!

So, the Stance rule can be a little confusing, but the general idea is that Stances provide some extra bonuses while also limiting what packs you can buy. The reason is to help keep things balanced so that no one character can do everything, but needs other characters in roleplay to help fill in their gaps.
Currently, you have both Medical and Cutthroat packs, which are Stance Abilities. You also have Knockback Sweep, which is only available to characters that have no Stances at all. However, even with Knockback removed, you still have enough points to get the free Weapon Throw pack.
Whether you would be better off keeping Cutthroat or Medical depends on what you want to do with your character. If you want her to primarily be a rougish fighter, Cutthroat will be better for you. If you want her to be more support, Medical will be better, but your fighting abilities will be more limited. If it was primarily the Revive ability you wanted, you can get something similar through Magic or Cleric, while if you just wanted to do everyday healing-rp (out of Combat), you can use Medical Talent.

Hopefully this helps!
Looks good to me! Only thing is that, since your points have changed, your Attack and Defense rolls have also changed. If you want to keep DEX and CON, that will give you 4 Attack and 1 Defense. But if you want to take DEX and WIS instead, you can have 4 Attack and 4 Defense.

-Moved character stuff to Google Docs.
-Snipped most non-major "indifferent" relationships. To those who were on that list, RP with me more!!
-Condensed all Mechs.
-Added Relationship cart tab, will be working on expanding those later.