Anyone Knows About This Quest?

Apr 23, 2016
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Anyone knows the answers for the altars of the Spider's Web quest from Arach'n? would be good that anyone send me them D:
I remember having @Addrion help me with this.
First you want to stand on the side of the altar that is inside the statues, or else the words will never work. I can't remember the exact wording on each one, but they are not as hard as normal.
One of the answers is Black Widow, vs what I guessed was Black Widow Spider. Also things like web and spiderweb. The wording is a bit tricky.

Also, even though you should know by now, but make sure you can kill things. Those riddles are deadly.
I haven't done this quest, but I think I may know the answers:
1.) Fangs
2.) Black Widow (I know this one because a black widow is the reason I have arachnophobia.)
3.) Poison
4.) Web
Don't kill me if I'm wrong, please.