Archived Anti Combat Logging Plugin

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Leader of SunKiss
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
The Holy SunKiss Empire
So lately I've noticed quite an increase in combat logging, which in my history has been rather lacking in Massive. I'm not really entirely sure for the reason for the change, but nonetheless, something should probably be done to stop it. The current procedure for combat logging currently just flat out sucks, because you basically have to be recording it in order to have proof, and recording 24/7 is unrealistic for a lot of people due to lag, and a pain in the ass even towards those who do. Honestly the only half-way decent argument I've ever heard against a combat logging plugin is the fact that some people lag out. And that's unfortunate. However, I've rarely ever seen anyone actually log out or crash in combat. And by rarely, I mean maybe 3 or 4 times the entire time I've played on Massive. And if you end up losing your stuff from lagging out, yes it sucks, but I really do think the benefits far outweigh that one scenario which might happen once in a blue moon. I personally don't care how it's implemented, whether through killing the person automatically or spawning an npc, I think it would result in pretty much the same thing 99% of the time, so I'd personally just be happy with whatever's easier tech-wise. Yeah.
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What if something is hooked to being PVP ACTIVE? so like if you are pvp active and disconnect something happens like it notifies staff in that cheat channel, therefore even if no staff are online it still adds to the logs for player reports that it happened.

I think this is a great idea. I may not PvP here, but I do think that combat logging is a cheap gimmick to get out of losing items. It isn't right that the PvPer who is going to make the kill to lose out on getting the loot.

Sure, maybe the person is just a builder. But if that's the case, there are a crapload of resources on the server already, so refilling an inventory isn't hard to do. If it's another PvPer that logs, then it's a coward's way out. In both scenarios, PvP logging makes PvP even less beneficial to players, as they are literally wasting durability on gear and using pots just to have their target log out for hours on end, or go on an alt someplace else.

I think a combat log plugin would be very beneficial.
This is a bad idea only because due to the server lag alot of people who crash mid fight would lose alot of their items, and yea I get it there are some degenerates who cant handle dying in pvp and they truly log but I crash occasionally because everything on massive Is so laggy these days that my internet cant handle alot of the useless crap massive added. However IF massive ever fixes itself im 100% in for this idea because its pretty Frustrating
when someone combat logs <3
I think a combat logging system is long overdue. Players get away with combat logging way too often now. I think znake actually had a pretty good idea above ^
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