Another Tigran Lore Theory


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Jul 24, 2016
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Hey! So, over the past couple of weeks I've really enjoyed playing my tigran, Ruv'en and I was reading some of these tigran origin story theories and I've come up with my own so without further ado:

-Tigrans were the dominant race of Aloria and had a strong caste system, evident through the three separate subraces.

-The Tigran race, at the time, had four subraces (Speculation, I'll get to this in a bit)

-It is believed the tigran race had access to incredible technology, perhaps even rivalling real world modern technology from what I've been told, being able to harness electricity with wires.

-Using a machine similar to the one previously in the sewers, perhaps it could be possible that the weakest subrace was pumped full of something that might have been viewed as weak in their culture (Void/Exist essence) as they can't cast in the first place. (This is by far the sketchiest point)

(All theories I've heard so far talk about void essence, although, I would suggest that perhaps it was exist essence.)

-The exist infestation could have resulted in the loss of fur and the morphing of the cat like features to more humanoid features. We've seen that void infestation has had horrific results with things like vilitatei and corruption magic, but exist energy is meant to be the complete opposite.

If this seems really half baked that's because I thought I'd just share my thoughts, a lot of the heavy thinking came from @Tra_kad and @flareskies tigran theories which I adapted to what I thought might make some sense, so if you're reading this and thinking I'm an idiot please go check out their theories! Of course, you might just be right, who knows, I could just be an idiot.
Feel free to pick this apart everyone, I'd love to hear your thoughts xo
-It is believed the tigran race had access to incredible technology, perhaps even rivalling real world modern technology from what I've been told, being able to harness electricity with wires.
While I do love the notion, I honestly personally doubt it.
Then again, with so much stuff destroyed, it's hard to really say anything firmly besides 'They had wires that probably did electrical stuff.' My Tigranic-Empire theory speculated that they had, at latest, about 1800's era technology with rifles and telegrams, thinking that the 'Complicated machinery attached to wire systems' could have been telegram systems.

Then again, like I said, it's hard to make anything concrete with the lore as-is. All we can hope for is for some kind, loving, caring people in the RP universe to go explore some Tigran ruins and not burn the whole thing down.

@Lazzulai you should help in any said endeavor because cat's are the master-race and because we all love you