Another City For Aloria


Lachlan Hearthe
Jun 4, 2013
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Ok so Aloria Is a whole contienant right and Aloria Is pretty big for Just one city (Reagalia) so... maybe another city should be added to Aloria It would be a great Role-Play opportunity for Massivecraft and It would be great for Role-Play traveling and traders,Travelers ect. Also If this idea Is taken and there Is a new city added to Aloria It would be great to be able to buy houses there aswell I would really like this to happen but...It Is not up to Just me It Is really up to what everyone else say.:)
I thought Ellador, ithinia and the others were continents and Aloria was the world. But I would
Like to see another city maybe a non human one for a different style.
Ohhh I though Aloria was Just another Contienant that holds Reagalia And Ellador,Inthia,Kelmoria,Daedroc ect were other contienants. :D
No Aloria is the Rp World of Massivecraft, and i think the Island is just Regalia or the Regalian Empire.

As far as I know there is a really little Chance that there will be added a new Human City or even Citys of other Races to the Regalian Island in near Future.

The Reason for adding no City of another Race is pretty simple, the Regalian Empire is a pure Human Empire that despises all other Races, even Dwarfs and Elves. So there is no Way they would allow these Races to build a City on their "Holy Island". That would completly go against the Lore, the only Way to add some other Citys would be if they were hidden but that is not realistic.

So adding another Humancity would be more likley, but after the extreme Makover Regalia has experienced in the last Weeks it would take a long Time until they got the Time to do that. Also I am pretty sure it is not their Top Priority.

Also in my Opinion a second City would be not helpfull at all. It will be most likely end as a Ghosttown because People will more likely stay in Regalia than running across the whole Island with just a really little Chance of finding somone to Rp.
If you want another Place to Rp, try one of the numerous beautiful Citys that were built by Rp Factions.

And travelling and tranding are also Things you can do on the other Continents, get yourself a Mule or Donkey ask a Faction if it has interest in such a Rp Trading Caravann and I am pretty sure nearly 100% will say yes and welcome you with open Arms ;) And you even can make some Money with it
There are Regalian outposts, such as the spawn of New Ceardia, which features a a few houses settled around a seraph ruin.

Regalia itself isn't really considered a continent it's just one island, and there isn't room for anything except Regalia. All of the continents have a smallish village as the spawn, but you also have to keep in mind all of the player-made cities and towns that look just as awesome as regalia in architecture, and are great roleplay hubs, like regalia.
To clear up confusion...
Aloria was once the first continent Massivecraft had, thus people sometimes refer to it as such.
However, since it was the first continent and is no longer in existence, it is now used as the entire planet that all these continents are on. RPwise its always been the name of the planet, OOCwise its sorta paying tribute to the first world Massivecraft had.
To clear up confusion...
Aloria was once the first continent Massivecraft had, thus people sometimes refer to it as such.
However, since it was the first continent and is no longer in existence, it is now used as the entire planet that all these continents are on. RPwise its always been the name of the planet, OOCwise its sorta paying tribute to the first world Massivecraft had.

What an explaining explanation. Nice one there Tech (nod)
The reason that we can't have any other central hubs like Regalia is a combination of other reasons.

Lore wise, most the other races are scattered or in disarray for one reason or another. The Naga for example were almost completely wiped off the face of Aloria by the Regalian fleet.

Community wise, we barely have enough people online to fill the main street of Regalia, much less in Regalia at any given time. I suppose when we start getting 'MASSIVE' ;) amounts of people in Regalia at any given time, it might be wise for the game staff to expand outside of Regalia. I doubt that will happen any time, so until then it's not a priority for the game staff.
There are many factions that have cities outside Regalia. All with great backstories, and architecture. Sadly there are no ways for eager travellers to get there, since no one in the playerbase wants to take on the challenge and responsibility of making and maintaining proper roads.