Preserved Sheet Ania

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Updated some of Ania's sheet. I added School of Skagger details in there; mainly the Prof. Points and Life Story have been updated. @Athelois
It was Ania's birthday yesterday. I have aged her up by one year and added a point to Shield Combat in her Proficiencies. @Athelois
  • Alright, since you wanna be smarmy. Fix your points in the parenthesis and tag me again when you're done.
@Athelois Proficiency points updated. LMK if I screwed them up - I'm bad at math
Personality and Abilities

I'm not quite sold on what's written here. From experience, Ania seems to flee from anything stressful or just becomes angry at its cause (Blame Aggression perhaps). I don't find her really able to deal with stress in a positive manner, or any logical manner for that matter, and most of the time that's a reflection of her Northern heritage which is absolutely acceptable. Reconsider this perhaps, or don't if you think the current description fits.

Law and Authorities: Is it jealousy that makes her see authority figures as lesser? Why doesn't she agree with the hierarchy? Is this a reflection of her Northern Heritage once again? Has she fully adapted to politics in the capital? Explain her stance a little better.

Arcane and Magical: How does she feel about Will of Faiths. Is this any different in her eyes?

Biggest Fear:
From experience, loss in battle isn't quite true. I would extend this to loss in General.

Life story

Gave you a list of events in discord.

Fix all this stuff and I'll hit the approval @MantaRey
Removed +4 Athletics and moved those 4 points into the following: +2 into Blades (now 18 total) and 2 into Shielding (now 9 total). Recalculated Body Stat afterwards. @BillyTheScroofy No other changes made.
character is shelved - app can be rejected.
Updated proficiencies. Some points left unused to be gained from IC stuff. @Mollymock
Aged this character down pretty significantly. Reworked proficiency points to match this. Life story is untouched since that should all be fine still. @Mollymock
@Mollymock Whoops changed my mind. Swapped some stuff around so I could get 5 Construction Art instead.