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Played Character Ana Cervantez

This character is actively played.


Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
Character Info
  • Full Name: Ana Cervantez
  • Heritage / Culture: Tierravera Ailor
  • Age: 28
  • Gender / Pronouns: Female (she/her)
  • Religion: Struggling Unionist heretic
  • Occultism: Mundane occult sympathizer
  • Character Occupation: Criminal planner, information broker, & rogue medic
  • Eyes: Muddy brown
  • Skin: Unbathed, warm-toned, and caked with dirt
  • Hair: Shags of unruly red hair
  • Body: Toned to a thief's needs
  • Notable Features: Tattered boots, multi-holed gloves
  • Summary: Rough around the edges with a fierce cut on the lip. Her hair and clothes reeked of kaffee grinds and tabacca ash.
Skill Info
  • Hobbies: Alchemy Hobby, Medical Hobby
  • Mechanics: Ailor Mechanics
  • Languages: Droque (fluent), Calem (limited), Common
Story Plots
  • Heavy Crookback advocate with an ever-evolving political agenda. Worried about Crookback's survival, Ana once fought for Crookback to be an independent, lawless state based on her extreme anarchical views on freedom. After realizing that Crookback falling into the hands of the Undercity was not to Crookback's benefit, she has since changed this view. Ana now wonders what negotiations must be made between Crookback and the State to help Crookback flourish and prevent it from being crushed under the Undercity's thugs or the State's authorities.
  • Unlawful criminal and ex-gang leader.
  • Occult-sympathizing, mundane commoner. Ana has a history of vampirism and is one of the few fortunate people to have been cured of it. It is for this reason that she fiercely advocates for vampires to be cured instead of killed, despite their misdoings under the sanguine curse. When it comes to mages, she does not involve herself with the morality of magic, so long as the magic is helpful instead of harmful to the living.
  • Authority-distrusting Crookback denizen. It takes an exceeding amount of time for Ana to trust formal authoritative figures. This includes Lothar, Viridian, Aelriggan, and Senlaya Order members. This distrust, however, does not extend to members of the Bloodcast Order because they stand for the common man. She assumes every organization and government is corrupt because its leaders are, by nature, corrupt and its members are, by nature, vulnerable to corruption.
  • Unionist heretic struggling to stay faithful. Ana was once convinced that Evolism was the way forward. After witnessing its destructive nature, she has quietly attempted to re-integrate with the Unionist crowd, albeit with great difficulty. She currently seeks priests/priestesses to confide in and "damn her secrets to."
  • Proud, hospitable Tierraveran. (To be continued).
Attack Stat = 7
Defense Stat = 5
Points Spent = 14/14

Strength = 2
Constitution = 5
Dexterity = 7
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Relationship Archives
Arash Khurr "I know what I want."

Asmita "I'll take your word for it."

Aster Aiken "A guarded doctor."

*Avril "A healer with passion."

Dante Salvatore "Good business."

Blair Vang "What happens next is in your hands."

*Emilio Clemente "One Daen to another."

Fernando "To the motherlands!"

*Henry Windrocker "The loudest of us all."

*Hunter "You carry every medic's burden."

Kaiyusa "It's impressive what you've built for yourself."

Keith "Between the two of us, you're not the villain."

Khayri El-Amin "I finally understand why you drank alone."

*Kurahe "You're still a Crookbacker."

Lieven Gwentyr "We knew it would end one day."

*Marten van Heeresveen "It's all we've got."

Nevarr "I understand why you won't take the mantle."

Rolann "Occult protector."

*Rowi Kemmotsu "Next generation."

Walter Finch "An expert."

Zevlyss "You're scary when you're on the hunt."

Einar "You trigger my guilty conscience."

Galhan "It's not real."

Isa "Khayri was right about you."

Maddox "Maybe."

Satharini "Is it justified?"

Adagio von Rolanthe "Shut up, just shut up!"

Erwin Braunschweiger "Let the soldier die."
ANA 3.0
Marten van Heeresveen
"You told me you wanted to change. You said you wished I cared. I'm sorry that I never showed it... never knew how in the ways you'd understand. Even if I can't exist in your life, at least now you know how far I'd go."

"I'll pay the price of friendship for what I think is best for you."

Khayri El-Amin
"When I die, I want to be buried on that mountain before it's blown apart."

"It's cruel what I put you through, but necessary."

"Your people-reading skills are impressive and unsettling."

Gabrielle von Caldrin
"When has a Daen ever done something good?"

"What if there was a way to work with the State, but not for it?"

"I owe you an apology but don't know how to say it."

"Your friends should be drinking with you. Not me."

Costanzo dei Fierdo
"Old Ana needs to stay dead."
ANA 2.0
Marten van Heeresveen
"The only one who sees it."

"Just like Keavy."

"May the government burn."
ANA 1.0
People she confides her sorrows to.

Anneke van Heeresveen
(8/10) "I can't tell when your armor's on or off."

Fansho/Canzawa Burch
(9/10) "You're my Slizzar."

Keavy (gone)
(8/10) "Fulgore said it was time to grow up."

Marten van Heeresveen (dead)
(8/10) "Just one more wine and whiskey."

Reginald of Calemberg
(10/10) "Our first encounter involved wine, blood, and a lawsuit. Our current encounters involve endearment."

(5/10) "Please let me care for you."

Travaisel (inactive)
(9/10) "You broke my tea pot, but it was worth it."


Costanzo dei Fierdo
(7/10) "You tolerate me more than you should."


Eloi Playero (dead)
(7/10) "There's still work to do for our people."

Iranela dei Ithania
(7/10) "I want to poison your lovers to stop them from pestering you."

Khayri El-Amin (away)
(7/10) "You're surrounded by the love and care of your crew and you're still the loneliest man alive."

Mihaela Litvinova
(7/10) "In the end, you wielded it best."

Reynard Benac
(7/10) "I never want to see you cry like that."

(8/10) "Every healer needs a healer, even when they won't admit it."


Baeldeth (away)
(6/10) "You could have told me why."

Bechard (dead)
(6/10) "Reliable business partner."

(6/10) "Thank you. I'll set more laws with my people."

Ealireleia (away)
(6/10) "I wish I had a fraction of your bravery."

Einhardt Jagger
(5/10) "I don't know what happened."

Hatharal "Heather" Drulvar
(6/10) "You look different every time I see you, but you're still Heather. You'll always be Heather."

Heinrich Wulfmacht (away)
(6/10) "The people still need you and your family."

Humaira di Civita
(6/10) "Teach me loyalty."

Leidolf Nordhjem
(6/10) "I want to sit on the farms with your company."

(6/10) "I really, really understand that."

Reselda de Gonzo
(6/10) "The streets are quiet without him."


Aldane Guentyr
(5/10) "You made it."

(6/10) "Sorry."

Avis Cordol
(4/10) "Don't you throw your tantrums. We rely on you."

(5/10) "I thought you stole my plant parts."

Celeste Venphine
(3/10) "We're medics and that's all."

Divy Rousseau
(4/10) "I'm responsible for Aurele's death and I don't know how to tell you that."

Eerikur Fjordefil
(4/10) "I don't understand what you want from me."

Eletha Darrath
(4/10) "Your cake is poisoned."

Heinrich Ciran
(4/10) "I'll cut your tongue out and feed it to the wolves."

Jonathan Mosely (away)
(3/10) "No people, no problem. To loneliness."

Theopold Castley (dead)
(2/10) "Business is business."

Triss Aduro

(4/10) "We can't be friends."

Victane de Piedmont (gone)

(2/10) "You could have stayed."

Feared or despised.

Aurele Juilette Rousseau (deceased)
(0/10) "I know I killed you."

Ibin (dead)
(0/10) "You won't take their blood. They're /my/ people."

Laeroth Minarith
(0/10) "Horseshittery."

Lily Janssen
(3/10) "You hurt my Slizzar."

Sibilia Faure (away)
(3/10) "The deal will be settled."

Sibyllad Lykke
(1/10) "I'm afraid you'll do it again."

Sivrid Sorenvik
(2/10) "Cart of horseshite that noble privilege is!"

Viggo Sorenvik
(2/10) "I don't want trouble."

Violetta de Piedmont (away)
(0/10) "You tried to blackmail me."
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Needs Re-Review
@Caelamus changes have been made in blue. Reasons outlined below. Please let me know if there is anything that requires more explanation. Also open to hearing your feedback on this.


  • REMOVED Rapier Training (8) and Elemental Sorcery (3) and CHANGED Medical Science (14) to Medical Science (15). Reason: I previously had Rapier Training and Elemental Sorcery in her character sheet, attached with a brief explanation: "learning IC." Due to IC events, this will no longer be the case as Ana is not likely to pursue this training IC. I plan to have (10) unused proficiency points so that it can be spent elsewhere from IC learning experiences.
Body Shape
  • CHANGED total Physical Stat from 17 to 9. Reason: Removal of Rapier Training (8) from the original calculation. Reference of what it was before: "Physical Stat: 17 = 1 x 8 (Rapier Combat) + 0.5 x 6 (Bodycare Training) + 0.5 x 6 (Gardening Art) + 0.5 x 6 (Horticulture Art)."
  • CHANGED Body Shape from Toned to Average. Reason: Physical Stat change.
  • CHANGED Body Fat from Low to Average. Reason: Physical Stat change.
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • REMOVED Elemental Sorcery spells. Reason: Removal of Elemental Sorcery proficiency.
  • UPDATED clothing description. Reason: new description better suits her. Reference of old description: "Ana primarily wears earthy colours, beige, and whites; honest and pure. In the winter, this may look like woolly sweater tunics and hand-knitted scarves and mittens."
  • CHANGED from 5'6" to 5'9". Reason: Ana was previously below average in height for Lexxon Lineage (5'9"). I simply do not see her as a short character and would like to change her height to fit what I imagine of her.
  • CHANGED Unionism (8/10) to Unionism (7/10). Reason: after roleplaying religion-related experiences, I feel that Ana's understanding/devotion to Unionism is more 7/10 as opposed to 8/10. Should she learn more through IC experiences, then I may up this in the future.
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Needs Re-Review
@Caelamus changes have been made in blue.

- Reworked proficiencies. Nothing significant other than 1-2 point adjustments for some categories. Spent un-used proficiency points on Theater Art, Writing Art, and Alchemy Science, which are new.

Body Shape
- Physical Stat changed as a result of proficiency changes. Body shape and fat are still the same.

Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
- Added Lexxons Lineage racial abilities for reference.
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Needs Re-Review
@Caelamus changes have been made in blue.

- Minor changes to proficiencies. Increased Medical Science from +16 to +20. Removed fabric art +2 as this was largely unused. Changed writing art from +5 to +3. Hoping to get more involved with medical/healing roleplay.
Needs Re-Review
@Caelamus @Scribbe Wasn't sure who to tag, so tagged both. Changes made in blue.
  • Ana was infected. Historically infected with Alais bloodline, but was cured. Was re-infected through recent IC events.
  • Reworked proficiencies based on bloodline boosts. Eliminated writing art, lowered horticulture and gardening arts, added stealth proficiency.
  • Physical stat changed in accordance with Alais bloodline passive abilities
  • Added Alais Bloodline common abilities, crimson form, and mutations (I might experiment with these mutations for a few weeks and revise later if needed. I've never roleplayed vampires before)
  • Made sorcery abilities inactive (not sure if I'm supposed to relocate sorcery points or not; guidance on this would be great!)
  • Made minor edits to visual information
  • Significantly lowered belief in Unionism
Looks fine to me! You made the right call on not re-allocating the Sorcery points; these stay invested but inactive until your character gets cured. Re-approved.
Needs Re-Review
@Scribbe Changes made in blue.
  • Inactivated vampirism due to curing. Activated sorcery.
  • Changed one of the vampirism mutations to Crimson Hostage.
  • Edited proficiency points and physical stat due to curing and sorcery re-work.
  • Changed Lightness Sorcery +3 points to Light Mend I +4 points.
  • Changed character alignment from Lawful Good to Chaotic Good.
Needs Re-review
@Caelamus Changes made in blue.
  • Very minor edits. Re-allocated +2 gardening art points and +4 Light Mend I points into horticulture art (new total +9). I spent some time thinking about Ana's history and reading the lore and it's more likely that she would resort to flora for her medical services than sorcery. Adjusted life story and proficiency points accordingly.
Needs Re-review
@Caelamus Changes in blue.
  • Updated proficiency points and collateral.
  • Realized I accidentally deleted her crimson form description for Alais bloodline. I've updated it and added it back in. See spoiler "Vampirism."
Needs Re-review
@Caelamus Changes in blue.
  • Re-worked proficiencies. I removed theater art, lowered horticulture, and implemented sorcery to follow Ana's IC development.
  • Made minor updates to visual information. Nothing noteworthy.
  • Minor update to personality. Changed from the Mediator to the Executive (16 personalities).
  • Completely re-wrote lifestory. I added in more events and explanations for where she got some of her skills. I wasn't satisfied with the way it was written before. Old life story is in spoiler below for reference.
  • Changed alignment from Chaotic Good to True Neutral.
Life Story
  • Ana values altruism, just like her family. Ana was raised in a rural area of Daendroc, her upbringing primarily influenced by Jendaskean culture. Her family held strong altruistic views and placed the greater good of their local community above all else. "Do right for all" is their family's attitude. Her family lived a frugal lifestyle despite their wealth, were strict followers of Unionism, and were tolerant of the practical use of sorcery for societal gain.

  • Ana values the wealth of knowledge and experience that others have to share. Her grandmother taught her to love fiercely and defend what was right. Ana grew up surrounded by relatives, in which elders were revered for their wisdom and experience. Her grandparents, particularly her grandmother, taught her their language, their family's history, and the skills that would enable her to be a strong household leader. They taught her how to show love for others, when to forgive, and when to put your foot down for the things that were important. They are the reason that Ana has such strong altruistic values. They equipped her with the tools to be a fierce advocate for what she believed was right and to care for things beyond herself.

  • Ana doesn't take for granted how history influences the living. She understands that there are two sides to every story. Her family owned dozens of Altalar slaves to work on the plantation; they held no ill-will toward the Altalar and believed that this was a fair way to make up for the brutal enslavement forced upon their Jendaskean ancestors. After the Altalar were done with their service, they would be freed; 'an eye for an eye' as the saying goes. Slaves were well-cared for by the family, who provided them with shelter, food, and medical needs, but bitterness circulated amongst the Altalar from generation to generation due to their history with the Jendaskean.

  • Ana is deeply driven by her compassion for others. Fond of Altalar children and elders, she spent enormous amounts of time listening to their stories and caring for their needs. She learned of their bitterness toward her family and their dreams to live autonomously as their own free-spirited community. Her compassion drove her to empathize with their struggles and be their allies in the fight for freedom and independence. This marked the first time that she fiercely advocated for what she believed was right.

  • Ana supported a revolution, which resulted in death, suffering, and loss to all parties. The thought that her actions lead to this horrifies her. Now, she fears picking sides and avoids confrontations because she doesn't know what is right or wrong anymore. She is afraid of making a mistake. Ana had a powerful presence amongst the Altalar. She was kind, genuine, passionate, and influential, and represented hope that there were better days ahead. In the revolution, she served as one of the lead medics, receiving training from and the approval of Altalar elders. As the revolution continued, however, she became unsure of her moral compass because she struggled to cope with the suffering she witnessed. Were her beliefs the reason that others were dying? Was this what it meant to serve the greater good? This was a source of deep internal conflict for her. In the end, the Altalar received their freedom but at devastating costs. 1 in 3 Altalar slaves died due to combat-related injury or illness (this number was exceptionally high because many Altalar fought, not just for their freedom, but for revenge, leading to risky behaviour and violent killings). Her family's business, as well as dozens of others in neighbouring towns, went bankrupt due to the destruction of their plantations and the lack of labour force to run them. Ana saw the grief and suffering that both sides endured and decided that supporting the revolution was a mistake; it could never justify the violence that she had contributed to.

  • Ana never told her family about her involvement in the Altalar revolution. This is a secret that she plans to take to her grave. After the revolution, her family sought refuge in Daenshore, forced to pick up odd labour jobs to make ends meet. While their lifestyle had always been frugal, they no longer had the financial security, simple comforts, or leisure time that they once had. Many of Ana's family turned to liquor and tabacca consumption to numb their pain. The free-willed and selfish spirit of Daendroque culture corroded their Jendaskean ways of living. Ana's elders passed away from the kind of despair that couldn't be cured. Altruism was nothing more than a fantasy and they no longer cared for anyone but themselves.

  • Ana couldn't bear to live with her family, knowing that she had caused their suffering. She parted ways and set sail for Regalia, hoping to make amends for her past. Ana felt that it was her responsibility to uphold her family's Jendaskean culture pass on their values of altruism. In Regalia, she works in funeral services, maintaining graveyards, preparing corpses for burials, and helping visitors locate their loved ones' graves. She makes and sells custom funeral ornaments as a personal business or gives them away as gifts. In her spare time, she makes floral arrangements and pays her respects to the dead at unvisited gravesites. She knits scarves and mittens that she offers to those in need of it and performs other acts of community service when opportunities arise. She is not fond of warfare.
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Needs Re-review
@Caelamus Changes in blue.
  • Changed +15 medical science to +10 medical training 10 as per lore changes (5 points).
  • Removed exorcism 1 and exorcism 2 because I found I had other interests that I enjoyed more roleplaying out (6 points).
  • Redistributed 11 points into +5 dancing art, +5 perception training, and bumped up horticulture points by +1.
  • Added in Alais boost and Lexxon racial boost to skill information
  • Under the spoiler "Vampirism Abilities," I updated the Crimson Form. The concept is the same (wings, crimson colour, etc.), just small touch-ups with red eyes and razor teeth.
Needs Re-review
@Caelamus Changes in blue.
  • With alchemy update, reworked proficiencies. Ana previously had +20 alchemy. She now has +12.
  • Changed around her sorcery abilities. I don't want her to be a combat-focused character. I find it far more enjoyable to use sorcery abilities to enhance roleplays or act on her spitefulness. I've therefore swapped out her previous two combat sorcery abilities for curse and aesthetic abilities. Playing on the dark cynical medic that will curse you if she's spiteful enough. I'll see how this plays out for her.
  • Dancing art is a great hobby. I put that in.
Needs Re-review
@Caelamus Changes in blue.
  • With alchemy update, reworked proficiencies. Ana previously had +20 alchemy. She now has +12.
  • Changed around her sorcery abilities. I don't want her to be a combat-focused character. I find it far more enjoyable to use sorcery abilities to enhance roleplays or act on her spitefulness. I've therefore swapped out her previous two combat sorcery abilities for curse and aesthetic abilities. Playing on the dark cynical medic that will curse you if she's spiteful enough. I'll see how this plays out for her.
  • Dancing art is a great hobby. I put that in.

@Caelamus Sorry. Re-tagging. I forgot to change app to needs re-review earlier.
Needs Re-Review
Very minor change. Swapped Elemental Control 3 for Arcane Mastery 1. Realized Arcane Mastery was more what I was going for.
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Needs Re-Review
Removed all +18 sorcery and replaced it with other profs. Sorcery aesthetic just wasn't working out for what I was going for with this character. Edits in blue.
  • +6 Roguery added because of upbringing and Daen roots.
  • +5 Perception added because I suspect she'd be more observant of criminal activities and also just paying attention to detail as a medic.
  • +2 Fabric Art because making bandages for her medical practice.
  • +5 Bodycare Training because hair care and light cosmetics if she can get her hands on it sounds neat.
Needs Re-Review
Very minor changes. With Jendaskea culture being scrapped, I've updated Ana's backstory a bit to be more Daendroque-aligned. Removed Modern-Altalar language from her repertoire with linguistics update. That's pretty much it. Nothing noteworthy, hence no blue highlights.
@Caelamus Postponing the re-review for a bit. I'll tag you again when I'm ready. I need to spend more time reviewing Daendroque lore and re-working the backstory a bit more.