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An Open Letter To The People Of Regalia


Aaron Girard
Feb 4, 2017
Reaction score
'An open letter to Count Frenzimar Heinrich and the people of Regalia,
my name is Aaron Marquis Croix De Girard and this is my response to the letter published by Count Frenzimar Heinrich. If this open letter is thought do be disrespectful, it is only a bad mistake on my part, there is no malicious intent but I felt this should be said.

Oui, we all know that we are at war with the Songaskian people, they are a large rival for the empire. This is all correct. You say that we should fight one war at a time. 'We fight one war at a time, principally when one one of them is highly challenging.'. We do not wish to fight against the Undercrown but we can not fight the war, if we are protesting. But why are we protesting? Because a royal member has imprisoned and hung innocent men. They kept them in the Bastion tower against their will and it was against the King's wishes. We sided with the king. We cannot fight as one if we aren't as one with our rulers. We must have everyone on the same side, and I agree with what you are saying. I agree with your enthusiasm and your persuasive language is great but there is no way, and I presume I speak for a good majority, a split Regalia can not beat the Songaskians. No matter who you are, be it an Orc, or a Lampar, we need to be one but the way we start is from the top, the top being the Undercrown. I am treading extremely lightly now, for I could be accused of heresy but I assure you I worship no one other than the spirit.

Riots will not help us, you claimed. But that is probably the best way to make our voices heard. Regalia is not as free as some think but we need our voice to be heard. You can be a high noble, or a beggar. Everyone matters, if you ask me. No one is a mistake, we are all what we are meant to be. Be it good or bad, we have a meaning and a voice. Our voice was given to us by the spirit so we could speak; if we can speak, and not have our voices heard. Then we don't have a voice, and therefore cannot speak. If a tree falls in a forest, but no one's around to hear it, does it make a sound? Oui. It does, but can anyone hear it? Non. Do we have voices, and can we speak? Oui. Are people around to hear the words of a middle-class person, or a low noble? Non. Because everything is up to the higher people. It depends what your blood is in Regalia, when really it should depend on your morals. And what type of person you are. And if our voices aren't heard, then riots will start and blood will inevitably be spilled onto even the purest of terrain. People, buildings and more will be burned. We are lucky the riot was as mild as it was, in terms of violence. The union amongst the people was heartwarming..But the reason why was appalling. As I stood apart of the original gathering which had originally discussed the matter, which was not brought up by the man's father but another ordinary person, I was skeptical. Calling for written proof, until the father of the hanging Norvakkt came to the group, and stood in the centre of the group. He confirmed, declaring the whole thing was against the King's wishes. And, as the group got bigger, it eventually turned into a crowd. As you said, a war against the crown's regent will benefit no one but insane, bloodthirsty, murderers and heretics. You are right, we should unite but there must be changes. We should get a say in the political matters, unless they are of extremely high importance..Such as life or death for someone.

'Do you think that his imperial holiness wants us to cause an internal conflict which will hinder the war efforts, and possibly start a civil war?'
The answer to that is no. Of course his imperial holiness would not want his people to fight each other! No one does! But if changes are not made, it will, with short-time, become a civil war. Unless there are no malicious acts, either committed by an individual of importance, or an individual of no sophistication or education, we will be fine. Crime will always happen and it's sad to think about how there is no stopping evil. Evil is a spirit that looms over the people everywhere..When they are awake, or sleeping, the evil observes and wonders about whom might be his next victim..
As an immigrant, I must say that Regalia is incredible in every way. But soon, if this issue is not solved, it will rot and die until the world must spit it out of it's mouth and stamp on it. Again, as a worshipper of the spirit, we must be prepared to stand up for what is morally correct. Either it be through a riot, a protest, or even a letter such as this one.

I shall end this open letter with an optimistic paragraph, which does not include Count Heinrich's letter. Changes are inevitable, and we must be prepared! Must! If you are not prepared, you will be left in the past forever in a split second. Our children and their children after need a safe environment. Safe from either from enemies of the empire, or from members of our kingdom. Our politics matters, and should be held in a democratic environment unless this is matters for his imperial holiness, or a plan to declare war. Things like that. We the people should make Regalia the best place. If we are to rule the world, then let's start with uniting. Starting from the top, all the way down to the bottom. Family rivalries, political disagreements and things of the sort should be put aside for what really matters. You calling your sister a whore, or you calling a child a bastard, is not helping us. We must treat people with the upmost respect. You can racially discriminate all you want, but if you really think people are mistakes, then you are insulting the spirit. You insult his creations, and you insult him personally. The spirit is perfect, and so are his creations. Though some will turn away and sin against us, we must thrive and show no fear. Make your next decisions wisely.

Aaron De Girard.
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I invite you to sup with me in the coming days, where we can discuss these opinions more, I completely agree with your statement, and will do all I can to keep civil war from happening in Regalia. As for everybody reading this... We must stand united, or else we will all fall, Empire, village, Ailor, Klien, Stone, wood, everything could fall, a void invasion could happen at any time, we don't know who or what is out there that could trigger such an event, we must stand united, or the Ailor Empire will fall, just like all Empires before it. We must all push the great way forward, one step at a time, we must not divide, unless it is needed to push the great way further forward. House Birkwood supports this cause, and is hereby forming the "Regalian United Lobby" This will be a lobby open to families of /any/ race, and any status. This is a sort of political party, but I assure Regalia that House Birkwood Remains Jingoist, and will not leave the Jingoist lobby. I formally invite House De Girard to join this lobby upon it's creation.
--Wulfric of House Birkwood

I invite you to sup with me in the coming days, where we can discuss these opinions more, I completely agree with your statement, and will do all I can to keep civil war from happening in Regalia. As for everybody reading this... We must stand united, or else we will all fall, Empire, village, Ailor, Klien, Stone, wood, everything could fall, a void invasion could happen at any time, we don't know who or what is out there that could trigger such an event, we must stand united, or the Ailor Empire will fall, just like all Empires before it. We must all push the great way forward, one step at a time, we must not divide, unless it is needed to push the great way further forward. House Birkwood supports this cause, and is hereby forming the "Regalian United Lobby" This will be a lobby open to families of /any/ race, and any status. This is a sort of political party, but I assure Regalia that House Birkwood Remains Jingoist, and will not leave the Jingoist lobby. I formally invite House De Girard to join this lobby upon it's creation.
--Wulfric of House Birkwood

I think your idea is superb! It would be an honour to sup with you in the coming days. Your political party is just what I've been looking for and together I believe we can make incredible changes.

Aaron De Girard