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An Open Letter From The Underground


Sep 19, 2015
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A short letter of denouncement would be placed throughout old town.


To what eyes it may concern, or to what eyes may look upon this and wipe the stain of their feeble hypocrisy,

In open regard to the surface dwellers who contest our existence so much to give us our own 'social rank' in this flea-bottom city, let us see if your notions of 'good morals' exist. It has come to my attention to find a greater influence of the repulsive 'Greywitch order' in their hypocritical deals with those they oppose. Stepping into old town against their own laws, Arrested those to be horrendously maimed in illegal grounds, trying to capture and harass citizens of old town and the sewers, and worse yet, break their own 'moral duty' to find honor in teaming up with like of the Hierarchy sanguine to combat us, selling their own guard set secrets. These are what you set to be the vanguard of your city? Pathetic. Even more so under the leadership of one tiny little man known by Leufred, one who squeals under the pretense of his Lord commander's dealings in the face of danger, yet breaks that deal daily. For this, I write in open aggression and warning to those above the surface. Your 'noble vanguard' is corrupt. But what does it matter to the likes of us? The status quo on these heinous offenders remains, for any greywitch we find in our territories, we will personally dismantle. This is your one warning Leufred. I am a woman of my word. If you wish to avoid yet again the blunder you faced with turning tail and leaving your men behind so you could escape like the coward you are, you'd best come to terms that old town does not belong to you.

In regards to the rest of old town, I and the rest of my council make a clear announcement. Any barriers set up will be torn down and burned. This is the only warning. You'll be spared of the fires if this rule is followed. There will be no gang politics, but simply my words. Keep the barriers down.

In closing remarks, The Kathar will not rest upon the heinous presence of the greywitches in old town, much less selling secrets to rivals. Let this be the only warning, for any ailor donned in armor, will have the ceiling come crashing down on them. Reign in your dogs before it becomes too late for their souls. Any so pleased to actually take a listen to the truth, black-ribbons stand to order peace and raise my gates for you.

-On behalf of the Kathar Sovereignty,

  • Sovereign Ello'janna
  • Commander Tordove
  • Baroness Neridi
  • Priestess Tordove
-Protectorates of the Kathar Realm,
-Councilwomen of the Kathar.

To the verbose and falsely titled,
Parrot erroneous accusations all you like, I needn't rise in defense against lies so weak and pitiful that only the most gullible will believe them. Go wallow in your little caves, slumber in your underground doghouses, plucking the bolts and arrows from your crying soldiers.
I'll be waiting when you step back into the light, daemons.​
Spirit prevails,
Leufred du Brierüst,
Knight of the Oddities,
Commander of the Greywitch Guard​
Azra would state rather loudly, "Oh, boohoo. Everyone could smell the smoke for miles and you wonder why someone would bring down some law and order. I'm all for not trying to whip someone down for every damn crime, but arsonists deserve it."

Theresa didn't comment due to illiteracy.
Fritjolf scratched at his beard, pacing along his typical patrol route. With a low chuckle, the Northerner shook his head, musing aloud as he wandered. "Reap what you sow. Break your laws, deal with the consequences. Break a deal? Deal with the consequences. Think I've got a Commander to have a conversation with."
Vaeri seemed puzzled at Leufred's notice, perhaps he was trying to save face. "He knows tha' a little knife work goes a long way, yea'? His members squeal secrets real quick, pfhaha. Ain't surprisin' though. Lad been breakin' Lord Commander's peace since day one. Wonder if Howlester will do somethin' ta' save 'is own ideals o' peace."
Cyprien Bongrante could be found uncontrollably shivering in the Bongrante Home as he sat by the roaring fire. The biting cold hadn't managed to cease, and the Ailor appeared to be one of the most exhausted in the city from constant struggle to stay warm, yet there had been proven no point in trying. Cyprien's manservant read the declaration to Cyprien, the man shaking his head as he finished and looked to his eldest daughter, Hyacinthe. "Did she just... Declare war on us?"

"We work with the greywitches? As I recalled it that Om'Brosa one was working with them to attack us. So much for "truth" eh?" Mused a certain sanguine to the Varlord beside her, tapping a claw against the words.

Cyprien Bongrante could be found uncontrollably shivering in the Bongrante Home as he sat by the roaring fire. The biting cold hadn't managed to cease, and the Ailor appeared to be one of the most exhausted in the city from constant struggle to stay warm, yet there had been proven no point in trying. Cyprien's manservant read the declaration to Cyprien, the man shaking his head as he finished and looked to his eldest daughter, Hyacinthe. "Did she just... Declare war on us?"

Hyacinthe maintained a blank, unreadable poker face, lips thinning into a line. She rested a hand reassuringly upon her father's back, clearing her throat to speak up. "They're a little late to the party to just now be declaring war, don't you think? We didn't need an official statement, everyone saw this coming anyways.."
The young, tall woman was making her daily walk around Old Town, before her gaze fell upon the letter.

"Finally," She muttered under her breath. "Someone is doing something about that head smashing asshole."

She scowled, and walked off.
Don groans as Merith pokes his side.
"Do you have to be reading that? There's so much else we could be doing..." The man offers, laughing quietly to himself.
"And you shouldn't complain. The fact the Kathar have no idea what is going on works in our favour. Even if it /will/ piss off Leufy." His muscles tense against the fabric of his outfit as he pulls himself up from his otherwise sprawled position upon the sofa of their haven. "It is funny though. I almost feel a little bad for the Kathar, threatening Leufred like that. As much of a dick he is to our kindred, you can't knock his experience and ability."
@Fergoff @CRASHIR
"I don't think any of the slum groups understand that the Greywitches will favor anyone to crush another side or pull strings to have them crush each other. It isn't an act of alliance but instead acts to wipe them all out in due time. I'm quite sure every one of them has received some sort of 'request' to ally." Siora gave a gentle sigh, moving to place her copy of the letter among the Petal Court boards along with the rest of the notices to come.
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The cloaked figure once more made their appearance, a mask and thin cloak. It was a surprise nobody tried to tear it off of them yet. They had wandered Old Town for nights, glimmering eyes of a gentle iced-grey hue scanning along the notice. The different flicks of the ink that make the notice special to itself. They simply chuckled, a grin appearing across their face underneath their mask. "The Time has come. The Kathar seem to think they own us, they can order us to do as they please, for the void they so.. Dearly love and protect is simply enough for them. The end has begun, the wheels of Old Town and it's fate have started to turn once more." They spoke out to the few around them as the figure began to head off, preparing for the inevitable.

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