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An Old Elf's Plea


Scribma Male
Staff member
Sep 4, 2013
Reaction score
where the elf things are
[This open letter is plastered upon noticeboards across the city, clearly with the intent of catching the eye of its intended recipient.]


To whom it may concern,

You entered and burgled my residence in the Altalaan District, which takes up the spaces of the fourth and fifth houses in the District, and left behind a calling card in the form of a wilted rose upon my bed. You have defiled my most personal sanctum, taken your fill of items that were not yours to take, and left me with a deep and shaking fear for my own safety and the continued safety of my belongings.

Among the list of items that you have taken from me are numerous items of personal jewelry, paintings, home decorations, even the contents of my desk. However, one item you deigned to relieve me of my possession of was a lockbox.
Contained in this lockbox are, or at this point more likely were, the last remaining mementos I possessed of my first wife, Ililissaelli, which I have taken painstaking efforts to preserve through magical and mundane means over the past thousand years, in an effort to keep her memory alive.
This lockbox, in my possession, held the last remaining lock of her hair, a letter addressed to me by herself, the last Vaïel Promises she wrote, the last ribbon she used to tie her hair, a small fabric toy that our first child once played with, and numerous pieces of her personal jewelry.

I am an Elf of immense age and have collected much in my life, but little of it holds value that could hold so much as a match's light to the value that lockbox held to me.
As such, I offer you this: return the lockbox and its contents, each and every one of them, to me, untouched, within three days. I need not see your face nor know your name, only to have these final remains of my most cherished love returned to my possession, and in return I will ignore the loss of every other item, and refrain from approaching the guard.

If you elect to ignore my most generous offer, and to withhold items of age tenfold that of this very Empire, I will seek each and every avenue to pursue you and recover my personal effects in full, and from there, rain such vengeance upon you that has seldom been seen in Aloria since the days of the Allorn Empire itself.
I am an Elf of neither hatred nor rage, and I take no pleasure in this threat; however, loss has become all too prevalent in these past months, and I intend to take every measure to prevent it from becoming yet more prominent in my life.

I pray you make the correct choice in this.

Aeralaanys Rhylovhas,
Secretary for the Magi
Last of the Allorn

The letter came to Abigail's attention. She frowned, a rare thing to see from the usually upbeat silven. A solemn air stewed about her for the next few hours as she thought about the contents of the plea. It stayed on her mind.
Charlotte Hayes eyes over the notice, before stacking her own responses underneath every one she could find! Handwritten in a shaky, childlike font, they read:

Please give the old elf-man his lockbox back! I know the box it was in was probably real shiny, so how's about this:

I'll hand-carve you a new, custom lockbox if you come by my shop- Dragon's Bend 8- and make it real, real nice and pretty for you so's you can give his back! I'll even throw in a couple hairpins and whatnot. Long as you keep the value of whatever you get under, like, a thousand Regals, I'll see what I can do for you!

That kinda stuff's priceless to such an old guy. I mean, it's like stealin' a teddy bear. You just ain't do it. I won't snitch neither, so please just give it back!

Charlotte Hayes
Owner of Charlotte's Colonial Carving, Co. at Dragon's Bend 8
Best Carver in Regalia (if not the world!)
Artist of the Royal Gallovian Court
OOC/TLDR: Charlotte has +25 in Visual Arts, please come get a prettier box and give the old man his back. ;w;
Austri looks at this and says "Ha, serves you right filthy knife ear" and walks away
Val peered to Azari, elbowing her in the side "Hey you think he wants his stuff back? heh.." grinned cheek to cheek, her pointed ears twitching lightly as she smiled stupidly to her own retort.

The Grand Constable read over the letter, his mood souring by the word, before his gaze met the bottom of the page. He did not know the woman, it was true, and he hardly knew the man- yet the sour mood lingered over him all the same. A part of him understood the plea- and a greater part still decided it'd had enough of wanton theft in the city.

"Ridiculous." was the only verbal response he gave as he walked past, making a note of the theft in his mind.
Joasaie read over the open letter, frown becoming more prominant with each sentence. She walked away after, heading for Greygate, "It takes a low person to steal the last physical remnants of a loved one. No brain or heart. Stupidity seems to be spreading in this city."
Ulgrishva Chewed on a piece of bread as he tried to read the letter, looking at it before walking off
I cant Read"
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