Archived An Insane Regalian Emperor?

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
In my world history class (with a AWESOME teacher, BTW), we just wrapped up the Romans, Greeks, and Byzantines. On thing I noticed is that there are good emperors, and there are really, /really/, bad ones. Wait? Emperor? Regalia has an Emperor! Yeah. They people who don't affect roleplay for the general population, but are still a thing who does some behind the scenes work. However, what if one, just one,took a huge effect in the rp of the average person?

To get some ideas, let's look at Rome's worst emperors. First off, the most famous, Nero. Persecuter of many groups, insane, burner of cities, player of the lyre, and actor of the bad. This guy was just. His mother convinced her husband to make Nero heir, killed the emperor, and sent him to power. Bad decision. If your son is the offspring of you and your family member, don't make him supreme ruler.

He put of plays that lasted for hours on end, and forced everyone to watch. Bad. Actor. People faked their deaths and gave birth during his plays. Any wonder why?

He burned down Rome. At least, he was believed to have. Burned down the aristocratic quarters, played his lyre, and sang while the city burned. He then built a golden palace on top of the ashes. This guy was nuts. After his palace was complete, he shouted "Finally! I can live in a house worthy of a human being!" Yeah. Did I mention he was off his rocker?

Next, Caligula. All you need to know about him is that her made his horse head consul. Nuf said.

Now, I wouldn't want this to be followed to a 'T', but it would be an interesting story arc. It would give people a reason to question Unionism. An excellent chance for character growth. People will begin to see Unionism for what it really is. A tool of the Regalian government to keep people loyal.

It wouldn't even need to be frequent. Burn down an area the staff want to remove. Kill some people in rp. Corrupt laws. Even if it lasted only a month or two before someone decided to assassinate him, it would work. Things like these were common in the ancient world. Why not Regalia?

My best choice for new insane emperor would be a Cedric Made. Already, he's a bit odd. Some things seem crazy about him. It makes him lovable and fun. However, he could be like Caligula. He slowly goes insane as his world crumbles around him, looking for someone to take anger out on. Persecute Old God believers? A minority that is often looked down upon already?

An idea would be a common strategy from back in the day. Give the people entertainment and throw food at them, and they stay calm.

In the end, I think this would be not only a fun and interesting story arc, but also one that makes everyone's character reexamination themselves, their beliefs, and Regalia. Unionist or not.

Post what you think below. Just be kind, and don't flame, as usual. Have a Massive day!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
No.. now HA! Nazi's are Nazi's and Germans are Germans. Nazi's are called Nazi's because of the way they think and act. Germans are.. Germans. NOW, OBEY ME!
Actually Nazis were called Nazis because that was Hitler's political party's name as he rose to power. I'm pretty sure my history is correct, pretty kinda of possibly sure.
Actually Nazis were called Nazis because that was Hitler's political party's name as he rose to power. I'm pretty sure my history is correct, pretty kinda of possibly sure.
Yes, the party was called Nationalsozialismus. National Socialism. Although they are referred to as such because of their political beliefs. Being a Nazi and being a German are two different categories. Like one of those logic puzzles where you have to figure out who ate what and who went where. They're not related unless one of the clues say that they are, and there's no clues at the top/bottom of the page in the world of categorization.

Gonna rerail this thread...
I feel like this would be a bad idea. Not only does it seem like it wouldn't be good for the storyline, I feel like it would be more trouble than it's worth. Plus, Cedric isn't going to get the crown anytime soon,, seeing as he has a few older brothers.
It just won't work.
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from insnane regalian emperor idea to Hitler and his nazi's... does someone share the opninion of Hitler being an insane ruler or did this thing just completly derail? (of so i need to take out some fancy gif's/pictures)
Here's all that I am saying:

Whether you agree or not, I believe that server staff should simply be respectful and more polite when shooting down an idea. Staff set the tone. What tone do you want for Massivecraft?

We are competing with other servers in order to become the "largest Minecraft experience in the world", as our mission states (summarized). Things that seem small, like how we set the tone, make the difference between appearing welcoming or hostile to new players.