Archived An Idea For A Nation

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High Council member of The Algorian Empire
Jul 17, 2012
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I think a good addition to the faction plugin would be the ability to join a nation

what it will do -
have it as a prefix in the fation titles on /f show and have a nation chat (n: ) and it should also appear in the chats in brackets before your name.
conditions for a nation to be created
- must be a faction leader
- maybe 4 leaders must agree to join for it be an offical nation

how to do it in game -
for example in game i want to start the nation of the "kolablos" (so to do so should cost say 10 silver so every randomer dont make one, price can be adjusted to control the amount of nations there are) so i would type /f nation create kolablos and 10 silver deducted
huzzah a nation begins !

the in game controls
/f nation create
/f nation invite [name]
/f nation join [name]
/f nation leave
/f nation desc
/f nation ally
/f nation truce
/f nation neutral
/f nation enemy
/f nation capital (<-- should appear in /f show as capital as a prefix)

additions but not necessary -
- the offical owner of a nation should be able to set a small fee for joining.
- to leave a nation have a fee set by the server beause chosing one should be a long thought out choice and not one you should change unless all other paths a dead end
- have a nation /f perm added
- being in a nation auto allies any other factions inside the nation when joined

why i have suggested this -
-i believe that this would only add to realism of empires rising and falling and create a real sense of loyalty and unity
- i also think there are currently many factions that band together and call themselve empires and loyalties can get very messy in wartime this would only make war rp easier and more managable from a mod point of view :)
- because i think having an empire prefix just isnt enough in the /f desc
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So basically, a faction within a faction. A sub-faction system (rebranded as nations ;)). This has been requested since the early days of Ceardia as far as I know, hopefully it will happen sooner or later.
Wait until factions 2. This comes after sharding, so be patient, but suggestions are welcome.
I agree with this, also you should make it so there is a empire home, so people can do /e home or something. Also if a faction declares war on a faction in a empire, all the other factions should automaticly enemy the attackers.
This really reminds me of a seperate plugin. But the other one doesn't have what Favoured said. And I really think that's a good idea.
A 'nation' is a very modern name, remember we are in a medieval role play environment, not in the 21st century, over all I like the idea, and it will add much more to the plug-in. Although I would rather call the 'nations', empires, since the term of empires are already in use in the server, it would make sense to add them under that name. The problem is, if it cost money to create a nation/empire, than people could just unofficially start an empire/nation anyway, just like they do these days, this could be a big problem, and if it did turn out like this there would be no use to the added feature. So, another suggestion is, why not reward a faction with perks for joining/creating an empire, so it encourages people to officially create an empire rather than found one today...
Well as i said if someone declared war on you the other factions in the empire would automatically declare war on the attacker
Well as i said if someone declared war on you the other factions in the empire would automatically declare war on the attacker

One problem with that though, is that if you have a small argument with the leader of a large empire, then they just enemy you and the next thing you know you have 20 enemies.
well thats kinda the point of being a leader of a large empire, you get to be mad with power :D
May I also comment, a nation is a very unspecific thing (which can be either bad or good for a role play perspective), a nation is basically the same thing as a faction, and both can have different forms of government. Eg, Republics, democracies, monarchies and more (even these can go into more detail). But adding these government forms would be a huge task, so that is why giving one broad view to a over ruling faction (empire) would work. It would have a similar build to that of an independent faction, thus it has one ruler. Moderators of the empire would be leaders of the sub-faction, which makes sense. Although it seems out of scale, I agree with the fact that declaring war against one faction of another empire, means declaring against a whole empire, it gives a realistic aspect of how wars can go into such large scales. The idea of a Imperial set home is good, but would people of a sub-faction be allowed to build in it? Since it is a /e sethome, I think they should be able to build/break within it, but then it would have to be someway that the 'empire' claims the land and no just the head faction. Since no-one would be directly in the empire faction then it would mean there is no power for it to claim, unless you can work otu another way (I'm not really sure how to edit plug-ins and what products you need to do it).
All I will say is that I approve of the four faction minimum for the empires. Too many self proclaimed empires in Massivecraft.
So in this idea, you could be in a faction in side an empire, controlled by the supreme emperor?

What if you wanted to take your faction and leave the empire? Like most countries in a civil war.
well then i suppose all the other facs neutral you automaticly, and if he/she wants to, the emperor can declare war on you.
well then i suppose all the other facs neutral you automaticly, and if he/she wants to, the emperor can declare war on you.

But... what if I as the leader of the county in the country did not want to ally another faction, when my leader of the empire told me I had to? I would like to be able to say no and leave when I felt like it without the faction bonds holding me in. For this reason, I am going to say a big fat no to this.
Well the thing is, there are supposed to be pros and cons for joining an empire, for pros you get a lot of protections and allies, for cons you have to have certain bonds that you have to have. It would be rather strange to have no cons and all pros for empires. I like the idea of "free" factions. Plus people can do a kind of democratic empire if they wanted too.
both of which the negative you have rightly pointed out are under the not necessary additions :)
not necessary but what i thought would add a little more realism *
example :
the E.U; if a new country were to be founded and they joined the E.U they would automatically be in a good realtion with the other members. ergo the auto ally function, but if there is a faction you do not want the permisions of an ally then there is nothing stopping you from /f neutral :)

and the ability to leave when you like should be for members, it should be a long thought out decision that should last! an empire should not just be so willy nilly there should be bonds that you will choose to agree to, but if necessary can be broken if all else is exhausted, a strong empire has loyal members so you are suggesting the majority are untrustworthy ? - i dont understand what your getting at with all this freedom, medieval times nobody was free, also the pressures upon an alliance back then were much more than in massivecraft or with what im suggesting :)
But... what if I as the leader of the county in the country did not want to ally another faction, when my leader of the empire told me I had to? I would like to be able to say no and leave when I felt like it without the faction bonds holding me in. For this reason, I am going to say a big fat no to this.

If you don't like the idea of being in an empire, don't be in an empire. But just because you think that something could go wrong by being in an empire I would not reject the idea of the empire feature. Empires would not be compulsory.
Due to the ideas of empires, why not an idea of civil wars. Ect, once joined an empire there is only 2 ways to leave it
1. The Emperor grants permission (/e kick f {faction name})
2. You start a rebellion. (/e rebel create)
Other factions who want to support the rebellion simply type in /e rebel join, factions who do not do this, just stay in the main empire, and support the emperors rule. This also means adding a new diplomatic status, which should be called 'Civil Enemy' or 'Civil Ally'. A rebellion is basically supported by the power (/f power). When one sides power is over the other then there is a time limit for the weaker side to defend itself, (I'm not sure if this would create lag, but it might since the server will count every second). If the rebellion wins, then the main rebellion faction gains control of the empire (/e overthrow) or you could (/e leave). The factions that supported the rebellion therefore have the choice to leave the empire, or simply do nothing and stay in it. If the empire wins, then the emperor has the choice to /e kick f {faction name} (to stop further civil wars) or to keep it in the empire.
This will have a whole new aspect to warfare, but it has some major issues including lag, and operating it, hopefully you take this a good suggestion.
If you don't like the idea of being in an empire, don't be in an empire. But just because you think that something could go wrong by being in an empire I would not reject the idea of the empire feature. Empires would not be compulsory.
You don't have to deal with helpops regarding people moaning about their factions being stolen, money being stolen and so on. If this was to be implemented, our workload and effort would by force have to double, or tripple, as there no doubt will be the same old scenarios "I PAID FOR HIS FACTION TO BE IN MY EMPIRE, AND HE LEFT" Kinda stuff. We do not want that, why fix what's not broken?

The feature whether we use it in game or not takes up space, so if we won't use it as you semi-hinted, why install it?
No, what I meant is it won't be forced upon you, it will be an individual decision to be part of an empire. Most will use it, but you aren't forced to.
because they suck :)
They end up to be very unorganised, and some can be made up of one faction onyl which is really useless.
an idea for the legal bonds inside an empire could be /f empire oath
to join an empire first you must swear an oath ( just like real )
so it would be /f empire oath i swear that [king/queen] of the [empire name] shall be forever my leaders (<--- change it if the sentance sucks just a rough guess)
intresting addition here that if you were to break your oath by declaring war with any faction inside the empire then your faction satus should change to [uprising] (a faction in upheaval) then the empire leader should then have the optionfor /f empire kick [faction]
The emperor should have the decision to kick a faction either way, But I like you idea of uprising, the emperor either has the decision on whether to kick the faction, fight it off (so they can keep the power) or let it over rule and lose his leadership.
The emperor should have the decision to kick a faction either way, But I like you idea of uprising, the emperor either has the decision on whether to kick the faction, fight it off (so they can keep the power) or let it over rule and lose his leadership.

I think we should keep it simple. No explicit civil war function, no overthrowing. These things doesn't exist in the Factions plugin as it is - Why would empires benefit from it?

I suggest that if you have an empire, you often have a 'main' faction. That can be the capital of the empire, and whoever is leader in that faction is also leader in the empire. Factions can then join or leave the empire, maybe for a cost, maybe not. If the factions auto-ally, there needs to be an option to un-ally them. This way, there can be civil wars if the factions within the empire enemy eachother.

Also, I definitely think this will be used. This feature of Factions has been requested a few times the last year and a half, which I believe shows that there indeed exists an interest of this.

I'm all for it, if it's implemented the right way.
i also think a nice addition for the capital city would be to have the power = all additional factions within the empire. if this is too much i still think they should get a bonus on thier power for number of factions joined like maybe set a standard of 20+ power per faction in the empire[DOUBLEPOST=1352657235][/DOUBLEPOST]*there
I really hope this is in Factions 2
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