• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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    2. Posts are in-character.
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    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
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An Audacious Grab For Land


unironic scalie
Staff member
Aug 21, 2019
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds



[ ! ]
Passersby in Regalia may be able to spot a notice, made of gnarled wood and slathered in colorful, glowing paint, pinned to a tree right by the city's own Festival Grounds.​
Citizens of the Isle!

Whether through negligence or fear, it seems the lot of you have accepted my domain over your festival grounds. While I say ''domain'', you can take comfort in the fact that I'm no tyrant. You're all more than welcome to use this place when I'm not around, of course. Throw your indulgent parties, drink 'til your dead- I don't particularly care.

But when those celebrations wind down, and you decide to walk around my tents, it'd behoove you to a follow a few of my rules. Even dens of celebration need order to keep them intact. So, just listen well, and we won't have a problem!

♥ We respect the Colossi in these grounds. Take your blasphemy elsewhere.
♥ Voidlings should bring a tithe in sweets, alchemical ingredients, or gifts for the Colossi.
♥ No knights. Ever. That means YOU, Beckett.
♥ Goat-man; keep out! You know who you are!
♥ Don't ''bug'' my kin!
Of course, you could try to kick me out. But I wouldn't recommend that. Let me stay around, and I'll be very peaceful. In time, I might even offer some of my wares. Not to brag, but I'm probably the best alchemist in this nightmare of a city.

In short- consider this not a challenge, but an olive branch. Don't step on my toes, and I won't step on yours. Here's to a fruitful relationship!

~ With love and honor,
The Voidspite Fae
OOC: I do not oocly expect people to accept the Fae's claim, and I welcome the conflict that may come with it. I do not plan to interrupt any events held at the Festival Grounds at this time unless something comes up ICly- or if its requested from the host. If any issues arise, please let me know- my goal here is to have fun and provide fun, not irritate anyone!
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The Celate reads this and grits his teeth. "I remember the days where I sat at tables across from the follows of Salmaar. I remember when their cults were not controlled by the demonically possessed. This shall not stand…perhaps it's time to purify the grounds."

with that his ring pulsed the silver forming a pen. As he began to write his plans.
Those living near the forests around Festival Grounds might hear the sounds of drums. Northerners know this warsong, Outside the entrance hangs a bonechime; it has two parallel arrows and a bloodied handprint - those familiar with the Baal know this for what it is.

Hunting grounds have been declared.

Obligatory Tunes:
Those living near the forests around Festival Grounds might hear the sounds of drums. Northerners know this warsong, Outside the entrance hangs a bonechime; it has two parallel arrows and a bloodied handprint - those familiar with the Baal know this for what it is.

Hunting grounds have been declared.

Obligatory Tunes:
The goat-like Url Bloodcast would hear the sound of drums. Although it didn't feel like he knew them, they felt familiar. As almost an instinct, or a distant memory that was breached upon him. He'd make his way to the sound to explore what it was.