An Apology To The Community


Seasoned Runner
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
This is a very brief but thorough apology to the community. I will list the grievances against me, and I will apologize for them:
1) I am sorry for threatening members in the community.
2) I am sorry for swearing or using rude language at members in the community.
3) I am sorry for teasing or making fun of members in the community.
4) I am sorry for spreading false rumors about members in the community.
5) I am sorry for being mean to others on TeamSpeak.
6) I am sorry for trolling in TeamSpeak.
7) I am sorry for spamming others with constant messages about important matters.

I cannot say anymore. I am now banning myself from TeamSpeak, leaving all chats but faction, allies, and trade, and thinking about what I say before I say it. Thus, you may see a slight pause in my answers.

I am sorry for any trouble I have caused any of you fine contributors. Thank you for reading,
I have never seen you troll, flame, or pretty much do anything bad so and it does show you have a certain amount of character and dignity that you made this apology and it shows that you actually are sorry for what you did. So I just commenting to say please anyone who was affected by what seems like this one time outburst and try and be lenient with your judgement. In other words, don't turn this into a hate post guys because he sounds like he actually regrets whatever he has done and will not do this again. Thanks.
I too have never seen you display such behavior. In the contact I've had with you, you've been very friendly and helpful. Like Waminer said, the fact that you made a post on the apology displaying your penitence shows quite a lot about you.
Well, I'm not jumping on any bandwagons, but you've always been nice and friendly with me. I've never even seen any of this from you except that you are insistent about important matters (which most sane and rational people are).