An Anthology Of Letters

Unrequited. Adjective. (of a feeling, especially love) not returned or rewarded.

OOC Note: The identity of Leo is unknown. He could be completely fictitious. He could be a real man.

Dearest Leo,
It's been some time since I've written to you. You seem to be one of the few souls I can confide to. Spirit knows why, or how, but you are trustworthy. I knew from the day we met that we were going to be close. You listened. You urged me to think. And I did. I thought for myself. And while you are away from me, I will write to you. No matter how small something is, I know you will care. It is what friends would do.

I would read your letters every day. Every small story, every little incident that you would come across. I would listen. I ask you to do the same.

I eagerly await a reply.

Yours truly,


I read your last response. I am glad you took some time from fighting to ease my worries over your safety. You are indeed a good friend.

Today, I ventured out to the tavern. I met a lady, who begged for regals. Of course, the woman was ailing. Her children died from famine early on. I listened to her story, not out of pity, but out of curiosity. Once she was done lamenting over her woes, I showed her to the Almshouse. The lady greeted me with a smile the next day. I was thanked, endlessly, for the small act I had done for her.

Leo, was this right? I did nothing. She would surely have heard of the Almshouse eventually. I couldn't find my place to remind her of who was her real savior. Who fed her, kept her warm in this bizarre snow, who took her in. Also, who probably gave her directions to the nearest bath house. The lady indeed smelled better after the first visit.

Ever humbled to be your friend,


To a certain man who needs a bath,
Please. Take a bath. I know you may busy, but I can smell you all the way from Regalia.

Furthermore, you have assured me I was in the right to be thanked. I should have never doubted it in the first place.

Yesterday I met an orc. I was completely and utterly terrified. I wished you had been by my side, Leo. But you are off, and so I dealt with it myself. I began a conversation with them. They liked the usual orc hobbies of drinking and spilling blood, but he seemed to favor honor, alike to you, Leo. I know you do not drink, however, and stopped the comparisons there.

Such different people have many things in common. Isn't that odd, Leo?

Wishing for my nose to smell something pleasant,


To the (definitely not an) orc man,
I know you are a tad fumbled at the comparison, but I only drew connections between you and your love of honor. It is admirable to find that trait in an orc. He doesn't match an Ailor in any way, I assure you.

And in response to your story earlier, Hah. They indeed were no match for your cooking prowess.

You will have to teach me to cook sometime. I think I'd be quite good at it. I am a fast learner.

I am starting to doubt my own skills in medicine. Days have gone by with no letter from Baron Von Duerr. I do not think they got the message- What do you think? I'm afraid they do not think highly of me or of my skills. I wish to be taught, but they must think me to be a challenge. I'm unsure of how to proceed. Should I wait? Should I send more letters? The options are leaving me panicky.

I usually have a way to go about it on my own, but I would appreciate your input on this.

Pacing around the room like a mad fool,


To my best friend, and certainly nothing more,
You think I should meet with Baron Von Duerr in person? It seems to be the best idea so far, so I will run with it. Thank you.

Regards to your cooking, yes. I can already cook. But there is always room for improvement, Leo. Always.

A housemaid spotted me writing these letters and your responses I stowed away, and is likely to tell Dietrich about them. There's nothing suspicious, and hence the title of this letter. I do not think he would care much if we are best friends, as there's no room to grow from there. I have my place in society, as sad as it is to say, and will be married off to someone deemed so by Dietrich. It is a fact of my life, and I look to it as nothing more than that.

I do indeed hope I will grow to love this future man. I hope he will not be abusive, and will cherish me as a true lover. Only time will tell.

Leo, I hope you do the same to whoever it is you marry. I have spoken to you once about this, but I must really drive my point home.

Your faithful reminder,


To the budding florist,
Really. I think you would quite like this hobby.

I know my last letter was chock full of truth, but I know life will turn out alright for the both of us. You've expressed to me before your thoughts, and I thank you. You have calmed me once again.

I must thank you for taking your time to respond and to read, and to understand my utter nonsense. It is tough for me to express my gratitude, but you have it, Leo. You have it.

A man in the tavern stopped me, and set me aside. He treated me like an object. I do not like being treated so, Leo. I do not. But I stayed silent. I regret it, but I did. He spoke on and on about the injustice of the Empire, of how the Emperor was corrupt. I couldn't speak. I tried to excuse myself, but he grabbed my wrist.

Leo, I stayed.

I wish I hadn't, but I did. And I was stuck.

No guard was near. The tavern was full of strangers who didn't care about the fancily dressed girl, being kept like a bird in a cage.

I was herded on to the street, his grip was so tight, Leo. I feared for my life, for my sanctity, for everything I had.

Is it bad I responded with a sound? I didn't keep silent, not anymore. I let out a pure shriek. The man backhanded me, and pulled me forward. I dug my feet into the snow, and yanked back as much as I could.

I was spun around in front of him, and was pinned against his chest. His breath reeked of alcohol. Leo, I was terrified.

I reared my leg up, and aimed for him.

I ended up fighting, and winning. He crumpled to the ground, of course with me underneath him, but a Nordmark, with skin of ash, peeled him off me. I was soaked from the snow, but I made it home.

I ended up a tad sickly, but it was something I could handle. My wrist is a tad bruised from his grip, but I am dealing with it now.

Leo. Tell me why you weren't there. I feared, so much. I am nothing without protection. I am simply done for.

I yearn for your protection again.

Forever dependent,


Tags: @SasuNaru2016 (Nordmark)
Unrequited. Adjective. (of a feeling, especially love) not returned or rewarded.

OOC Note: The identity of Leo is unknown. He could be completely fictitious. He could be a real man.

Dearest Leo,
It's been some time since I've written to you. You seem to be one of the few souls I can confide to. Spirit knows why, or how, but you are trustworthy. I knew from the day we met that we were going to be close. You listened. You urged me to think. And I did. I thought for myself. And while you are away from me, I will write to you. No matter how small something is, I know you will care. It is what friends would do.

I would read your letters every day. Every small story, every little incident that you would come across. I would listen. I ask you to do the same.

I eagerly await a reply.

Yours truly,


I read your last response. I am glad you took some time from fighting to ease my worries over your safety. You are indeed a good friend.

Today, I ventured out to the tavern. I met a lady, who begged for regals. Of course, the woman was ailing. Her children died from famine early on. I listened to her story, not out of pity, but out of curiosity. Once she was done lamenting over her woes, I showed her to the Almshouse. The lady greeted me with a smile the next day. I was thanked, endlessly, for the small act I had done for her.

Leo, was this right? I did nothing. She would surely have heard of the Almshouse eventually. I couldn't find my place to remind her of who was her real savior. Who fed her, kept her warm in this bizarre snow, who took her in. Also, who probably gave her directions to the nearest bath house. The lady indeed smelled better after the first visit.

Ever humbled to be your friend,


To a certain man who needs a bath,
Please. Take a bath. I know you may busy, but I can smell you all the way from Regalia.

Furthermore, you have assured me I was in the right to be thanked. I should have never doubted it in the first place.

Yesterday I met an orc. I was completely and utterly terrified. I wished you had been by my side, Leo. But you are off, and so I dealt with it myself. I began a conversation with them. They liked the usual orc hobbies of drinking and spilling blood, but he seemed to favor honor, alike to you, Leo. I know you do not drink, however, and stopped the comparisons there.

Such different people have many things in common. Isn't that odd, Leo?

Wishing for my nose to smell something pleasant,


To the (definitely not an) orc man,
I know you are a tad fumbled at the comparison, but I only drew connections between you and your love of honor. It is admirable to find that trait in an orc. He doesn't match an Ailor in any way, I assure you.

And in response to your story earlier, Hah. They indeed were no match for your cooking prowess.

You will have to teach me to cook sometime. I think I'd be quite good at it. I am a fast learner.

I am starting to doubt my own skills in medicine. Days have gone by with no letter from Baron Von Duerr. I do not think they got the message- What do you think? I'm afraid they do not think highly of me or of my skills. I wish to be taught, but they must think me to be a challenge. I'm unsure of how to proceed. Should I wait? Should I send more letters? The options are leaving me panicky.

I usually have a way to go about it on my own, but I would appreciate your input on this.

Pacing around the room like a mad fool,


To my best friend, and certainly nothing more,
You think I should meet with Baron Von Duerr in person? It seems to be the best idea so far, so I will run with it. Thank you.

Regards to your cooking, yes. I can already cook. But there is always room for improvement, Leo. Always.

A housemaid spotted me writing these letters and your responses I stowed away, and is likely to tell Dietrich about them. There's nothing suspicious, and hence the title of this letter. I do not think he would care much if we are best friends, as there's no room to grow from there. I have my place in society, as sad as it is to say, and will be married off to someone deemed so by Dietrich. It is a fact of my life, and I look to it as nothing more than that.

I do indeed hope I will grow to love this future man. I hope he will not be abusive, and will cherish me as a true lover. Only time will tell.

Leo, I hope you do the same to whoever it is you marry. I have spoken to you once about this, but I must really drive my point home.

Your faithful reminder,


To the budding florist,
Really. I think you would quite like this hobby.

I know my last letter was chock full of truth, but I know life will turn out alright for the both of us. You've expressed to me before your thoughts, and I thank you. You have calmed me once again.

I must thank you for taking your time to respond and to read, and to understand my utter nonsense. It is tough for me to express my gratitude, but you have it, Leo. You have it.

A man in the tavern stopped me, and set me aside. He treated me like an object. I do not like being treated so, Leo. I do not. But I stayed silent. I regret it, but I did. He spoke on and on about the injustice of the Empire, of how the Emperor was corrupt. I couldn't speak. I tried to excuse myself, but he grabbed my wrist.

Leo, I stayed.

I wish I hadn't, but I did. And I was stuck.

No guard was near. The tavern was full of strangers who didn't care about the fancily dressed girl, being kept like a bird in a cage.

I was herded on to the street, his grip was so tight, Leo. I feared for my life, for my sanctity, for everything I had.

Is it bad I responded with a sound? I didn't keep silent, not anymore. I let out a pure shriek. The man backhanded me, and pulled me forward. I dug my feet into the snow, and yanked back as much as I could.

I was spun around in front of him, and was pinned against his chest. His breath reeked of alcohol. Leo, I was terrified.

I reared my leg up, and aimed for him.

I ended up fighting, and winning. He crumpled to the ground, of course with me underneath him, but a Nordmark, with skin of ash, peeled him off me. I was soaked from the snow, but I made it home.

I ended up a tad sickly, but it was something I could handle. My wrist is a tad bruised from his grip, but I am dealing with it now.

Leo. Tell me why you weren't there. I feared, so much. I am nothing without protection. I am simply done for.

I yearn for your protection again.

Forever dependent,


Tags: @SasuNaru2016 (Nordmark)