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An Announcement On The Ulfmaerran Crimes

Sword and Blood.jpg

Eske Ulfmaerr, formerly a Captain of the Violet Order and recently demoted to Guard, stands accused of the following crimes...

Grand conspiracy, mass vigilantism, ownership of illegal military weaponry, ownership of illegal military armor, disrupting lawful operations of the guards, threatening nobility with physical harm, violating the public weapon law, violating the public armor law, usurping law enforcement, mass-threatening the public and trespassing on the property of the violet order.

1. These crimes target the entirety of the Ulmaerr Infantry. All members of this "Chapter" are expected to surrender themselves to the Violet Order, and renounce their affiliation and swear complete loyalty to the Crown upon capture. Doing so will spare them the fate of their leader, and even a place serving the Empire should they prove reasonable and faithful to the Crown. Failure to do so will see them found guilty of all the crimes leveled at Eske Ulfmaerr.

2. The list of offenders from the Ulfmaerran Infantry is as follows.
Berdalf Ulfmaerr @Dragonking14
Thorald Ulfmaerr @Blackfish_
Urijah Jameson @Pellaeon
Hadrian Grey @Dardy
Magnus Viduggla @Jugswe
Inkeri Arud @JennaLikesCoffee

Names will be underlined as they are captured/resign from the Infantry.

3. Eske Ulfmaerr @Mortisian himself is ordered to surrender himself to the Violet Order to await his trial and punishment.

4. Members of all relevent Law Enforcement Chapters are welcome and encouraged to assist the Violet Order in the capture of the above accused, but are ordered to withhold sentencing until the Grand Commisioner is present.
May the Imperial Spirit keep you Wise and Walking.
- Luchs Kade

Grand Commissioner of the Regalian Empire
Lord Commander of the Violet Order
Inaugural Winner of the Imperial Duelist League
Crown-Winner of the Elven War of 302
Agronak the Strong of the Orc Clan Ironmonger
And Law-Brother to his Imperial Holiness.

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Charles de Nodier had been in the Black Tower when the announcement arrived, he quickly turned to his brother, "Brother, oui, monsieur Eske is to be arrested? I remember that atrocious attire of his - always thought it would be a fashion crime he would fall for, ah well - he was loud anyhow." Charles, once more, placed his absolutely splendid hate upon his head as he moved on to more important things in life. Like what next year's spring fashion trends had in store. Many splendid hates, most certainly.
Avynn almost spit out her Ale when she heard the news, but she only leaned back and grinned, a very wide grin. "Thas' ta life of a traitor. I tried ta warn him didn' I."
A certain lady could only help but give a twisted smile at a name pertinent to her own cause.

"I didn't think you were the kind of man to be caught."

With a wave of her finger, she dismissed the news. He indeed owes her one for this.

Leonzio laid in his bed, bandages still over his face as he read the notice. "Hate to say I told you so. Wait...no I don't." A laugh escaped him, only resulting in a slight coughing fit. He cleared his throat and glanced over to Garth, "See it done and don't be gentle. We don't take kindly to traitors."

Seraphina's fingers stopped abruptly from their dancing across the piano keys as she overheard the news. A small smile slid across her features and an almost dark chuckle escaped her. "That'll teach him. Idiota es finally getting what's coming to him."
Alexander was just getting out of his ranger gear when he heard the news, with a slight grin on his face he began suiting back up "I knew since I saw him at the fort he was an interesting individual, but I never expected this, oh well, mark it up as a.. happy suprise, time to get to work."
They chuckled as they grabbed a glass of whiskey and light up a somke. "I warned you Eske. I told you it was going to happen. Now rot" they take in a deep breath letting it out laughing the whole time through. "Who to deal with next?"
Garth gave a single nod towards the bedridden Wodenstaff, a slowly growing grin on his face. After easing his frame off the wall he leant on, the once Viduggla made his way out of the room with the quiet thud of his boots trailing every step. "Eske has been a little shit towards me lately.. Mm.. Haven't punched someone in two days, time to refresh tha'." Soon gave his wrapped up right hand a little rub at the comment, as made way towards his room to gather his Ranger's outfit.

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Rena, while busy with her own many problems, couldn't help but chuckle quietly at the news. She held her child close and spoke out to no one in particular.

"You were told all your life and warned by nearly every individual you encountered. Truly there is no one who could better fit the old saying. Pride comes before the fall. Good riddance, old enemy."
Fathiyaa shook her head muttering a bit to herself when she heard the news. "Eske...What in Aloria did you get yourself into."
Silver gradually stops her drinking as she overhears a rowdy, joyous group. Each laughing as they tell the news to one another. Her once relaxed expression twists into dull agitation as her eyebrows knit together, lips thinning into a line. Releasing a grumble from her throat, she leans her elbows upon the counter, bringing a hand to thread through her bangs in an anxious tick. The woman exhales slowly as she begins an evening of thought. "What terrible timing on the many fronts.."
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Ovid O' Castor frowned, looking over Jared's brimming list of titles, his eyes squinting as the illiterate dwelf tried to make sense of the words.

"Karsten.. what's tha' then?" He'd muster with a scrunched face, pointing to the large block of lovely titular lines.

"His titles, ya muppet." The alt-regalian would reply, giving the dwelf a light slap on the back of his head.

The dwelfling paused, bursting into almost instantaneous laughter, as his finger traced from bottom to top of the finish block, his visage a bright red.

Karsten quizzed, giving the paper one last gaze, to check if he'd missed something.

"Its.." the dwelf cackled. "It's just.. yer've got te be makin' up fer somethin' very small! Te be havin' a title tha' bloody big!"

Karsten shook his head..

"Arrogance was his greatest enemy, Spirit guide his soul and the souls of his conspirators..."
Within 30 minutes the man was freed from the Black Tower, growling under his breathe and a hitch in his step, no limbs lost, no eyes taken. The Man wandered into the city.

Back home he would take his seat and speak to himself and Inkeri in a growling tone;

"This city is poison and prepares for war with itself."

He paced back and forth, back and forth, irritation and idleness growing upon his skin, tonight would be a long night.
Bastien, now Bastien the Gray, shook his head when he heard the news, clearly dissapproving. He sighed, muttering to himself "Ugh, Eske, you too hm? A pity, I wonder who's next." He then continued to take a sip of his morning tea, debating upon what to do today as a disowned celyreos.

He then hops out of his seat, slowly rubbing his chin with his index finger. "Well, I think it's about time I sent Eske a letter." Would then return to his office, beginning to write away.
