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An Actual Bloody Concern: Missing Person - Karp Kippings


Always smirking
Jun 3, 2019
Reaction score
(These would be posted in a fair amount of numbers around the Golden Willow, Nestled Nook, and Wraith.)

If one were to know Karp Kippings, they would know he is a man of his word. Not only I guess, because some consider him decent, but because of some stupid code or oath or some shite where he can't lie. He failed to show up to a location when he said he would. This has led me to believe something's gone to absolute shite. Karp Kippings was last seen by myself personally in the Nestled Nook early afternoon yesterday, with his arse of a co-worker, Vena'llia. So you, lady-bits, speak to me. Before I believe you're actually crazy and nabbed him yourself.

Karp Kippings isn't the most remarkable man. He's got black hair fashioned in a crew cut, with grey eyes and a fair, peach skin tone. He's not that bloody tall, like 5'9-5'11" around, I don't know. He was last seen in his Villiers-Eclaire Uniform. Not very pretty either, but hold your judgement. Many would consider Karp to be an asshole, but he's really not all that bad at times, promise. He's just a blunt, know-it-all kind of guy. But he's nice about it too, and is generally well liked by some of the local populous...except for Kathar. Definitely not Kathar.

He's got a lot of bloody titles and shite, Inquisitor Commander, a Knight, blah blah, other stuff, you get the point. He's almost important around here. You get it. He's missing and I want him BACK. I am willing to offer per say, starting out at...500 regals if he's returned. Or someone tells me where he is so I can personally drag his arse out from wherever.

If you have in fact taken Karp...really there's a lot more remarkable people you could kidnap honestly, so if you could just return him and all that, that'd be corking. I'm sure we can come to some sort of compromise, aye? If you killed him, well, then you better run.​

If you know of Karp Kippings whereabouts, have more information to provide, or did in fact take him for whatever stupid reason, you can find me at the Nestled Nook Inn likely, where we can discuss payment or reward depending on what you provide me on this subject.

~ Sincerely,
A very annoyed Altalar,
Fen'nan Solaveira.
Lily Janssen read over the note, at first thinking it was another public letter, but quickly realising its importantce.
"What the fuck? No.. No, no no.." She muttered to herself skimming through the paper, reading each line over and over again as tears started to form in her eyes.
"How the fuck could this happen?!" She sat down, back against the board as she quickly scribbled on a piece of scratch paper she had crumpled up in her bag. After attaching it quickly under Fen's original note, Lily ran off in the direction of Greygate.

The note read:
"An addional 150 regals will be rewarded by Doctor Lily Janssen, as well as healing for any injuries sustained in the finding of Ser Kippings, free of charge. Please, find my friend. I beg of you."
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Lucille's gaze ran across the notice posted in the Nook, the womans lips curling into an amused grin once she was finished. She snatched the letter off the board with a huff, muttering to herself in d'Ithanie. "Ah, Fen. She's probably only concerned because she wants to bed him, what a shame!"
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Winifred Marth gave a long, drawn sigh. "Thank the fucking Spirit and mother. Finally something actually worth while."
*Galatea's eyes widened as she read it. She couldn't believe what Fen had to say, ultimately she denied it and questioned everything. "Whoever kidnapped him or killed him will pay. I can't believe this however..."
Silver an Isldar in black, looks over the flyer and narrows his eyes. Muttering under his breath, "Looks like I got a job to do. Fucking finally."
A distant dei Termini stood within a nondisclosed Warcamp, peering off over the Horizon as he was brought new reports from here and there, after being given the most, "Recent and Interesting News!" from the Capital, he read over the above notice. With a grumble, he tossed it off to the side and crossed his arms saying, "Why do I believe they'll try to blame me for this when I am hundreds of miles away."
Milo read the notice once more before plopping it down onto his desk with a sigh. "Quite a disappointment someone with all those titles still managed to go and get captured...Wait, no, someone went fishing, and caught a Karp. Less disappointing if all he did was just go on some surprise vacation," he said with an arched brow. Standing up, he made his way down to the basement to whack the replaced punching bag.

"Either way I doubt someone like Karp would just die so suddenly, so I'm sure he'll be in living condition at least."
Camilla caught wind from her place upon her cot, giving a grunt or two in response. Later a post would also add onto the list:

"Best be wise to return him before you end up a corpse in the sewers."
Dusk read over the letter, her fingers tracing the lines as she read, she pursed her lips and took a step back "I need to speak to a Fen. Perhaps I can be of some use. In the spirit of Karp i'll say spirit protect...or whatever they say." She would run off to see if you could help the pressing search for Ser Karp
Eija Fristadvlom looked over the letter after her sister showed it to her. Letting out a snort and then a sigh. Knowing far to well that Ser Kippings can handle himself. "Thought it would be another week or two before this happened" Commenting as she went back to making her jewelry.
Taendross sat in her office, giving a frown at the notice. A few papers went sliding as she stoop up, tapping her foot. She stormed around the office, kicking at crunched up paper on the ground. As she finally sat back down, she began writing out a note in slick handwriting. Late that evening, she'd post it out.

"To the dumb ass/es who decided to kidnap a Violet Commander, you'd have your best interests settled in returning him with his conscious, belongings without injury, lest you wish to face the wrath that will come from his kidnapping."
A thumb-print in a deep, black ink would be put on the top-right corner of the paper. Next to the paper on the board is another one with rather poor handwriting, the indentations of the quill poking small holes at some points between the heavily spaced letters. It reads..

"You seem to need a tracker. I will find you near the Nook to speak further."

Should Fen'nan walk around the Nook, gossip of an Url inquiring about her presence would spread, eventually reaching her ears upon her anticipated visit. He seems to be asking about her and a missing man...
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Elizabeth Rote looked this over on a piece of paper that sat on the desk in her study, "What idiot did this?" she took the paper the notice was on for her and threw it at the unlit fireplace to burn as fuel later.
Another was tacked on next to Quin's notice, albeit written on a piece of leather with blood for ink, a bit more traditional. Signed with the print of a hoof.

"Sign me up for the hunt. -I"

Their notice came next to Quin's.

The High Reverend would look over the notice with mild concern.

"I want him back. Do we actually know if he had been taken?"

The young reverend asked the collection of clergy and inquisitors that no doubt would have been at the cathedral.
"I am unaware, brother. I would assume so, however. I doubt he would have just.. disappeared by his own volition. Perhaps the Synod should offer some regals for the reward? Or individual Reverends should do so?" Aelfric Harhold lofted a brow of inquiry as he looked to Exarch Henri, supported by his cane.

Eric would read the letter with an angry face. "Oh brother, What have you gotten yourself into..." Eric said as he ripped the note into pieces. Grabbing his uniform and storming out to the nook to see fen.
Most of the missing flyers have been torn down from their locations! A few pieces of paper replacing them with the simple words;

"Karp is bloody fine. He's safe."