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Played Character Alyssa Alamilla-Prieto

This character is actively played.


massivecraft's chappell roan
Nov 27, 2021
Reaction score
the door to your mom's room

" Black ink drips like tar
Viscous and laced with your guilt
It is lurking here. "

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Given Name: Alyssa Alamilla-Prieto​
Alternatively: Merithys, the Beloved of Death; Daenshore's Wolverine; Shadow Sorcerer​
Heritage / Culture: Mauthek Godborn // Feka-Asha (Remet) // Ailor (Tierraveran)
Age: 26 years old
Gender: Female
Occult: Hollow Mage // School of Golemancy
Religion: Khama // Beloved of Mauthek​

Core Concept
Alyssa is a Feka Asha reminiscent of a hyena or wolverine, with a gloomy air and cruel features curtained by dark hair. She's covets the magic of her God-father Mauthek, improving her body without much casting on her own part. She weaves shadows into constructs, and spectres into golems, granting them physicality.​


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Eye Color: Maroonish, two slightly different hues
Skin: Brown
Hair/fur: Black, shaggy & long
Height: 5'-09"
Body Type: Slim
Alyssa sports dark hair often curtaining her eyes, and stands at a tall 5'-09''. Usually, however, she's slouching, bringing her to stand nearer 5'-06''. She appears gaunt, with pointed, chipped ears and fur on her shoulders, calves, and arms, winding into claws on both her hands and feet, and a canine tail at the base of her spine.
She wears a black Elastan bodysuit under her clothes, which usually consist of contrastingly vibrant-coloured Tierraveran pants and tops.
She speaks with a scratched voice, not quite gravelly, that gives her words a static undertone through her Droque accent.
She has sharp canines, one of them replaced with Living Metal.​


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Dexterity: 7
Roguery | Sharp Reflexes
Roguery | Fleet Footed
Roguery | Nimble Bola
Roguery | Flexible Maneuver
Roguery | Smokescreen
Roguery | Dirty Fighter
Roguery | Escape Artist​
Faith: 7
Free | Ritualist Stance
Ritualist | Slaughter
Ritualist | Roots
Ritualist | Mirage
Ritualist | Gale
Ritualist | Expulsion
Prayer | Guided
Prayer | Blinding​
Magic: 1
Arcane | Aura​

  • » Linguistic Masters | If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.
    » Heretic Hunters | If your Character does not Syncretize, they gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking Cap up to 11) against Characters that have Syncretized their mono-faith.
    » Survival Advantage | Remet Asha have perfect night vision, capable of seeing in dark and low-light environments without needing external lights. Additionally, their claws when struck together create flint and steel like sparks that light up.
    » Enhanced Senses | Remet Asha have a heightened sense of smell, sight, and hearing out of Combat. This is fairly flexible and should be discussed with people in a scene in terms of what advantages this may give an Asha in varying scenarios.
    » Soft Landing | Remet Asha either through a combination of excellent acrobatics, or shock-dampening limbs, or using their claws to slide down buildings, never take damage when falling from heights, so long as this fall is below 50 Blocks.​
  • » Greater Strength | You are stronger than the average normal person when it comes to out-of-Combat tests of strength. Whether it is in arm-wrestling, or other power competitions, you always gain bonus Dice. You can also carry much heavier loads than other normal people.
    » Hollow Touched | You are touched by the powers of the Hollow, causing the Undead to see you as one of their own. Greater Entities and Death Gods of the Hollow cannot see you unless you reveal yourself to them by speaking their name or at them. Mindless Undead or Bone Horrors won't attack you unless you attack, and you may have protections against harmful Hollow effects or Magic during Events (at the Dm's discretion).
    » Pastself Transformation | You are able to use a Pastself Transformation, changing into one of your ancestors from ancient times, but a ghostly version of them (this is purely visual). This counts as a Disguise, and can be misidentified as an Undead. You will transform back to normal if you reach 0 HP in Combat. (Undead are illegal in Regalia).​
  • Khama Faith Mechanic 1: Any Believer of Khama, even non-Asha, gains access to the Remet/Savent Asha Heritage Mechanic regarding Living Metal. Living Metal is also called the Blood of the Gods among Khama believers and has great religious significance to them as a result. For more information about Living Metal, refer to the Asha Page. Additionally, Khama Believers, due to their access to Living Metal, gain the Living Metal variant of the Shapeshift Pack for free. For rules on Living Metal Shapeshifting, see the Page. Re-buying this Pack with Proficiency results in the normal variant being given instead, or the Magical variant if it is chosen.​
    » Living Metal | Remet Asha can control a special substance called Living Metal, which is a solid Metal that becomes liquid by their thought and imagination, and can be reshaped to whatever they can imagine, and telekinetically moved around.​
    Khama Faith Mechanic 2: Believers of Khama can appeal to the Gods through a ceremony or in-game Event to deal Karmic justice to someone who has wronged them. These Calendar Events must be held with more than a few believers, but do not require Divinium. Staff should be notified of such an Event in a Ticket, and either bear witness to the ceremonial request or receive information about it in said ticket. The core function is that the faithful come together to lament about the injustices perpetrated by either a Player or Event NPC after the fact and beg the Gods to deal Karmic justice to them. For Player Characters, this will never cause permanent damage or death, but can cause them to become cursed, or temporarily receive debuffs. It will be very obvious to the target that the faithful of Khama requested they be punished, though the Gods may reject for a variety of reasons.​

Droque (10/10)
Ibeth (5/10)
Common (7/10)​


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  • Alyssa grew up in Daenshore, adopted, working full time to keep the household alive, and sparing no expense in ensuring they lived well. Her foster mother was a Hedjet Asha from the Isles, and her father a local Tierraveran Ailor.

    Alyssa made her own contributions in menial tasks, picking up jewelry-making most notably.
  • Her mother raised her with the Khama faith, supportive in spite of the magic that Alyssa was born to, with Mauthek's touch. When she was old enough, she took the name Merithys, beloved of Mauthek, in honor of Him.

    She was lured to Regalia, by the errant whispers of Pahtia's revival and the rumors spreading in the aftermath of Sapphora's awakening.


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