Altalar House Of Talaeth


Das Wump
Dec 14, 2015
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House talaeth name plate.webp

Sae's family.webp

Family Motto

(No one actually knows what it means, despite it being written on every piece of art, sculpture, and building in the families domain. No one has translated it, safe for the family head, who finds it joyfully amusing and painfully accurate.)

Translation from Ancient Altalar | "Enslave the Masses and Slaughter the Swine, Rejoice in the Spilling of the Blood of the Heretic and Praises be to the Est'Allorn who have dominion over the Land and Sea."

Race | Maritime Est'Allorn (Altalar)
Religion | Faith of Estel
Trade | Slavery
Colors | No set standard beyond vibrant hues with metallic accents

The House of Talaeth has rather simple and prideful origins upon an island kingdom in Western Daendroc lost to time. The family built itself over the course of several centuries and generations upon the enslavement of Ailor. By the time of the cataclysm they had managed to survive the aftermath, holding the enslaved Ailor beneath their chains and whatever magics survived.

As the family obtained its slaves from conquest, versus breeding them as the practice was not practical on such a small landmass, it was inevitable that the enslaved populations would shift to the Orcs and Half-Orcs who were easily kept in line with their fear of magics that was their overhead.

Within two centuries, the Dread Empire landed upon the island kingdom, destroying the slave industry as well as the rest of the family and their history, safe for the oral histories of its members. Few of the Talaeth were members of the kingdoms armada and were able to escape the Kathar destruction by sailing south, landing in Ithania. Lacking in wealth beyond their ships and the jewelry on their persons, they were able to put themselves into a comfy position in the Ithanian landmass, serving as tutors and bureaucrats of the wealthy Ithanian populace, albeit begrudgingly.

Time would pass, but inevitably the House of Talaeth would be in a position to take over a slaving operation of Varran in Ithania. While not at the same level of wealth accruement as their enslavement of the Ailor in generations past, it allowed them some luxury to live peacefully in the Ithanian countryside. When his Royal Highness Florent d'Gosselin took the Ithanian throne it put a noticeable dent in the slave trade, as many of those who held slaves were loyal to the Sovereign who was now under house arrest. Despite this, the return of the elusive and disturbed member, Sae'lleoh se voirlles niehe poi'uereis seihny'uoenn Vaéllë, managed to put the Talaeth back onto the path of growth, albeit with added degeneracy and shifty underworld political alignments. Time will tell if the family will be able to reclaim some of it's lost history or live the remainder of their days in Ithanian vineyards amongst cat people in chains.

Members of the House of Talaeth all share the trend of pure black hair, with their eye color and body dimorphism being typical of an Altalar. Facial hair is not discouraged, but viewed as a way of atoning for sins past, it is worn as a sign of falling from the Faith and is a holy act to wear facial hair. I honestly don't know why people put specific heights and such here, just allow character freedom, yo.

There is no family tree. This is to encourage individual character development and growth and allow for the emergence of characters into the family from characters created outside of the family who want to be transferred in. Understand that no one will be in a position to take over the family, but will be set up in a way to grow the character and develop strong roleplay.

Family members do not take the family surname as their own, rather, their names are derived from Ancient Altalar. They adopt the first syllable or two from the first section of their name as a Modern Altalar translation of their birth name, with the surname used only for paperwork and denoting where they belong to in casual conversation.

(For example, Sae'lleoh se voirlles niehe poi'uereis seihny'uoenn Vaéllë has his name translated to Sae Talaeth as his Modern Altalar name, despite it not being his birth name.)


Servitude is conducted within two ways for the House of Talaeth. These are detailed below.

Option One | Mortis Daël | The Mortis Dael hold a place of servants, advisors, and the traditional viewpoint of the House of Talaeth. They are confidants and hold the key to destroying the family, something they are incapable of doing, due to their creation and existence. Note: A Mortis Dael cannot betray the House of Talaeth, this is impossible as it breaks the promise they were created under.

Option Two | Mortis Käl | The Mortis Kal were introduced into the structure of servants under the arrival of the present family head. They are kept hidden away and hold a place in the families court as a novelty of sorts. They are encouraged to seek revenge on the family who they hate so much, as surely one cannot hold such feelings unless they are justified. The act of seeing someone destroy another is a joyful past time of the House of Talaeth, to such a degree they are benefactors of gladiator sports.

Option Three | Slavery | The House of Talaeth holds two kinds of slaves in the present generation, Varran and Allar. They carry out tasks and serve as a way of showing the Talaeth influence on the world by being involved as the servers at parties or any other kind of social gathering. They are beneath the Altalar masters, but so long as they know their place and keep a low brow, then they will live in relative luxury despite their circumstance. If luxury includes whipping and being considered worth less than a farm animal.

Option Four | Cake Bearer | It has been a while since the family head has been satisfied by the delicious taste of cake. This is arguably one of the most important positions for servitude to the House of Talaeth.


DM @Wumpatron with a pitch of either a family member or one of the many positions offered under the family. To be honest, I just want to have fun in role play. This is a hobby for me and if I can make that hobby enjoyable for more people than great. Even if only one person is interested, it's one person I can help to grow and develop a character they will enjoy playing in their free time.

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