Archived Allow Factions To Create Npc's

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Drama Bug
Nov 14, 2013
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I think it would be a really fun addition to the server to allow factions to make use of NPC's! Imagine your faction market having some NPC's that could actually buy and sell goods for you. Instead of a chest, a player could interact with an NPC that works exactly like a chest. Or maybe, in the larger factions, a few NPC's could be allocated as guards, which stand atop your tower walls and make your citizens feel protected. They could also serve to help members find certain popular areas, like the local tavern in a kingdom, or maybe a town cryer could stand in the faction square, and every minute or so, it would call out the message of the day to all those people nearby. Overall I think that this idea would bring factions to life!

I think that a strict limit should be put on the number of NPC's per faction. Maybe 1 or less even NPC per faction member. If there are too many then it could cause a lot of lag, so this number needs to be balanced to allow for maximum enjoyment with minimum lag. It may take some testing to figure out the ideal number.

I also think that this feature should be something that may only be accessible to Premium Members. Or, that certain elements of the feature should only be for premium members. For example, maybe premiums can spawn every type of villager, where non premiums can only spawn a default villager. Also, maybe premiums should be allowed to tell villagers to trade items, while non-premium members should only be allowed to give them messages to say.

There is a world of possibilities to this idea, and I really believe that having this idea implemented will make it a lot more fun to explore other factions, explore your own faction, and just play in the survival worlds in general! It could also be a healthy source of income for the server, as I think that a lot of players would pay for premium in order to make use of the feature, or extra elements to it.

Please let me know what you all think! I really want to get as much feedback as possible


A Local Catbug
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I think for the sake of populating a town, yes this is a great idea. But when you get into the realm of the NPCs doing anything other than walking... it gets tricky. But overall i really like this idea
I love this idea! This would be good for places such as the taverns in factions or markets etc.
Originally I was in disagreement, but honestly I like the idea as a suggestion, so I'll say yes to this.

I do thing that there needs to be a an NPC price, and limit NPCs to only move or stay stationary.
More likely than not, NPC's would have to be stationary. I like the idea of making them cost a certain amount, like a 1 time payment of regals to spawn one. Money Sink = Good for the inflated economy

What would be a fair price per NPC if they were at a cost of regals?
I think it would be a really fun addition to the server to allow factions to make use of NPC's! Imagine your faction market having some NPC's that could actually buy and sell goods for you. Instead of a chest, a player could interact with an NPC that works exactly like a chest. Or maybe, in the larger factions, a few NPC's could be allocated as guards, which stand atop your tower walls and make your citizens feel protected. They could also serve to help members find certain popular areas, like the local tavern in a kingdom, or maybe a town cryer could stand in the faction square, and every minute or so, it would call out the message of the day to all those people nearby. Overall I think that this idea would bring factions to life!

I think that a strict limit should be put on the number of NPC's per faction. Maybe 1 or less even NPC per faction member. If there are too many then it could cause a lot of lag, so this number needs to be balanced to allow for maximum enjoyment with minimum lag. It may take some testing to figure out the ideal number.

I also think that this feature should be something that may only be accessible to Premium Members. Or, that certain elements of the feature should only be for premium members. For example, maybe premiums can spawn every type of villager, where non premiums can only spawn a default villager. Also, maybe premiums should be allowed to tell villagers to trade items, while non-premium members should only be allowed to give them messages to say.

There is a world of possibilities to this idea, and I really believe that having this idea implemented will make it a lot more fun to explore other factions, explore your own faction, and just play in the survival worlds in general! It could also be a healthy source of income for the server, as I think that a lot of players would pay for premium in order to make use of the feature, or extra elements to it.

Please let me know what you all think! I really want to get as much feedback as possible


A Local Catbug

Using NPC's as guards is a waste because we already have Armorstands that can be used for the same purpose, but I love the idea for using NPCs as shops with the chest shop GUI.
Now what'd make it even better, would be if you could have lore items (Customized towards your faction) added to the items it sells. Staff could come out with a list of items that have a fixed price point.
Say you want to sell lored gold nuggets as a faction IC currency. Staff would fix a price for any lored gold nuggets at 50 regals per purchase. Any God lored items would have to have a fixed price of like 1000 regals, forcing players either not to purchase or making player come up with items that are more for aesthetic or sentimental.

This would probably the best and most interesting option, letting player have unique items without expense of the enconomy. It also lets players add more depth to their faction. I dunno what do you think?
Well that depends if you want to use a /spawn command or if staff have to manually place it.
If i'm not mistaken, Massive uses the Citizens plugin for its NPCs. Which is rather user friendly. But idk how it would work integrating to factions (if thats even possible) meaning that staff would have to manage them
Plus they barely have enough time come on and answer my tickets.
Well for one, ive learned that if you continuously complain about staff not answering tickets, they tend to not want to.

How long do you think it takes to make a warzonne?? And they charge 2.5k lol
It takes a lot longer than simply creating the faction and claiming land. @Gethelp goes through a process of checking to make sure the build follows all the rules, and on top of that, if im not mistaken, he continuously goes and checks over warzones all the time. That wouldnt be the case with the NPC.
Im asking you to legitimize the asking price of 200 regals.

The most I've ever seen purchase for a war zone, is 6. NPCs arent comparable to warzones we are talking about entities here not spaces of land. The only thing that these two have in common, is that staff have to create them and they would cost money. I can imagine some of the larger factions purchasing upwards of 20 over time.. which would be 4000r. I say 200 because you are able to get a lot of them, not like a warzone
You telling me that 200 is a bad price because War zones cost 5000, would be the same as if you said 200 is a bad price because some regalian properties cost 1000. You're just giving me random information that's irrelevant
The point is not to complain, it's to show that hey hardly have time to fix a 3 minute problem and that their time is better spent on world maintenance and events like KOTH. Not filling out a NPC request to populate one of Tyberia's city with 100 stationary "NPC's"
Okay i gotcha now. Makes sense
Guys the idea was actually to let the faction leaders/ officers place the NPC and use commands to edit them themselves. This would require no staff effort. And I think thats the better outlook. It may even require a new plugin to be made, not sure but ideally this feature would not require the time or energy of the game staff.
God no NPC are one of the most laggy tthings on the server with just what we have as staff NPC they use 2%cpu and thats on the PvP server and there is like 10 of them on it
God no NPC are one of the most laggy tthings on the server with just what we have as staff NPC they use 2%cpu and thats on the PvP server and there is like 10 of them on it

I knew this idea was going to be shut down by lag issues :P

But it was a great idea!
Then wouldnt tamed animals be almost just as laggy?

The same reason that if you were in your dark room with about 300 mobs it'd be no big deal, but if you were in a room with 300 players you'd be laggy.... Players in general take up more CPU, and rightly so because they are more complex. Automating them besides even further complicates it....

I love the idea, but the issue is that the NPCs are made from fake players. Just make the NPCs out of zombies with no AI and player head objects to give them faces...
Just make the NPCs out of zombies with no AI and player head objects to give them faces...

Now theres an idea! I like that a lot. You could still encorporate a gui or interface when clicking an NPC like this too.
I think this idea could be heavily usable if it were to be a stationary villager(mob) that could be nameable as the player npc would cause a large amount of lag and a HUGE amount of programming while a villager you could probably make a /buy command or something and put in the specifics of the trades and the name and it would give you a spawn egg or something. This would also be a good donation as they often dwindle the economy while this wouldn't really affect the economy too bad.
It's because a player is more complex than a mob. It does more things. A player is able to login/logout have vast inventories of items, ender chest data is stored on player entities, loads of data about factions, positional relations to what chunk they are in and if they can build and perms and all of these other things are involved in the bukkit and exented bukkit player class.

Mobs have literally no relationship whatsoever with factions except whether or not they can spawn in faction lands provided a flag and don't contain huge amounts of data about perms, inventories, etc. It is the same reason that a dropper is fine in Regalia, but a dub chest is not. More data is more lag and players use more data.

Their basic reality is they contain more functions, more attributes, and interact with other classes more interactively than mobs.
It's because a player is more complex than a mob. It does more things. A player is able to login/logout have vast inventories of items, ender chest data is stored on player entities, loads of data about factions, positional relations to what chunk they are in and if they can build and perms and all of these other things are involved in the bukkit and exented bukkit player class.

Mobs have literally no relationship whatever with factions except whether or not they can spawn in faction lands provided a flag and don't contain huge amounts of data about perms, inventories, etc. It is the same reason that a dropper is fine in Regalia, but a dub chest is not. More data is more lag and players use more data.

Their basic reality is they contain more functions, more attributes, and interact with other classes more interactively than mobs.
this is why i am stating we should use villagers as it would be an easier function of less lag
Ok, so even if we were to use a mob instead of an NPC. Why would staff allow this as a feature, I mean we can already tame mobs. TBH we should just make the feature just a little easier to navigate. I dont really know much on how to tame mobs tho.

Ohh and thanks for the info @TheOverseer__
it would be a good premium feature and villagers aren't attainable IG as far as I know of and these would be able to have custom trades, names, and possibly sayings.
I think having NPCs would be a great idea. They have very few functions, but I think being able to arm them and armor them would be a good idea. Make them powerful enough to be a pain to raiders. It would be nice to be have something that can be a deterrent to raiders when the pvpers in the fax aren't on. It would also give a sense of population to otherwise empty towns ans cities.
I honestly prefer snow golems, he he, I have a snow golem base in the middle of a volcanoe
You're already allowed to do this, a Tamed Green mob with God armor can take a couple hundred damage and packs a mean punch with a god weapon.

Perhaps players should have to choose the type of villager (Merchant-Noble-King-Warrior-Archer)

While they wouldn't drop much.. Perhaps a couple regals, their class would determine their buffs and cost

With the debuff of massive mobs they are much weaker than before.... Though it might still work...
this also comes down to the matter of how will they be skinned...
I mean, if we custom spawn npcs, how would it be textured?
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