Preserved Sheet Alexeios Katopodis

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Resident Sad Corpse Man
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
Colorado, USA
Roleplay Guilds
Regalian Engineer's Guild

Character Information

  • Full Name: Alexeios Katopodis
  • Race: Aetosian Ailor
  • Age: 123
  • Gender: Male (he/him)
  • Occult: Undead (Mortis, Halted Deathrot)
    • Alignment: Ordial
Core Concept
A repentant Evintarian Undead who wants nothing more than to be accepted into society again. (Well, the family he managed to build does come first.)

Appearance Information
Alexeios appears as a corpse with dead and clouded once-brown eyes, his skin near-blue from lack of blood and his chest unmoving with breath. He stands at about 6', his hair is brown and curly, and his face is slightly rounded, though nearly always in a stern neutral expression. A pair of circular glasses sits atop his nose, and he wears clothing from his home in eastern Etosil: warm, dark-colored clothing, boots, and sometimes a furred hat. (Skin)


  • Strength:
  • Constitution:
  • Dexterity:
  • Wisdom:
  • Charisma:
  • Magic:
  • Faith:
  • Hellas (Native)
  • Deathspeech (Undead)
  • Common (Free)

Plot/RP Hooks


  • The aristocratic Choniates family has been locally renowned in eastern Etosil for generations, distinguished by their hunting ability and products (meat, pelts, etc.), as well as their skill in tracking and executing the restless Undead that attack Aetosian settlements.
  • On the night of July 14, 222 AC, the patriarch of the Choniates family (Kudochetos) and his four sons (Demetrios, Siromos, Alexeios, and Lesos) went missing on a hunt, and were presumed dead. The family was succeeded by the matriarch, Cyrene, and daughter, Molisia, as well as the various families of Demetrios, Siromos, and Lesos. (While Alexeios never knowingly sired any children, the chance of direct descendants existing are non-zero.)
  • Rumors abounded in the same area for over 80 years about an Undead who had kept its sense, and was even doing business; he worked out of a small cabin in the mountain wilderness of Etosil, tending to an olive tree farm and procuring meat, pelts, and other animal products to sell. He called himself Katopodis. Those brave enough to seek him out came back astounded and with stories of a gruff (yet surprisingly human) dead man who took most any price offered to him. He disappeared around the beginning of the Bone Horror Crisis.
  • When Alexeios first came to Regalia, he steadily worked two jobs in the mishmash of tied-together boats that was the Crookback Emporium in what is now Old Crookback for some months: bartender at the Corpse in the Gutter, and medic in the Crookback Clinic.
  • Alexeios was the first Undead to enter the ranks of the Violet Guard, as well as Palest to Abelhard Petrou. He no longer holds either of these positions. He was fired from both on August 3, 309.
  • The first Law Minister, Aleksandra Dragić, presided over Alexeios's inquest for legality pre-Doctrine of Peculiar Judgement. While his appeal was approved by Minister Dragić, it was denied by Crown representatives later down the line for unknown reasons.
  • Alexeios lives in the Red Square neighborhood in Crookback, where he runs a meager butchery out of his first floor. He is known to live with his fiancé Alton Rider (a Swordsworn Bloodcast Knight) and an... eccentric young bard by the name of Ferrier.
  • He spends 99% of his time in Crookback and the Sewers, as going into the main city would be a death sentence (or, if he is very lucky, a slap on the wrist and a swift kicking back into the borough).
  • He often spends time in the Evintarian Shrine in Crookback, on the bottom floor of the Crookback Apartments.
  • He has been notably absent during the entirety of the Meteor of Avarice event.


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And it came to me then
That every plan
Is a tiny prayer to Father Time

– "What Sarah Said" by Death Cab for Cutie



In my life, will I make a difference?
In my death, will I be missed?
Will I be granted some sort of an afterlife
Or will I just cease to exist?

– "Memento Mori" by Crywank

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In life, Alexeios was a professional hunter of both animals and Undead and one of the sons of an aristocratic Aetosian family. After being killed by the Bone King for the consistent (though unknown) murder of his subjects, however, he was raised as one of the Corpsefolk and cursed to continue on in a semi-fractured state. While he remains a devout Evintarian Unionist, as he was in life, his faith has been tested more than a few times in his undead state, and he now struggles to 'live' a 'life' free of the bounds chosen by others as well as unconflicted by his continued existence.

His current ambition: Legalize Undead in the city, or simply become legal himself.

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Old long since gone, now way back when
We lived in Coney Island
There ain't no good thing ever dies
I'm gonna take it with me when I go

– "Take It With Me" by Tom Waits

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You can't escape forever,
Mistaking smoke for Heaven's light
It's not 'follow or fade to black-and-white'

– "Stomach It" by Crywolf

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You can find the way to Heaven
And do it all without direction
And I'm sure that I was with it
I was with it

– "The Loch Ness Monster Song" by Pow Pow Family Band

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Destined Familiar
Instant Power
Emote Range

Alexeios was born near, found in childhood, or religiously manifested a familiar that was life-linked with him and grew old with him: a tsarr cat which he named Talon. He can accompany Alexeios and aesthetically interact with the environment and other people. Once per server restart, Talon can be called to attack a target within range. The target has the Brittle debuff applied to them. Due to the Corpsefolk Special Dead Familiar, Talon is much a mirror image of Alexeios himself: a corpse resurrected from death. If killed, Talon collapses, and if retrieved, can be resurrected. He can carry about one object at a time, and can help retrieve meat for Alexeios to help him heal.

    • H


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Help, I lost myself again
But I remember you
I can't help but wonder
If our grave was watered by the rain
Would roses bloom?
Could roses bloom?

– "Six Feet Under" by Billie Eilish

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Alexeios Choniates was born on May 20, 188 AC to a timid mother, a stern father, and two older brothers. The Choniates estate was located in the city of Optikios, in the east of Etosil. They were located in the northwest of the city, almost straddling the mountains and close to forests they could hunt game in. Growing up, Alexeios was educated in reading and writing as well as the history and culture of his people and the Regalian Empire. His household was extremely strict, and his father the perpetrator of this universal Aetosian constant. His family's trade was in hunting, selling pelts, animal parts, and trophies at a high price for their quality, and he easily followed in the footsteps of his family. However, they were also occasionally contracted to hunt the Undead that resided in Etosil like an infestation, mindless (or otherwise). Honing his skills starting when he became a teenager and all the way up to adulthood, Alexeios became just as good at tracking and trapping as his father, earning just enough respect to be considered a proper and capable man. As he grew older, he came to realize that his father was not just strict, but cruel and cold.

Alexeios never married despite his family ties to other aristocracy. Despite his father regularly reminding him that it was expected of him to help continue on the family line, Alexeios was not interested in women whatsoever—explicitly disrespecting his father when he continued to set him up with 'appropriate lady suitors' and Alexeios refused to attend or engage. Instead, he had private affairs with family friends and acquaintances, staying as far away from his family's sight as possible. One of these affairs became long-term, with another aristocrat by the name of Petros Sinalotis, and Alexeios found himself in love.

However, one night, everything changed. Alexeios fled from Parithea, the Bone King mockingly calling out 'Katopodis'—a name literally meaning 'the one who ran away'. This would later be one of the things that consistently ran through his muddled mind, and he came to associate it with himself.

Alexeios hid in the mountains, becoming mindless and ravenous in his want for flesh. When he came to, Everwatcher knows how long later, he was greeted with a multitude of unpleasantries: the taste of fresh blood coating his tongue. What tattered remains of his clothing soaked in crimson. An eviscerated woman lying at his feet. The air, fresh and crisp with autumn, filled with the sounds of singing song flowers. A burning at his upper left arm, which, upon inspection, now displayed the image of a ghostly green flower of the very kind all about him. A reminder. A permanent one, he soon found, as even cutting off his arm and regrowing it by eating brought it back to his skin.


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I'm tired of tending to this fire
I've used up all I've collected
I have singed my hands
It's only time before they show me
Why no one ever comes back with details from beyond
They know that it's almost over

– "Leave the City" by Twenty One Pilots

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Will you continue my memory
I wish for you please
Know me now
As I am
Know me as I know you
Keep me in your memory
I wonder how I may live through you that I continue on and you pass away
Will I die, I want you to live
Please help me
Here I am
Here you are
Save me
Don't leave me

– "Revival Rebirth" by @JoyIsNecessary

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Alright @MippyMoo! Small edit to make. Please list Undeadism under the Special Traits/Spells/Mutations section. After you've made this edit toss me a tag!
@Mollymock Added Woaden lineage in green, under race as well as a small aesthetic relating to said previous lineage under special traits I hope I'll be able to have approved, fingers crossed
@Mollymock Redid proficiency points to account for the big update, recalculated his physical stat (I didn't mean for this to happen), and updated his visual information expansion.
Jan. 4, 2021 Changes
  • Increased Light Bow Combat Skill from 15 to 20 following the Ranged Combat Category update, leaving 45 Proficiency Points spent and 5 Free
  • Physical Stat calculation changed to include this change, though Physical Stat stays as 30, as that's the Woaden cap
  • Listed Light Bow Combat abilities under Special Traits and linked the Ranged Combat Category page
  • Listed new aesthetic mutations regarding Enhanced Undead under Special Traits

(Should've made a change log post under the app :pensive:)
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Jan. 24, 2021 Changes
  • Changed Physical Stat calculation to accomodate Light Bow investment calculation change from x1 to x0.5. As he has 20 Light Bow Combat and previously the collective output was 40 (capped at 30 for Lineage cap), this 20 was halved to 10, resulting in no change in overall Physical Stat, staying at 30.
Feb. 11, 2021 Changes
  • Updated Basic Information Expansion to include the legalization of Undeadism, Alexei's more frequent explorations of the city, and his completely changed Ambition
  • Updated Inventory Information completely
  • Updated Visual Information Expansion with tattoos
Mar. 3, 2021 Changes
  • Added Deathspeech to languages
  • Alexei gave his Heron Pendant to Alton, so he's replaced it with Unionist Pendant
Mar. 25, 2021 Changes
  • Clarified that Deathspeech is non-conversational
  • Changed Light Bow Combat to Light Ranged Combat, indicated he uses a hunting bow for these abilities
  • Kept Woaden Lineage with the Ailor Racial Ability re-roll, just re-listed the correct abilities he has
Apr. 24, 2021 Changes
  • Reduced Strength Training from 10 to 5 to keep in accordance with the new proficiency re-roll
  • All other proficiencies otherwise stay the same
  • Physical Stat reduced from 30 to 25 because of Strength Training change
  • "Mirnoye Dialect" changed to "Mirnoye" and "Etosian Dialect" changed to "Etos" in accordance with the Linguistics proficiency page
  • Ability Great Force 1 added due to Strength Training
  • Religion under Personality Information expanded upon and Unionism reduced from 6/10 to 5/10
July 31 Changes
  • Updated 5 Medical Knowledge to 5 Medical Training under Special Training category
  • Added "Light Mend 1 | Mundane Technique" under the Abilities section
January 20 Changes

OVERHAUL! Had this update planned for a while (regarding proficiencies), but the Vladno removal really kicked me into gear.
  • Complete redo to the new Character Application format
  • He's Etosian now!
  • Proficiency redistribution (overall kept what I had except for removing certain points, i.e. 20 -> 16 Light Ranged, 15 -> 10 Hunting Art) and subsequent Physical Stat recalculation
  • mutations eheheheheheheheehheh
I'll have to save aesthetics for a later time :(

@Yurs Adding Aontaithe as the language for the Ailor Special People of Many Tongues, and added specifics on the Ailor Specials!
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May 7 Changes
  • Re-did his Core Concept to be more concise
  • Prof update!
    • Corpsefolk update, Abilities dolled out accordingly
    • Ailor update
  • Redid the Mutations section so it's less of a bullet-pointed nightmare

I think the investment of a single point into Magic, without actually taking a pack, is really funny. I've never seen anyone do that before and hadn't even really thought of the possibility of them just kind of being 'attuned to magic'. Just wanted to let you know that's creative and very unique.

@Yurs Very small update: being experimented on and having his blood solidified via Ordial mutations <3 added to the mutations section.