Preserved Sheet Alessandra Laenari Bel-saal Alloren Solleria

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Aug 27, 2022
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Roleplay Guilds
Red Crypt, Clovis Legal Inc
♡♡ ̆̈ೃ⁀➷ʚɞㅤᵕ̈₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.`✦ ˑ ִֶ ⊹・゜ʚɞ゜・゜

"Alessandra Laenari Bel-saal Alloren Solleria"
(Some quote here)


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Identity Information


« CHOSEN NAME » | Alessandra Laenari Bel-saal Alloren Solleria
Common Nicknames | Ale, Slugface, Seaslug.
Known Former Names | Yalaune
« RACE » | Urlan
Affinity | N/A
» Note | Changed by the Dragon of Change to be an Urlan.
Formerly | Full-blooded Fin'ullen
« AGE » | Thirty-Five years of age
Birthday | July 1st, 276 A.C
Astrology | Cancer
« GENDER » | Vaguely female
Pronouns | She or they
« OCCULT » | Primal

⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ CORE CONCEPT
IDENTITY | Alessandra, having battled her own demons when younger, and struggling to find purpose, turned to the Dragons for a welcomed change within her life. Casting aside her old Fin'ullen identity, she now returns as an Urlan, now having to grapple with being a 'fake' Urlan under the ever judgmental gaze of Tarlok.

⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ VISUAL INFORMATION
APPEARANCE | Alessandra stands at roughly 6'5 with thick black fur from head to hoof, horns sprout from her head and includes little nubs on the bottom of her jaw. Her eyes are a draconic purple, and she normally wears loose clothes such as dresses.

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Skillset Information


Fisticuffs Pack - Free
Shaker Pack - Free

Breaker Pack
Pursuer Pack


Tank Stance - Free
Tank Triage Pack - Free
Bruteforce Pack - Free
Shield Cover - Free

Bastion Pack
Counterplay Pack
Recovery Pack
Tank Hero Pack
Tank Rally Pack


Archive Wisdom Pack

♢ 0 MAGIC.


Body Invocation - Free
Script Invocation - Free

Cleansing Pack
Mercy Pack
Healing Pack
Saving Pack
Gear Blessing Pack


Free Languages | Common

Background Information

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THE BEGINNING: Born to two Fin'ullen parents in a crime scheme, life wasn't always easy for her six other siblings and her. They where constantly on the move, either from authorities or other rival gangs they managed to piss off. The young Fin'ullen never remember stability, always on the move and many kicking and screaming fights about 'why they had to move again' and sobbing in her room, with her still-packed suitcase by the bedrest.
CHILDHOOD: Schooling was difficult to say the least, her parents didn't have the money to send her to school, as she had to take care of her siblings, so she was mostly home schooled. Learning to fight under her father and basic school subjects by her mother, her older siblings filled in the rest. While her parents where away doing crime work, her older siblings often took her around town, to steal and beg for food or coins.
ADOLESCENCE: With her older siblings now having left for their own ventures, and the family business falling short, her parents discussed several options in order to make money for the school, including giving her to a magic school or a military school. She ended up going to magic school and learning healing.
EARLY ADULTHOOD: While learning healing in the school, she started dabbling in darker arts. While landing in Regalia, she tried her hardest to remain on the "good" side of the city. Her hatred for Lothar's caused her to "rubber-band" and move over to the Void. Unhappy with this, she soon bounced to Estel, but seeing how little remained of the faith, caused her to remove herself from the Exist as well. For awhile, she remained wandering, unsure of herself, before meeting Lyn. Lyn offered her teachings on the Dragons, and she was soon an Archon. Now outcasted by the Void and Exist, she moves to help the city become bigger and better.

PRESENT: Awakening as a new Urlan under the Dragons, she helps the Metro of the Holy City with their criminal catching and flair.
Plot Hooks

<A Healer by Birth>

-Those looking to understand healing can approach Ale, though her memory of such a time is long distant and nearly forgotten.

<The Twisted Past>

-Vampires and those of the Void might hear rumors of her once being a member of Serpent's Hollow, and can approach her about her time in the Guild.
-Cahal and those of the Exist might hear a repeated word, "Maiden's Moon", echoing in the Elven District in late nights. Some might spot her figure, wandering, full of regret, of her past deeds.
-As always, Archon and those friendly are free to bother her, at any time.

<Present Ties>

-Ale is very Occult friendly, which makes her a target of ire among those who wish to see Mage's burn. State officials, Lothar, and hardcore Purists can all seek her out.
-Ale, now a Bulwurk, as shed her old linings of her Fin'ullen nature, embracing instead her Urlan one. Estel Faithful and other Neflin are welcomed to seek her out for a fight, for "betraying their ideals".
-On the flip side, Oorl Born Urlan's, who think Bulwurks are not "true Urlan's", will clash with Ale naturally, who argues that Bulwurk's are just the same as natural Urlans, just via religious means. Oorl Urlan's are welcomed to clash with her.


Llewyn: Though their first encounter met with blades, she vaguely remembers Llewyn as a sort of teacher figure, before turning to magic. She remembers his brief stint with Vampirism, then getting cursed with an unholy artefact. He was reborn anew, seemingly having forgotten most of his memories, and she suspects they drifted apart long before then, though remains dubious they had anything aside "neutrality" in the first place. Recently, she heard he lost the fight against Naravan in a final one-on-one battle, marking a bittersweet loss within her life. Labeled: Dead. @Rowet

Xavier: A younger lad with a pension to hang out with the wrong crowd, she regards him with caution and concern. She doesn't know him fairly well, but doesn't hate him either. Labeled: Neutral. @coldestkiller

Viola: Through first encountering this blood-thirsty (heheh pun) woman, she remembers making their wedding cake, and feeling as though she had hopefully made a right choice. Time drifted the two apart, with Ale secretly helping the Cahals behind Viola's back, the trust shattered once The Maiden's Moon came around, with Ale helping the Cahals with their wishes. Soon however, Ale rejected the Cahals and Exist as a whole, her faith shaken by Harlow Ketch. Now, the two remain enemies, and have fought once or twice. Labeled: Hostile. @KitchenRefugee

Reyna: Another Vampire overlord she didn't quite know well, but was present during his curing when she was an Archon. She assumes the Curing was permeant, and often wonders how their doing.
Labeled: Neutral @ChapterDeath

Reynard: Their a good person and a good Metro member, the last time she saw them was at a festival getting drunk. Labeled: Neutral. @FolkFume

Faust: The old Mayor of Crookback, she sort of remembers something about him being 'The King of Rats'? Now he hangs around the Ordial Temple. Labeled: Netural @Hutydan

Estelar: Baker's old flame, she doesn't know much of them. Labeled: Neutral @KasterBestBoppin

Carmine Hale: An...interesting person who seems the type of "shoot first ask questions later". Also doesn't know too much about this woman. @IsopodsIG

Tarlok: He's basically a folk-hero in her eyes, and as earned her respected and even admiration. He went from working from the Ministry of Magic to working under the Metro. He knows of his flaws, and is working hard to appease them.

Allisa: Ale doesn't know much about her, other than the time she got kidnapped and Ale (with a small party) went to go rescue her. She's glad she's unharmed, and hopes to be friendly with her in the future. @Clone_Fives

Pipa Pipa: What can I say? Everyone likes Pipa. @Patsie

Dr. Alstandel: A Teledden that's desperate to remove his Ordial Mage core, on a fevered hunt to eradicate that part of him. She wishes him the best, but knows he must do it alone. @Plumcrazycat

Narla: Of relatively unknown status, aside from a rumor or so here or there, brief sightings amidst dappled dark twisted branches. Her bloodthirsty nature frightens Ale, her tendencies to lash out and then draw the victim card also bother Ale.

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Hello, here's my review:
  • Please indicate clearly how many proficiency points are in each stat. Check how the character application template examples are formatted if you're confused.
  • Invest your 9 remaining points into some stats - you don't have to invest in more point-buy abilities, but the stats themselves matter.
    • You can't have 10 points unspent in Dexterity, the max is 7 and you don't have enough points to spare for that.
Tag me once edits are completed, thanks!
Hello! I put it under re-review since I added two new spell packs, which I highlighted in red. @gnomery
@gnomery Hi again! With the magic re-written I've made a few changes to the magic and listed what she has now. I know I get 12 but I honestly couldn't think of anymore that would fit her character from the Specials list.
Approved! Just consider whether your character is a born mage, or learned to cast later in life :- )
Sorry for the small change, but I relized she already has Arcane Mastery, so I swapped it for Arcane Sight. @gnomery
@gnomery I added some magic and included the curse Yala is now under @FutureTeller I may have gotten the name wrong, it's 3am and very tired. I also added some DEX based skills since that was slacking. Pro tip, don't fight an Undead dude. xD
This shouldn't have any effect on point-buy whatsoever, it's a combination of a debuff from my spec perm + the Soul sickness effects that come with it.
Odds are that the curse will be lifted by tomorrow, there is no need to include it on the application, unless you really want to.
Either invest in another spell point buy pack or remove two specials- you have 2 spell point buy abilities and 8 specials.
This shouldn't have any effect on point-buy whatsoever, it's a combination of a debuff from my spec perm + the Soul sickness effects that come with it.
Odds are that the curse will be lifted by tomorrow, there is no need to include it on the application, unless you really want to.

Ack sorry! I removed it.
@gnomery After reflection, I realized my character was getting spread way too thin with stats and stuff, so I re-did her entire stats. Her stats now resemble something of a spell-sword instead of being placed all over. Some notable changes:

-Removed her entire Healing Pack slots (I was told we have 8 billion healers already)
-Added magic that makes sense for her, like chain break and dueling brand.
-Added a language pack because she now works under Miguel, and due to traveling a lot as a Fin'ullen, I thought this would make sense.
-Added a Soulrend pack to allow her to change into a spooky Void Monster now that she's gotten a clean break from the no-no magic group.
-Added some skills under STR
-Removed all of her DEX skills.
@gnomery Should be the last and final change, due to wonderful @WildRoze , I have a brand new skin for Yala, which I have included under Appreance Information. I apologize for so many radical changes!
Add another magic pack or remove three specials and you're good
Apologies, I meant add another spell point buy ability, not another point in the Magic stat
@gnomery With the new pack update, her STR skills have been changed to reflect the new stuff
Hi, the Bonfire ability (Recovery Pack) is under Defensive Point Buy, please move it under Constitution instead!
@gnomery Mild change, due to RP developments, Yala's magic was switched from Voidal to Exist.
As long as it's an OOC retcon that's fine
@gnomery I changed a few skills, namely made her more of a bow support than melee fighter due to lack of in-game armor. I also added some new scars and updated relationships.
Core Concept:

She only needs people to like her for as long as she needs them for something. Everyone's got a weakness, and she's looking for it from the moment she meets someone. Her ideals belong in vigor, the world belongs to those with the will to take it. However, she does get cocky about her scams and assumes everyone is an idiot.
I would consider adding a sentence about religion, or, the lack thereof. Though it is up to you ultimately on this.
Make sure you specify the source dimension of the magic here. I believe it is Exist, because the Soulrend Form is from the Exist.

Green = Your pretty good in Yala's eyes! She thinks favorable of you.
Light blue = Yala likes you, but doesn't consider you a friend.
Grey = Yala either has no idea who you are, just met you, or is unsure about you.
Red = She dislikes you. She'll more than likely try to avoid you.
Dark Red = She dislikes you so much she'll consider breaking laws in order to get back at you. This can range from harmless pranks to more serious crimes.
Riftan: Yala first met him at the square fighting demons, but while that's impressive an all, she isn't sure of his character, beyond a few scraps of information. @AlienDark12

The Silver Tounged Prophet: Yala isn't sure what this guy's deal with about 'no magic', but she's seen first hand the horrors Void and Exist does. Perhaps they have a point about it being deadly.

I admittedly thought I could get away with scamming and setting up a Slizzen, not only did it go terribly wrong, but I had to get Miguel to bust me out! Turns out the Old Man is a lot smarter than he looks, and I had to write a public letter to agree to leave him alone. I will however, still send him gifts. And I promised him a shopping trip. @Ghirko

Sami: An Archon I met yesterday, seems ok. Warned me that people don't tend to like Archon's or Dragon Worship.

I'm still not sure on her allegiances, she seems to flip flop between helping the Prophet and helping us. While she did claim it was an 'accident', I'm not sure I can trust her. @Samantics_

Clovis: That buttface of a lawyer tried to kick me out while I was hiding from a demon attack! I hope he liked his office covered in rotten produce. @Wilvahelm

Pae: Miguel's wife. Honestly she seems nice but I don't know much about her.

It seems she just as vanished, with even Miguel being clueless on her were-a-bouts. @faevona

Miguel: Honestly I owe a lifelong debt to Miguel now, which I don't mind. He not only saved my ass, but he got out of the Silver Scale. I've become his life-long helper, yay.

Naarfi: The God-born son of Sapporha, he seems pretty full of himself but has endless questions on how the world works. @PaladinoGui

Finn 'The Hero': He seems like a naïve young fan-boy of Naarfi, but he shows thoughtfulness and is a little smart.

Titania: I already like her! She seems wise, and she introduced me to Estel and how to draw on the powers of the Exist instead of the Void.

Nox: The Great Silver Dragon, the one that Prophet worships. I paid homage to him for about a week, before things collapsed.

Leskensia: Honestly I couldn't do anything to save you, and now you're acting like it's my fault. Now Gyr, Lockwood, and whoever that Fin'ullen you were talking to have all shunned me. If you keep pushing the people away that try to help, there wont be anyone left.
I'm also going to suggest you put this relationships section into a spoiler. Mostly it's just for ease of reading over the app and formatting, but I always enjoy seeing this!

@Tag me once you've made those changes.
@ezalB After a poll - changed Yala to a Greater Mage! Let me know if I did anything wrong, the wiki was a littttle confusing.
School of Displaying
School of Materlism
School of Disruption

-Sanctum Vessal
-Chain Break
-Blood Element
-Cold Immune
-Blood Crafter

Greater Mage Packs:

-Magic Blink
-Knight Summon
-Target Disrupt
I do think you misunderstood it just a bit. In order to have Greater Mage, you need to have purchased seven unique Spell Point Buy Packs. Currently, you only have three purchased, Displacing, Materialism, and Disruption. Go ahead and choose four more in order to be a Greater Mage. You understood the rest of it just fine though! I will however suggest, that you consider taking the other specials provided to you, up to 21 in total.

Besides that, things look good. @Tag me when you've made the fix, and mark our changes in classic blue.
@ezalB Ok! I fixed it, I decided not to add the rest of the Specials because honestly, having this much is a lot already, and my characters a water...blood ish bender. Trying to keep the theme and not have too many random things.
Also I finally found a skin for mermaid Yala BUT had to make some changes to the transformation.
Apologies for the wait! Yesterday was a lot busier than I expected.
-Enchanted Wall
-Perfect Copy
-Area Power
-Illusion Self
Aha, I think you're still misunderstanding just a bit. You don't have the upgraded and additional ability from each school you have chosen as a Greater Mage, only 3. It states the rules at the top of the Greater Mage section pretty clearly, and that'll probably do a lot better job at explaining than I can concisely do here. Simply go ahead and delete what I've marked in the quote above.

Everything else is still looking good. Just @Tag me once you've fixed that little bit.
Apologies for the wait! Yesterday was a lot busier than I expected.

Aha, I think you're still misunderstanding just a bit. You don't have the upgraded and additional ability from each school you have chosen as a Greater Mage, only 3. It states the rules at the top of the Greater Mage section pretty clearly, and that'll probably do a lot better job at explaining than I can concisely do here. Simply go ahead and delete what I've marked in the quote above.

Everything else is still looking good. Just @Tag me once you've fixed that little bit.
