Shelved Character Alduir Stormblade

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.
Howdy! App looks fine as always, there's just a little wrong with the proficiency section:
  • You currently have sorcery listed as "15 Sorcery (12 Core)". Please correct this.
  • Honed Skill 2 is still being applied to your Construction Arts. Please go ahead and remove this, as it is no longer an ability.
Go ahead and tag me once you've made these changes, thank you!
Howdy! App looks fine as always, there's just a little wrong with the proficiency section:
  • You currently have sorcery listed as "15 Sorcery (12 Core)". Please correct this.
  • Honed Skill 2 is still being applied to your Construction Arts. Please go ahead and remove this, as it is no longer an ability.
Go ahead and tag me once you've made these changes, thank you!

Done! @Yurs
AH WOOPS. I should've been more clear, that's my bad. You currently have 5 Spells bought (not including Seizing Destiny), so it was supposed to be 15 Sorcery (15 Core) rather than 12 Sorcery (12 Core). Or you can remove the extra spell, and then it would be correct. You'd just need to leave the 3 extra points unspent.
AH WOOPS. I should've been more clear, that's my bad. You currently have 5 Spells bought (not including Seizing Destiny), so it was supposed to be 15 Sorcery (15 Core) rather than 12 Sorcery (12 Core). Or you can remove the extra spell, and then it would be correct. You'd just need to leave the 3 extra points unspent.

No worries! Changed it to 15. Should be set now!


Prof update w/ Mage Permission removing the need for a lot of things.

Glaive Combat was raised to 20

Casting Ranged was REMOVED

Sorcery was dropped to 3, leaving EC3 and LM2 with the latter being free via racial.

Linguistics was raised to 6, adding on Aontaithe to unlock Pach

Strength Training was raised to 10, adding Gate Smash 1

Perception was ADDED and raised to 10

Wooden Art was DROPPED to 1 in lieu of not needing so many for whittling.

Construction Art was ADDED and raised to 10 by popular demand from players.

Special Permission was ADDED to Ability List via hyperlink.
Due to previous reviewer not being active, marking for reviewer.

Hey buddy.

Been a second, eh?

Completely re-done app from ground up now that the man is Solvaan.

Everything's new.

Mark for Re-Review

Hello hello!

A few minor updates.

Updated Racials, Teledden dominant given Justice Silven.

Made him a born mage.

Moved profs around a tad, removed dex to add into Con, picked up two new defensive abilities.

Hello my friend, I updated his profs after waiting for three updates.

Marked in Green.

Please don't hurt me.