Archived Albinos. Why Aren't They Ever Seen?

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Alex Shred
Dec 27, 2012
Reaction score
West Long Branch, NJ, USA
The thought of this occurred to me when I had been watching an anime with someone albino in it.

Why are there no Albinos on massivecraft?

As rare as albinos are I would think with the 300+ people playing on the server, someone would be albino. Even though the chance of being albino is 1 in 1,200. I would think that there would still be at least one albino character.
The thought had also brought up a problem involving vampires. Some albinos have the chance of having a very faint red tint to the color of there eyes. Although, most usually have grey eyes. But, say one did have red eyes, they may be mistaken for a vampire. But, they could still prove they aren't.

So my question is.
Would someone, such as myself, be allowed to create an albino character?
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I've seen people play as albinos before. But, I don't know if they are playing as them right now.
She plays an Albino.
Though lots of Albinos would be killed as Vampires by those that cant grasp the concept.
I had an albino character...I /may/ revive him sometime as an old elder Luthien lol...i must admit, he pretty much is an albino
Albino's exist, but in general the concept is shunned because anyone going for an albino is seen as a Mary Sue trying to be a special snowflake.
I've been told that if a disorder can turn up in the real world it can turn up in massive, the only issue is playing a disorder like that effectively. If you want to give that kind of thing a shot, do your research and try to portray it realistically and they shouldn't shoot you down.
Good Luck :)
My character Tytos was albino. But it was just family traits when I joined the family. I had no control over it.
Because the Crimsons killed them all for vampire-mages... sad thing is, an Albino would definitely look like a vampire with the Seraph traits for hair color... poor saps.
I am planning an albino thylan, mainly because it has purple eyes.
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