Preserved Sheet Akurgal Abansaddi

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@Yurs had to see if you came back or not but since you are, I decided to add ritualism so i can do Call things as i wait for proficoenxy update. Also removed skodje since it was pretty irrelevant and HS on shalota to keep in my mind the current two languages for the proficiency update in the future

Thought sort for proficiency update
Added ritualism
Removed Skodje and Goed for weak reasoning
Not a problem, it looks good! Small thing I noticed, you currently list your points as having 40/50 spent, but you later correctly note that you've got 15 unspent, meaning it should be 35/50. I dunno if you wanted to spend more, but you're free to whenever you'd like! Just go ahead and tag me for another review if that's ever the case ^^

@Yurs Prof Update!!!!!!!!!!

The boy is mainly charisma-based with some beef to them. I feel suits them well since dex didn't fit my man, no magic for them either and not much in wis interested me much.
Re-approved, sorry for the wait!
@Acosmism Took up space and Arcane magic from the charisma pool I had for more of a support caster with some little edits to simplify some backstory stuff
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@Caelamus could you reject this for me. I want to do a wipe of Akur so I feel good about them in my autistic mind and shave them down