Archived Afk Toggle Command

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A person
May 12, 2014
Reaction score
So many times I have messaged someone who was afk. A simple command to tell you that they are afk would help. If you tried to message them it would just tell you they are afk and cannot currently receive messages. If they have the afk command toggled on, it should send out reminders that they still have it on. This would help to keep track who is possible to talk to or not.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Yes. As somebody who is often AFK when people msg me... This would be helpful. Maybe also a list of people who tried to message you while you were afk.
Maybe also a minechat toggle. So when you start to message someone you were alerted that they are actually on minechat
I like this idea alot
I know this is an older post, but some people are still coming and posting so maybe someone could come tell me if it's feasible or not. @Staff
I think it's feasible and I think it would be used appropriately. I know I would use it
I think it's viable. I've seen some servers do it so that if you just stand still for a while it automatically does it. +1
Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Theres no point. Just notify people with "I am now AFK" or "-AFK-" I just do that and there is no kick. There is no point
Theres no point. Just notify people with "I am now AFK" or "-AFK-" I just do that and there is no kick. There is no point
right but what if somebody messages you? they dont know you are AFK. and you cant message EVERYBODY that u are afk. it just gets a bit excessive after 3 people.
Theres no point. Just notify people with "I am now AFK" or "-AFK-" I just do that and there is no kick. There is no point
You're joking right? It's not like you can be somewhere thousands of feet away from your computer and be like "hold on im afk ill be back in an hour." oml
You're joking right? It's not like you can be somewhere thousands of feet away from your computer and be like "hold on im afk ill be back in an hour." oml
You got me completely wrong. I meant if you need to eat or just do something and your sure your going to be back just tell them your AFK or log off. If your gonna be a long way away just say "I will be back later bye guys". Simple to handle the problem without a /afk command.
You got me completely wrong. I meant if you need to eat or just do something and your sure your going to be back just tell them your AFK or log off. If your gonna be a long way away just say "I will be back later bye guys". Simple to handle the problem without a /afk command.
bro you are posting things twice
I did not I am stating my opinion after you misunderstood me. obviously I had to go through it again for you
no im saying both things you said were posted twice. like literally two different comments with the exact same message due to either client lag or forum server lag. Please delete the copy on each thing so it doesnt clutter the thread
no im saying both things you said were posted twice. like literally two different comments with the exact same message due to either client lag or forum server lag. Please delete the copy on each thing so it doesnt clutter the thread
Oh I did not notice that.

I really hope that this is implemented.. Waiting :d
I really don't see the point. if you're AFK you should really just log off. There was an auto AFK kicker on the server before but it kept kicking roleplayers when they stood still because Minecraft cannot recognize whether a player is using chat. It only sees player activity in physical movement. We'd have to code a plugin that hooks into MassiveChat, which when you think about it, is really absurd. Players who feel the need to AFK manually on the server and want some method to inform people they are AFK should really just log off.

That being said, I like the idea of an auto reply feature where you can enable an automatic reply if anyone messages you directly in PM. Not for the sake of an AFK notification, I will still bring this to the tech department.
That being said, I like the idea of an auto reply feature where you can enable an automatic reply if anyone messages you directly in PM. Not for the sake of an AFK notification, I will still bring this to the tech department.
Monmarty could you give an example of what you are thinking of, if not an AFK notification?
Monmarty could you give an example of what you are thinking of, if not an AFK notification?
This was the message I just submitted to Tech.
ah gotcha. now.. in this scenario... I would message you: /msg monmarty blah blah. and I would receive the bounce back message. But would you still receive my message?
Yes. and I would also see myself automatically send the auto message.