Preserved Sheet Aelfric Hrothulf Harhold

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Removed all mention of Aspects and added that he was given the position of Reverend-Minister of the Guiding Eye done in Red! @Rochelle_
Basic Information:
Remove main ambition.​
Visual Information:
Remove weapon of choice.​
Skill Information:
Instrumental Music is marked as 20 yet you have 30 in the brackets. Fix this.
If you do have Instrumental Music as 20, you still have 20 points left culturally to use. This isn't required however.​

Make the above edits and tag me once done!
Removed all the things you wished for me to remove. I separated those 20 points between Instrumental and Vocal music and I corrected the brackets though then brought it back to 30 due to I using the remaining points. @Vegemiite
Look at your Unionist Seminaru thing it says +50 but when you explain the points it says +30 and +10
Since you have learnt a school, you lose 10 free points. So you only have 50 to spend. Go about removing 10 from whichever proficiency you wish.
Added limited understanding of Proto-Regalian and recent events into the Life Story. Edits done in RED! @Vegemiite (Tagging you as I do not know if this requires a Re-review!)
Minor edit only, vocal music is marked as 20 but only has 10 in the brackets. Could you please fix this. @GoldWolfGaming
Please remove the weapon of choice from the application. Still approved however.
Updated the languages to fit with the language update. I have kept all of the languages he has knowledge of so therefore invested 18 points for d'Ithanie, Alt-Regalian, and Proto-Regalian. I removed Statesman proficiency and lowered musical arts so I could fit the 18 points for Linguistics. I also edited his outfit because it needed updating. All edits done in RED! @Vegemiite
While I am no longer staff, please be sure to tag @Staff Roleplay from now on until this application gets picked up again. However I don't see anything wrong with this application. The proficiency points are correct and outfit changes are extremely minor.
I aged up Aelfric to 82 because his birthday is today as well as adding in some stuff on how he was elected to High Reverend. The life story was also added onto regarding these changes. The edits are done in RED. @Staff Roleplay
After a roleplay with @Doc_Cantankerous I decided to flesh out the life story of Aelfric and add a few details to make some of the points within the life story a bit less vague. Sorry for another review so quickly after the other one however I felt that this was needed to make his past make a bit more sense. All edits within the life story are done in RED. I believe after the last review you are my reviewer so I shall tag you @HydraLana . Thank you!
Remains approved.
Updated app in accordance to template update and School of Sancella update. Requires re-review. All edits done in RED. @HydraLana
Updated my character's proficiency points to align with the Sanktism skills as well as updating the personality section. I am requesting a re-review. Thank you! @HydraLana
Got rid of Proto-Regalian because of the Linguistic updates. I don't believe this requires a re-review, but I'll tag @HydraLana just in case. Thank you!