Preserved Sheet Aelfric Hrothulf Harhold

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Jun 11, 2016
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Reverend Aelfric Hrothulf Harhold

Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Aelfric Hrothulf Harhold|Manfried II
  • Age: Eighty-Two
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Alt-Anglian Ailor
  • Special Permission: N/A
Skill Information (Required)

60 Points to spend from 82 years of age.

  • +10 Religious Knowledge (From Proficiency Points)
  • +30 Unionist Sanktism Skill (From Proficiency Points)
  • +2 Musical Arts (From Proficiency Points)
  • +18 Linguistics Knowledge (From Proficiency Points)

Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 0
  • Average Body Shape
  • Low Body Fat
  • Anglian (Native-Tongue|Fluent)
  • d'Ithanie (Tutor|Fluent)
  • Common (Tutor|Fluent)
  • Alt-Regalian (Tutor|Fluent however has trouble writing)
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Ocean Blue
  • Hair Color: Grey
  • Hair Style: Short hair slicked backwards into a neat style.
  • Skin Color: Light bordering pale.
  • Clothing: His clothing choice differs, though he usually adorns Sancella robes.
  • Height: 6'1
  • Body Build: Skinny

Personality and Abilities (Required)
Choose your Character Alignment
  • Lawful Good
Choose your Character Personality Type
  • The Supervisor - ESTJ Personality: I explained his personality sentence by sentence. Most of it can be ignored since its just explaining and not necessarily mandatory for the application. The sentences from the website are emboldened and in quotes.
  • "ESTJs are organized, honest, dedicated, dignified, traditional, and are great believers of doing what they believe is right and socially acceptable." Aelfric in all of his actions attempts to do the right thing in terms of his views which is usually the Unionist Code of morals and the like. He attempts to remain honest in all of actions and he is dedicated to his work in serving the Spirit. He remains dignified in his actions and appearance and upholds tradition within the Unionist Divine. He also remains organized, for instance, the papers on his desk being placed into neat piles.
  • "Though the paths towards "good" and "right" are difficult, they are glad to take their place as the leaders of the pack." Now this is where it deviates a bit. For instance, in terms of the High Reverend position. He is perfectly fine with being a normal Reverend, doing his thing. Preaching to the citizenry of Regalia. However, recently he felt it was his time to become High Reverend, in order to help improve the Synod. With his years his ambition has tempered and therefore he will not rise up to the leading position unless he finds it is his purpose in the moment.
  • "They are the epitome of good citizenry." With his occupation as a Reverend, he finds it important to be a role model for the populace of Regalia. He is in the public eye most of his days and pays great attention to his actions in day to day life.
  • "People look to ESTJs for guidance and counsel, and ESTJs are always happy that they are approached for help." As a Reverend, he gives guidance many times to many different people and he takes pride in the fact that he is sought out for advice and guidance.
Choose your Character's Religion
  • Unionism - 10/10 devoutness: Aelfric is completely a believer and has no doubts about his religion nor the Spirit.

  • Frail Body: Elderly age has brought Aelfric to a state of weakness. He possesses pain in his back and weakness which results in the need of a cane. He cannot run at all and is not capable of walking far distances without resulting in an out of breath and tired elderly figure. In recent times, many injuries have caused the further deterioration of his body, now being completely bound to a cane. With this weakness, without a cane he would outright collapse, not being able to stand on his own two legs without support.
  • Bad Sight: He does not need to utilize spectacles yet, though his eyesight has deteriorated. He is incapable of reading words about a few feet afar, therefore at times having to approach things to see clearly. He honestly is putting off purchasing glasses, though in the near future he may be forced to use these pieces of glass. | As of late, Aelfric has been forced to purchase spectacles and adorns them most of the time.
  • Memory Loss: Even though he can remember many things such as names, and the Creeds. Plans and the like, he can still find himself in conversation perhaps asking questions once or twice more, or perhaps on a random day not remembering a date. This does not show up much, though at times this will occur and when it does, he does not even notice. This memory loss is not due to a mental illness or anything alike to such. He is eighty-one years of age! Alike to his body, his mind deteriorates as well. It is just natural.



  • Male Harhold (NPC) (Deceased): Father
  • Female Harhold (NPC) (Deceased): Mother
  • Wolfram Aherne (NPC) (Deceased): "Father"
  • Eolemna Aherne (NPC) (Deceased): "Mother"
  • Hengest Harhold @Jonificus: Nephew
  • Agatha Harhold @Ryria: Niece
  • Aethelric Harhold @Jonificus: Nephew
  • Haeddi Harhold @AtticCat: Niece
Friends, Acquaintances, Disliked, and Enemies

I will continue with this soon.

  • Likes
  • Tea
  • Nature
  • Pets/Animals
  • Dislikes
  • Heretics
  • Other races
  • Sanguine


Life Story (Required)

Childhood (0-12)

  • Aelfric Hrothulf Aherne is born on December 21st, 225 AC to the Patriarch and Matriarch of the Commoner House Harhold. He was born earlier then expected and therefore small and weak. His parents released him from their care, soon being found by the Ahernes.
  • Aelfric is an only child, his new parents having had trouble giving birth to an infant. Therefore, he was pampered, being nurtured back to full health over the next few years. He was growing as a healthy baby boy soon enough, and loved greatly by his "parents".
  • Aelfric's parents began teaching their son letters and having him read from time to time.
  • Aelfric's mother and father debated on whether they should send their boy to seminary at the Calemberger Dom.
  • Due to the Unionist household Aelfric resided in, his parents soon decided to send him to the Calemberger Dom at the young age of four even with the young boy's protest to the idea. He is quite afraid and saddened by the fact that he shall be away from his parents however he soon calls his seminary a home and makes friends.
  • From four on to twelve he began learning basic studies as well as singing.
  • At the age of twelve, Aelfric also begins playing piano in his free time, practicing frequently.
Adolescence (12-24)
  • Aelfric soon continued his studies until he was soon accepted as a curate being the age of fifteen. He is then transferred to a placement in the Anglian Capital of Axford. While he does not go on longer trips until the age of twenty-one, he begins at this time to go on small walks with fellow Curates in order to speak on the wonders of Unionism and get some practice.
  • Aelfric begins assisting in services, singing in the choir and interacting with his fellow members of faith at times.
  • Aelfric continues his studies, the work gaining in difficulty as he grows.
  • Aelfric, at the age of twenty-one begins traveling about with a few of his fellow curates.
  • Aelfric at the age of twenty-four begins his studies to become a Reverend.
Adulthood (24-42)
  • He continues his studies to become Reverend.
  • Aelfric continues his studies until he is proclaimed a true Reverend at the age of thirty-three.
  • Aelfric works tirelessly in his position, doing many services and attempting to make his name known to the capital.
  • Aelfric's parents soon pass, heading to Anglia to mourn over their deaths.
  • Aelfric after about a month spent in Anglia, returns to the capital, continuing his work as a Reverend.
  • Aelfric reaches out to the community, donating sums of regals to charities.
  • Aelfric around this time travels to the Calemberger Dom for a small visit to the largest place of worship in the Empire. Sadly he does not get to preach, though this becomes one of his goals. To preach at the large Cathedral in the future.
  • Aelfric, at the age of forty-two, joins the Holy Synod, connecting himself with the Themai of Thal, though he made sure not to question the Emperor if his proclamation was definite.
Present (42-Present Day)
  • Aelfric continued his work as Reverend, attending Holy Synod meetings and gaining enemies and allies in the clergy.
  • Aelfric continued to donate sums of regals to charities across the capital, still attempting to spread his name.
  • Aelfric, as he gains in age, attempts to prove himself to the clergy even more than he has tried before, being slightly paranoid if his fellow Reverends underestimated his ability.
  • Aelfric begins traveling out more, spending time in the tavern more often.
  • Aelfric continues his work, still enjoying his position of Reverend as he did before.
  • In present day, Aelfric can be seen traveling about Regalia, socializing with fellow Unionists and assisting those who wished to join the clergy.
  • After digging done by the House Harhold, Aelfric was found to be a Great Uncle to His Serene Grace Hengest Harhold and Great Great Uncle to his children. Therefore, he was welcomed into the family and now has adopted the Harhold name.
  • He was given the position of Reverend-Minister of the Guiding Eye
  • At the coronation of Hengest Harhold the First of Mull, he is now of the Royal Family. With this, he was gifted the position of Prince-Canton of Mull.
  • On the 21st of November, 306 AC Aelfric is declared High Reverend of the Regalian Synod, taking on the pontifical name Manfried II.
  • Manfried turns 82 on the 21st of December, 306 AC.
Done in Roleplay (Present Day)
  • At a Synod, Aelfric became the Imperial Guard Liason of the Sancella.
  • After several assaults on his person, the Reverend has been reduced to an extremely weak state, not able to move at all unless he possesses a cane at his side. Aelfric takes extremely long times to commute places and struggles even more with steps.
  • At request, Aelfric became the Curate of House Ravenstad, planning to guide the honorable house on the right path as they walk the Great Way.
  • Aelfric in the year of May 1st of the year 306 A.C., Aelfric chose the Aspect of Divinity, the Order of Submission.
  • Aelfric, on May 7t 306 AC was forced to purchase glasses.

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I see nothing wrong with this application, Approved!
Added Relationships which shall be expanded upon soon!

Will also begin prettying up the Application with some decoration, so I shall announce when I am finished with that!
Hello! Just edited the First Paragraph as I believe I haven't been playing him the way I wrote him, so to make him seem as the Character Application states I switched around the explanation of his personality. These changes are made in RED. Since I do not know if this is fit for a re-review, I shall tag the Lore Staff that reviewed my application and leave it up to them. @Rochelle_
Added the Skill Section done in RED. I also added a piece in the Life Story speaking on the beginning of Aelfric's piano practice, done in RED.

I do want a Re-Review, therefore tagging the Staff Reviewer @Rochelle_
Did all requested edits and added something to the life story regarding horse riding done in RED. @Rochelle_
Apologies, though I am slightly confused. Again, deep apologies. You stated that I have 70 points per category, and now it is 60. May be misunderstanding your wording. Again, apologies, though if you could please elaborate I would be extremely grateful. @Rochelle_
Apologies, though I am slightly confused. Again, deep apologies. You stated that I have 70 points per category, and now it is 60. May be misunderstanding your wording. Again, apologies, though if you could please elaborate I would be extremely grateful. @Rochelle_
I stated that you were over the allotted 60, I'm sorry if my wording was confusing. He has a maximum of 60 points, if that is clear,
Ok. So, I edited the proficiency section to be of 60 proficiency points and got rid of the School of Sancella boosts.
Then, I edited the cultural section to make it of 6o points as well.
Might not be sufficient in meaning of the school boosts and if so I can just do a quick and easy fix to place the school boosts in the proficiency section.
Edits done in RED!
Ok. So, I edited the proficiency section to be of 60 proficiency points and got rid of the School of Sancella boosts.
Then, I edited the cultural section to make it of 6o points as well.
Might not be sufficient in meaning of the school boosts and if so I can just do a quick and easy fix to place the school boosts in the proficiency section.
Edits done in RED!
Okay! I'm back! Sorry for the wait
  • You must have attended the School of Sancella to be anything other than a Curate.
  • Also, if he didn't attend the School, the Stage Performance due to it should be removed.
What I got from the last edit was that I couldn't use the School of Sancella boosts. Therefore, that is why I removed them from the points. Added them once more. Sorry if its once again wrong. For some reason, I'm really struggling with this particular edit and I apologise. Edits done in RED! @Rochelle_
Added a done in roleplay section in the Life Story! This just goes over things he has done and the like. I hope to edit this section frequently! I do not know if this is in need of a re-review, therefore I'll just tag the reviewer, @Rochelle_, and you may decide if it is needed or not. Thank you! (These edits were done in RED by the way.) I also just placed Likes and Dislikes in a Spoiler.
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Added a section! This is weaknesses! Just thought it would be nice to add another aesthetic thing to the Character Application. It is in a spoiler. Speaking of spoilers, I also placed the Done in Roleplay Section of the Life Story in a spoiler as well!
Aelfric is now of the Aspect of Divinity, Order of Submission! Therefore, I have made the needed edits in RED. @Rochelle_
Added that he has purchased glasses in his weaknesses and in his Done in Roleplay Section of the Life Story! Done in RED.
By the way. Just to make things clear, this is a requested re-review as I believe these changes are drastic and deserve such. I also.. edited the edits. My apologies for all these edits. Just quite confusing with this change. Though, everything is fine and up to date at this moment. @Rochelle_
By the way. Just to make things clear, this is a requested re-review as I believe these changes are drastic and deserve such. I also.. edited the edits. My apologies for all these edits. Just quite confusing with this change. Though, everything is fine and up to date at this moment. @Rochelle_
Edited the title to Aelfric Hrothulf Harhold and fixed a typo in the Full Name piece! These edits were done in RED!