Preserved Sheet Aedarhon Jouhari

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Tomato Boy
Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Nelfin Name: Elu' nia'ñnoiquea' lloiëna cossoi unnae ballnessheë
    • Qadir Name: Aedarhon Jouhari
    • Most often goes by Aed
    • Imperial Elven: Laen joa'llena jessicennellenociae' innue lloicaitt ussinseantisoa' connoa unne esslíceitu innue nicconosa'ticcae laen inessgllaicciai
  • Age: Twenty-Six
    • Born July 13th, 279 AC
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Half Qadir; Cielothar-Qadir Halfbreed
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Main Ambition: Develop his niche in the Regalian community.
    • West Side: Get outta the slums.
    • East Side: Develop his relationship with House Viduggla & Co.
Skill Information
Proficiency Pool:
  • Combat Proficiency:
    • + 15 Fast Blade Combat (+10 from Points)
    • + 5 Unarmed Combat (+5 from Points)
  • Arts Proficiency:
    • + 10 Finecraft Arts (+10 from Qadir)
  • Body Proficiencies:
    • + 10 Rogue Training (+10 from Qadir)
    • + 6 Athletic Training (+5 from Points)
  • Body Shape:
    • Combat Points: 16 | Body Points: 5
      • +15 F-Blade, +(5x2) Unarmed, + (6x2) Athletic = 37 Points
    • Body Build: Ripped - 25 Points
    • Body Fat: Extreme Low Fat
  • Languages:
    • Modern Elven | Birth Language
    • Common | Fluent
    • Skodje | Somewhat Proficient | Can Speak common portions
    • Faraddi| Somewhat Proficient | Can Speak and Read common portions
Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Now that Aed has spent a few years in the Crown Isle he's been able to decently establish himself in the city. Currently he's been able to find a stable home where he can both care for himself and for his current fiance, Azra.
  • [REWORK]: For a large portion of his life he was raised in a chaotic home in Windgarden. He was born out of wedlock to Ahdathia Runvanthir and Radeyah Eisa Jouhari. His full-blooded siblings are his older brother Emerthas Jouhari and twin sister Taliandra Jouhari. Aed spent the first twelve years of his life with his twin sister while being raised by their Highlander nanny Fenella. After his twelve years there he spent the next five with his father and his caravan. He got to have a closer bond with his half-sister Khadija. He was also able to discover his Qadiriq roots and learn the basics in combat. He was then sent to Regalia after he had a fallout with his father.
    • Secondary Ambitions:
      • HelpMePlease.
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Hazel
  • Hair Color: Dark Walnut Brown
  • Hair Style: Short, Curled Locks
  • Skin Color: Medium Brown
  • Clothing: Thick tops and loose bottoms.
  • Height: 6'0" or 183cm
  • Body Build: Ripped
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • [REWORK]: Aed has a general oval shape to his head. His chin is has definition to it, but is similar to the rest of his facial features and isn't too sharp or heavily defined. And as for his forehead it's not obnoxiously large, and is actually proportional to the rest of his head. His eyes are deep set which creates a more prominent shape of his eyebrow and adds definition to his facial features. His ears are somewhat large and are brought up into a slight point because of his racial background. There aren't many scars or freckles scattered across his face, maybe just little scratches and spots here and there, but they don't out of the race of his facial features. His hair is a dark brown with a curly nature to it. He often lets his hair rise up, but never allows it to go down past his ears unless he has it held up somehow. To prevent the ear issue he tends to have the sides shaved somewhat, almost copy-catting the Jarsdel look, but instead he allows it to have a healthy layer of hair without it protruding too much. Along with this he doesn't have much facial hair, and even if he's capable of growing some he tends to now want any. He prefers the more clean feeling that his face has whenever he lacks facial hair.
  • [REWORK]: The main feature of Aed's body is a large, clay-colored tattoo that sprawls from his lower arm all the way to the beginning of his chest. It's full of geometric shapes, Qadiriq writing, and some Middle-Elven writing. The color of the tattoo has some contrast to the dark tan that his skin has developed over the years. This leaves him as one of the darker skinned siblings. Otherwise Aed stands at the height of 5'11, shorter than his sister, but taller than his brother. Most of Aed's weight is put into the slight amount of muscle he has and his height, which gives him a weight of 165 to 170. His bones and muscles have a healthy size to them based off of his athletic lifestyle. The only exception to this is his left forearm that was fractured severely during an Arken attack in which led to malhealing and left it in a weaker deposition. One of the odd features that came with him from his early adolescence is the layer of baby-fat that settles on the top of his stomach. This is the most uncharacteristic aspect of his athletic body.
  • [REWORK]: Aed's average attire consists of loose trousers that he sends to stuff into his boots. The other part of his pants is more so related to his personal comfort since it doesn't feel suffocating. As for his upper-body he'll wear something with leather incorporated. His clothing is rarely long-sleeved since he enjoys the freedom that short-sleeved clothing provides. He also tends to wear a mixture of colors, but usually they're cheaper colors since he can't afford anything extravagant. The only piece of jewelry he owns right now is a golden necklace with a trinket on the end of it. The trinket has two jesterbells attached to it and fits perfectly on him. He lets it settle underneath his clothing as to protect its secrecy. As of right now the only main item that he tends to keep on him is a medium sized satchel with the FongCo™ stamped onto it. He tends to keep random junk in there and a small vial of triclone.
  • [REWORK]: The most distinct feature about Aed is his voice. The voice itself holds his youth, still having a voice crack here and there. It hasn't yet reached maturity, but it's on its way. He doesn't have any distinct issues with his speech except for the issues that come with his accent. He speaks with a bastardized form of common that includes his Qadiriq and Nelfin heritage along with a swing of Highlander Anglian. His words are usually spoken in a hyper manner, usually accompanied with him shouting or yelping out. It gives off a sense that the boy is almost always excited.
Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • Outer Perspective | Aged Youth | There have been a few changes for the boy since his arrival in Regalia. The things that stayed the same that people noticed was that he was still an outgoing individual that had a lot to say, but what he said was more reserved and less pestering than what it was before. He was a more careful boy that didn't let things slip out in the wrong situations. He did still have a tinge of refined dimwittedness. Otherwise his loyalty, common courtesy, and kindness stayed relatively the same, but he is selective to it as he became less trusting of strangers compared to his past, naive self.
  • Inner Perspective | Decisive Commoner | Aedarhon has grown up to be a more confident character, but not out of ignorance. He's experienced in more aspects than what he was before. And now he's decisive in his decision despite most of the consequences. Aed believes that he's grown-up significantly, which can blind him with arrogance in situations. He also sees his sensitivity as a weakness and so he tries to hide this part of his personality. He takes it as an embarrassment to himself and his training.
  • Friends & Family | Unconditional Buddy | Most of Aed's current relationships can be pushed into this section because of how friendly he was before. And so these people that have earned his trust witness his unquestioning loyalty and know that he'll stick by their side. He treats both these friends and his family with a stubborn kindness that is hard to rid of. Though, for his family he's now understanding of the differences between himself and them and realizes that he can't be reliant on them in the same way he can with friends. As for the issue of love he's still relatively ignorant despite being in a complicated relationship himself, which is a clear symbol of his still growing identity.
  • Moral Compass | Loyal Mutt | Aedarhon still believes in the idea of right over wrong, but with his experiences in the Crown Isle they are more lenient. His beliefs now consider things beyond face-value as this has betrayed him on multiple occasions. He still doesn't believe in nonsensical violence and would rather talk things out and avoid conflict. He has also adopted Skagger beliefs when it comes to humbleness and show of power, but his Darkmark Schooling influences him more with the need of reward. His schooling also influenced his belief in mercy and to rarely resort to killing. The final summary of his morals is that he believes that loyalty is above all else and considers multiple aspects of life to be forms of loyalty.
Weaknesses (OPTIONAL)
  • Loyalty: One of the ironic weaknesses is Aed's loyalty. His loyalty can be a strength when regarded to basics, but there's also the fact that he's not willing to back down whenever he's on the losing side. He's more than capable of sinking with the ship if things aren't going swell for whoever he's bound to. He also sticks to one side throughout and conflict, getting involved in situations that aren't going to turn out in his favor.

Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
  • Quirks:
    • Shouting: The most common quirk that Aed has is his propensity to shout at every living moment. This just comes from his excited nature. In most cases he'll yelp, cheer, and screech in daily conversation. For other this tends to be a very obnoxious quirk and in return tell him to shut it.
    • Hand Shaking & Fidgeting: The second quirk that Aed has is to fidget with his hands, or in other cases they'll shake. The first situation just comes from a nervous situation or when he's thinking of something. It occupies some of his energy and attention while trying to focus. For the second half it's whenever he's in a frightful or irritating situation. This just comes from a subconscious tick..
    • Hard of Hearing: One of the more detrimental quirks is Aed's lack of hearing. He's not entirely deaf, but he has what people would call 'selective hearing.' This in turn leads him to being a difficult conversation holder whenever someone is whispering, and it turns out that it's hard for him to hear things from a reasonable distance. But of course if he actually focused he'd be able to do all of this. Instead he just doesn't really pay attention.
    • [REDACTED]
  • Horse Riding: A weak ability that Aed has is his knowledge in horse riding. This was picked up during his stay with his father, but he didn't pick up much on it besides the basics. He doesn't know any special tricks, or even how to effectively fight on horseback. But that's okay with him since he enjoys it more for the riding and sightseeing rather than for competitive sports or combat.
  • Literacy:
  • Alcohol: Despite his age Aed has learned some of the wonders that comes to this vice. He's often enjoyed it in the company of friends even if he can't really handle the drink all that well. His favorite pastime whenever it comes to the drink is to play a round of Anglian Shuffle. The game often builds up the bonds between him and other that he's been seeking for. It's because of all of this that he's still up for drinking enough to get himself sick.
  • Triclone: One of the more odd qualities of Aed is his love for the water of the Triclone Orchid. It was ever since he underwent a traumatizing experience with an Arken that he picked up this addiction. After he first used it he's been hooked on it ever since because of the relief it gives. For him it relieves some of his anxiety, but because of the length of its effects it isn't too useful. As of right now he's stuck using it until he finds a better substitute.
  • Animals: People hold a place in his heart, but Aed doesn't see them the same way as he does animals. He upholds more respect and kindness to anything that's different from the sentient races. This is more so because he believes animals don't have rogue intentions and are fairly easy to read. He also believes that working with animals is a good pastime and a worthy occupation. For him it is also a good stress reliever, but he can't really get involved with out pricey animals are in the Crown Isle.
  • Festivals: Yearly festivals have always been a pinnacle part of Aed's life. Ever since he was young he'd participate in them in some way. There are a multitude of things that attracts him. He enjoys the vibrant colors and costumes, the extravagant food and drink. He has also always had an attraction to the magic tricks, voodoo, and fortune tellers that line themselves throughout fairs and festivities. It doesn't even matter where or who hosts it, he'll probably still enjoy it anyway.
  • Dancing: A form of entertainment that the young Jouhari tries to pull off at parties and such is dancing. From a young age his culture emphasized dancing, but he never really did get to participate in it around him. He'd only get the chance to enjoy it whenever he was away from home enjoying some sort of festival. This entertainment grew substantially once he left home with his father where he picked up many moves that reflected the Qadiriq, and even gypsy culture.
  • The Arcane:
  • Circuses: This is a dislike that stems from the maltreatment of others and animals. Aed does find some entertainment in the tricks, illusions, and other gags that happen at a circus. But he sees an underlying flaw in how the performers, both people and animals, are seen by the public. He understands that they're seen less than what they actually are and that people don't give them the same respect they give to others. In turn he has a great distaste of circuses because he sees a relationship that is painfully similar to his.
  • Family:
    • Ahdathia Runvanthir | NPC - "Mum.. Ay won't be as weak as ya', t'at's fo' sure." - Aed's relationship with his mother wasn't all that grand. He did love her and enjoy her company whenever he had it, but he felt very distant from her because of her episodic depression. So he didn't understand why she didn't get involved with the children's lives as much, and therefore he holds a resentment for her weak character. He does have some regret however since he didn't really know for a long while that his father wasn't the most fidelitous.
    • Radeyah Eisa Jouhari | NPC - "Didn't know ya' were th'a way ya' were." - His relationship with his father is one of the most conflicting he has. He always had respect for his father from an early age, but it slowly deteriorated over his adolescent years because of the things he learned. He found out his father's violent occupation, he found out that his father had a slew of lovers, and he found out that his father was the reason he didn't have a great relationship with his mom. Their relationship ended whenever he had a fallout with his father, and he doubts he'll ever see him again. This relationship is the one that is the most touchy and is the one he speaks the least about.
    • Emerthas Jouhari | @BeashSlap - "Ay migh' say shite 'boot ya', but ay still love ya' more t'an loife i'self." - His brother has always taunted him, but in a loving way. He's always looked up to Emmy with love and respect. He's also had the sibling stereotype where they pick on one another. Though he never really takes that part to heart. If he was a more capable fighter he'd surely try to assist his brother in some of the stupid adventures and schemes he goes on, but Aed is simply too daft to be able to participate. One of Aed's goals so far is to somehow repay his brother for the support that he has given.
    • Taliandra Jouhari | @katiesc - "Dija left, but ay'm gonna be damned if ay lose ya'. T'ere ain't nothin' t'at'll keep us 'part." - Aed and his twin sister have always had a strong bold, even when they seperated for some time he still had a longing to return to the mischievous sister. They grew up and did everything together, even if he wasn't all that good at the same stuff. He always looked up to the older twin in the fact that she seemed to have everything settled. Most of his jealousy even comes from this relationship. He's jealous of all she has, but he is more jealous of the people that she's come closer to ever since they seperated.
    • Khadija Jouhari | @Ryria - "Ay've always admired ya'.. I' be a shame t'at ya' 'ad t'a go." - After recent events this is the most strained relationship that Aed has. This is because of Dija's recent exodus from Regalia. He could easily try to write to her, but he doesn't see it fit. It's because of this relationship that he believes that the Jouhari family is broken even if it isn't. He's also grown distant from her because their relationship was centered around their association with their father and his occupation, and he doesn't wish to keep that association.
  • Positive Relations:
    • Azra Min Eazim | @AtticCat - "Ay 'ope i' isn't t'aa early t'a say ay love ya'." - Azra holds the most complicated relationship in his life, and not in a bad way. He's never had romantic feelings to this degree, and with Azra being the first girl he's willing to say he loves it's a new experience for him. He doesn't know how to portray his emotions to her, but he still tries his honest best. He's currently living with her in their small, slum apartment. In regards to their relationship they're courting, but she's also a caretaker for him. She's practically a babysitter in some cases. He even has a comfortable banterful relationship with her, which is difficult for him to reach since he gets easily offended in a banterful relationship. He is also fond of her because of her opinion on sexuality, and he doesn't seem pressed to have to explain his opinions on it or express it to her.
    • Sloan Perrot | @HobblingHobbit - "Y'er kind ov' a prick.. But ya' be me pops in t'is city, so ay don't mind a bit." - Aed doesn't really know this Perrot all that much. All he knows is that he's his boss and that he needs to listen to what he says. He doesn't have any specific likes or dislikes except for the common joy of Anglian Shuffle. So far he's trying to get closer to Sloan, but he doesn't have any good ways of doing such except through his job in the gang.
    • Wulfgar The Wall | @Narrju - "T'at first figh' ay watched between ya' 'nd Slackjaw was th'a moment ay wanted t'a be jus' loike ya'." - Aed has always had a fantasy of growing strong. Of being able to defend those that he cherishes the most. He's not close to his goal, but he believes that Wulfgar can help him reach it. After watching the fight between the Url and "Slackjaw" he's been plotting a way to get closer to Wulfgar, to even be a potential trainee for him. He also sees a little of himself in the Url through how others treat him with.
    • Ul'rog 'Butchy' Bolrok | @Empaul - "Neva' 'ad much of a likin' fo' orcs, but y'er a damn good cook 'nd kind ov' a good person." - The orc is irritating, but it's not like Aed hates him. He's bothered by the orc's banter even if the orc isn't meaning for it to be bothersome. So far he only knows Butchy through their association in the Dead Men, and so far that's how far he'll believe it'll stay. He doesn't wish to get all too involved with him, but he knows he might since they'll be working together for a long time.
    • Emilio d'Souza | @greys_n - "Ay t'ought ye'd be annoyin' t'a stick with, especially since y'er wit' Tali, but y'er actually pretty good, Inks." - Even if Aed doesn't know him too well Emilio is still someone that he has legitimate interest in. He hasn't made any major developments and because of such wishes to find a way to be more involved with the man that's courting his sister. But there is some conflict within him, and this is only because of the fact they're courting. He has some suspicions because of his parents' example and is fearful of the turn that Tali's and his relationship could take.
    • Poppy Cuffburt | @Mandyy_ - "Ay'm 'appy t'at Tali 'as ya' as a friend. 'Nd i' be supa' noice knowin' ya' meself." - His relationship with Poppy is different in the fact that he doesn't actually know her too well. He's seen her time and time again, but he's never really had a close relationship with her. The only reason as to why he deems her as a friend is because of her relationship to Tali. Then there's also the fact that she hasn't really done anything for him to hate her, so he's more than fine with being friends with her. He just wishes that he'd have more reasons to like her besides the ones listed.
    • Wyn Cuffburt | @Miss_Confined - "Ya' tackled me, sure, but ya' cared 'boot me whenever th'a rest let me do whateva'." - Aed at first had some tension between him and the dwarf. This was only because the first true interaction he had with her was her tackling him. But as time went on he realized that her action was benevolent. This is because she had warned him of the possibly tragedy that was looming over him and Emerthas because of their allegiance to the Creed Thumpers. He now has an amicable attitude towards her and sees her more as a friend than ever before.
    • Nace Drummond | @WrongChat - "Y'er a prick, but y'er one ov' me mates 'nyway. 'Opefully ya' don't turn int'a someone ay 'ate." - Aed has an odd relationship with the fellow. He doesn't necessarily hate Nace or like him all that much. The main reason as to why he can stand him is because of Nace's shining moments, and the fact that they also have to work together. So as of right now Aed just sees his rude mannerisms as banter and tries not to think too heavily on it.
    • Reynaert de Vos | @Mooffins - "'N odd fella'. Really odd. T'ough y'er surprisingly neat." - The Arken is one of the most recent encounters Aed has gone through. He's always been skeptical of these otherworldly mages, but he's grown to respect them just a little bit more because of Rey's human tendencies. His belief is that they have their own wishes like people do, and that they can actually function just like anyone else. So as of right now he holds great respect for the Arken because of his seemingly genuine feelings.
    • Senobia Kopanari | @Nesstro - "Ay've always felt sorry 'boot wha' 'appened 'tween ya' 'nd Eddy.. Ay 'ope y'er doin' alrigh'." - Aed might not know her too well or even talk to her that much, but he still believes that she has some relevance to him. She had to suffer through the reign of the Creed Thumpers right along with him. He actually pities her because of how close she was to Edward just to be thrown away for another woman. Senobia is an example to Aed whenever it comes to the idea that you sometimes never get what you want, but you'll still be alright in the end anyhow.
    • The Alchemia Order | Organization - "Y'all 'ave t'at pretty nurse, 'nd ya' be 'elpin' out me friends 'nd ay. T'ank ya'." - The relationship he has with the clinic is more cordial compared to the other businesses he has visited. He upholds great respect for most members of their staff because of what they'd done in relation to Aed. They've helped him in his time of need, and he knows that they've helped many of his friends before. He also gets his dosage from triclone from them, so he's a rather common customer for them.
    • Fenella Atchinson | NPC - "Y'er mo' loike me Mum t'an she eva' was. T'ank ya' fo' bein' t'ere." - Fenella holds a special place in his heart that greatly replaces the one his mother would've held. He has a great fascination for the Ailor's quirks and has some of the same ones because of how close they were during his childhood. As of right now he's grown greatly distant from her since he hasn't seen her in such a long time, and his memories of her are growing faint.
  • Neutral Relations:
    • Edward Jarsdel | @Yigit - "Bossman ay miss ya', but why did ya' do t'ose bad t'ing's t'a people?" - Aed was at first reluctant of his previous gang's leaders actions, but he'd soon have the same loyalty for this man that he had for his friends and family. He saw Edward as a sort of father figure because of their relationship in the gang. This slowly changed throughout his time in the gang because of the violence was partook in. Aed never did get a chance to beat up on people as the rest of them did, but he still disliked it greatly. He began to see Edward's change from a stoic leader to a wrathful tyrant. He'd still have respect for him, but it would never be the same. With his death Aed felt guilty in a way. Maybe he could've changed the outcome. But probably not.
    • Juneya Perrot | @Kihle - "At first ay t'ought ya' were normal, but now.. Ay don't even know. Wha' are ya'?" - One of the most complicated and conflicting relationships he has. For the longest time he saw Juneya as a good lad that wouldn't do anything heinous. He thought that the boy was simply doing things for the fun of life, light-hearted and so forth. But whenever he witnessed how curle the young Perrot could be his mind quickly changed. He still respected him in some degree, but this relationship was now greatly changed. Aed is quite fearful of him, in fact, he's scared that he might one day face the same cruel ploy that Juneya pulled once before on someone else.
  • Negative Relations:
    • Ravenstad & Co. | Noble Family - "Gingie migh' be a good man, but t'a rest ov' 'em are jus' th'a same. Nasty Rich Folk." - At first Aed didn't have any quarrels with the Ravenstads. He actually enjoyed Vincent Ravenstad's company with the rest of the Dead Men. This changed quickly after a name day event that was hosted at the Ravenstad estate. Ever since the violent event he's sworn that he'd find some way to enact revenge on the family, or specifically "Slackjaw."
    • Ehrendil Yerdiyl | @ZZaque - "Forget me name, 'nd ya' tryin' t'a 'ave me sis' spend all 'er toime wit' ya'? Maybe one day.." - Aed's dislike for the nelfin is based entirely on his jealousy. He's never liked how Ehren and his bar took all of Tali's time and attention away, and he's tried to always be nice, but he can't be nice to someone who has hit him, forgotten his name, and has showed no interest in knowing the relative-in-law. So as of right now his pent up anger is bottled up and isn't shown that often, but he's getting close to his limit whenever it comes to the barkeep.

Life Story (Required)


  • Aedarhon, along with his twin sister Taliandra, were born to Ahdathia Runvanthir and Radeyah Jourhari in the year 279 AC. He was one of the many siblings that were born into the family. As well, Radeyah went back to his ship & crew soon after the birth of the twins.
  • Most of Aed's early years were involved with Taliandra and their nanny Fenella Atchinson. He has taken a liking to the Highlander Anglian and had more of an attachment to her than his mom. This is because Radeyah was incapable of raising the children, and in turn didn't leave too much of an impact on the young Jouhari.
  • Whenever his father returned he'd be able to interact with his elder half-sister, often trailing her and Tali as they went off to do mischievous things around Windgarden. The times he didn't he'd be off doing his own thing or would be interacting with Fenella. Even at this time Aed didn't have much interaction with his elder brother, Emerthas.
  • Along with his sister he'd learn common and have a decent grasp on the language, taking in Fenella's and the local accent.
  • Otherwise Aed's hobbies during this time led him to experiencing the joys of horse riding and exploration, but because of later events in life this would become a bygone memory.
  • Though, at the age of ten Aedarhon was introduced to a colleague of his father, which would begin to train Aed in the School of Darkmark with his father's coin backing his education. It was believed that the boy would make a good sellsword within his father's crew once the time came, so the beginning of his training would be basic combat and some of the less intense bits of the Darkmark life.
Early Adolescence:
  • It was then at the age of twelve that Aedarhon left Windgarden in attempts to have a better connection with his father. This was because he had the possibility of taking up his father's mantle and was a capable boy, or so he believed. This was furthered by his training as the boy had a small grasp over the life of fighting.
  • During his stay with his father he started learning how to wield a blade further, and until he leaves the ship and its crew he'd be tutored during this time. He'd also pick up on one of his favorite pastimes of drinking whilst his love for horses and other beasts dwindled whilst he was stuck on the high seas.
  • This was also when Aed started to develop his knowledge in his father's heritage. He'd learn some of the basics of his faith, culture, and so forth.
Late Adolescence:
  • Whenever Aed was around the age of fifteen he started to discover why his father's relationship with his mother was so unstable. He had met some of his father's lovers and witnessed the flirting between them. This led him to assuming that his father wasn't very faithful.
  • At sixteen his relationship became further strained as he didn't pick up the violent tendencies his father had, or didn't participate in the violent affairs of the ship as easily as his elder brother. Eventually at the age of seventeen he'd have a falling out with his father, which in turn led him to being sent off to Regalia.
  • Once Aedarhon made it to Regalia he reconnected with the relatives that were there. He's developed his feelings of the city through the interactions of the daily common folk, the slum citizens, the Arken, and all the odd happenings in the city.
  • Aed has participated in gang work and has come to realize that life truly isn't all that good. He began to learn that he's going to have to protect himself rather than letting others do it. He also has the ambition of settling down in the city that has offered more love to him than any other place. It was also through this gang work that he'd be able to continue his tutorship with local mercenaries and sellswords.
Early Adulthood | Current:
  • His stay in Regalia began to mold him, and at the age of eighteen he'd begin a large turn in his life. First he found a girl that he'd wish to spend the rest of his life with, second he found new role models that would help change him into who he'd become.
  • One role model that has substantial influence on Aed is Garth Viduggla, a Skagger Velheimer that led Aed to training in Norrlan over a course of two years. During this time he traveled back and forth between Regalia and the northern land. In turn he picked up some habits through his training that helped fix his accent, his combat ability, and his personality flaws.
  • But this training did not stop him and his tutorship under Shane. It was during his stays back in Regalia that he was able to complete his schooling, and so he was able to adopt all of the Darkmark ideologies and beliefs by the end of this training.
Last edited:
I'll eventually get around to bold stuff tonight. I just need a break after writing this and can't be bothered just yet.

And I'll add spoilers once I format this better.
Here are your edits:
  • Starting off, I'd like you to put your secondary Basic Information and Visual Information sections into spoiler menus. I'd also like you to do this for the secondary Personality and Abilities section, including Quirks, Likes and Dislikes, and Weaknesses. These sections are very dense, and I think your application would be much easier to read if these optional sections were kept in spoiler drop-down menus.
  • I'd also like you to condense your primary Personality and Abilities section, as well as bolding much more liberally when it comes to important information. Much like the previous point, this section is very dense, and could do with being made a little easier to read.
  • Moving into Life Story, I noticed that the year of his birth in his Basic Information, 289AC, doesn't match up with the year listed in the Childhood section of his Life Story, 287AC. I'd suggest you switch one of those to the correct year.
Finish these off, and the app should be good to go! Mark your edits in red and @tag me when you're done!

Here are your edits:
  • Starting off, I'd like you to put your secondary Basic Information and Visual Information sections into spoiler menus. I'd also like you to do this for the secondary Personality and Abilities section, including Quirks, Likes and Dislikes, and Weaknesses. These sections are very dense, and I think your application would be much easier to read if these optional sections were kept in spoiler drop-down menus.
  • I'd also like you to condense your primary Personality and Abilities section, as well as bolding much more liberally when it comes to important information. Much like the previous point, this section is very dense, and could do with being made a little easier to read.
  • Moving into Life Story, I noticed that the year of his birth in his Basic Information, 289AC, doesn't match up with the year listed in the Childhood section of his Life Story, 287AC. I'd suggest you switch one of those to the correct year.
Finish these off, and the app should be good to go! Mark your edits in red and @tag me when you're done!

Changed the app up by deleting parts of the personality and bolded sections of it. Didn't add anything to it.
As well changed the date to consist with the date given in the basic information.
And of course I added the spoilers.
Aged the boy up by two years - Messed with the prof. points
Added more to the life story and updated it to fit current family lore.
Tore up his personality to fit current development.
Added Darkmark as Aed's Combat School. Added this to life story and change up the points, and the life story stuff is marked in red.
I also tweaked his personality just a bit to add in some of the darkmark stuff, but there wasn't much of a change there.
Remove portions of life story to make up for character changes. Also aged 'em up AND changed the proficiency business