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Aaron Girard
Feb 4, 2017
Reaction score
After a good response to my open letter, I was contacted by Wulfric of House Birkwood. He told me his intentions to create 'The Peacekeeping Guild of Regalia'. A political party which opposes violence and tries for a more democratic Regalia. Though Kirkwood remains Jingoist, the Peacekeepers Guild is made for everyone. Black, white, Ailor, Lampar or Orc you are welcome to discuss our political future. We are trying for a more united Regalia. We must be prepared for anything, as he said there could be a void invasion at any second now. Not to mention our ongoing battle with the Songaskians. Our political opinions can be opposed, and that's fine. But we will try and convince everyone possible to join us and become united once more. It will make us stronger, and better than ever before. The empires before ours have failed at what we are currently achieving! But if riots, or violence breaks out again that could go down the drain.

The best way for you to support is to sign up for the vacancies. Once filled, you can just support. This is open to any family. Everyone matters. The Grandmasters include:

Wulfric Amadias Birkwood II

Eirain Augustyn

and hopefully me.

For those unaware, before the Norrvakts lead the riot it was Erain Augustyn preaching the truth in the streets. I trust her, and so should you.
The grandmasters are the leaders, one person per family. This includes bastards.


Link is here <3

After a good response to my open letter, I was contacted by Wulfric of House Birkwood. He told me his intentions to create 'The Peacekeeping Guild of Regalia'. A political party which opposes violence and tries for a more democratic Regalia. Though Kirkwood remains Jingoist, the Peacekeepers Guild is made for everyone. Black, white, Ailor, Lampar or Orc you are welcome to discuss our political future. We are trying for a more united Regalia. We must be prepared for anything, as he said there could be a void invasion at any second now. Not to mention our ongoing battle with the Songaskians. Our political opinions can be opposed, and that's fine. But we will try and convince everyone possible to join us and become united once more. It will make us stronger, and better than ever before. The empires before ours have failed at what we are currently achieving! But if riots, or violence breaks out again that could go down the drain.

The best way for you to support is to sign up for the vacancies. Once filled, you can just support. This is open to any family. Everyone matters. The Grandmasters include:

Wulfric Amadias Birkwood II

Eirain Augustyn

and hopefully me.

For those unaware, before the Norrvakts lead the riot it was Erain Augustyn preaching the truth in the streets. I trust her, and so should you.
The grandmasters are the leaders, one person per family. This includes bastards.


Link is here <3


"I am a slightly conservative jingoist who thinks it is time to put some of our racism aside. All lesser races did not follow the great way, but if they are unionists in this life, then we should congratulate them, and help them follow the great way, this does not mean rasing Thier class as citizens or anything, or treating them like ailor, but if they have something to say, and are unionists, they should be heard, every unionist lesser being, and every human, should be heard, for we can not stand strong, if minorities are ignored. people should have power over the empire. I am by no means challenging His Imperial Holyness' divine authority, his say is correct and final.

Good work, good advertisement!

-Wulfric Birkwood"
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