Archived Adding To The Rp Upon Death

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High Council member of The Algorian Empire
Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
My suggestion is that if you are killed you automatically reset to undead upon spawn, also that if you die there be only one spawn in like a graveyard of regalia,

An additional feature would be dissabling races for an hour or so after death meaning your stuck as an undead

Maybe in the future you could have a constructable graveyard like the alters for vampires, and maybe you could have a combination of meats and exp to restore you life force.

for banned players part of there punishment should be to have races disabled for a week or so, and be set to undead :)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
My suggestion is that for banned players part of there punishment is to have races disabled for a week or so, and be set to undead :)

Also that if you are killed you automatically reset to undead upon spawn, also that if you die there be only one spawn in like a graveyard of regalia,

An additional feature would be dissabling races for an hour or so after death meaning your stuck as an undead

Maybe in the future you could have a constructable graveyard like the alters for vampires, and maybe you could have a combination of meats and exp to restore you life force.

Banned player don't deserve anything cool or any remberances whatsoever. Being banned is not a fun thing that we should RP about. We should take the rules seriously and leave to RP to the people that don't deserve a ban.
Banned player don't deserve anything cool or any remberances whatsoever. Being banned is not a fun thing that we should RP about. We should take the rules seriously and leave to RP to the people that don't deserve a ban.
You missunder stand me entirely, I clearly state taking away the privalidge of being able to choose a race, and besides why should it not be rp'ed about ? The rules are still taken seriously where in the world did you get that from.......
You missunder stand me entirely, I clearly state taking away the privalidge of being able to choose a race, and besides why should it not be rp'ed about ? The rules are still taken seriously where in the world did you get that from.......

I don't misunderstand amything. I see what you are wanting to do. Drawing ANY extra attention to banned players is rediculous.
I would actually support Grixer on this. Having banned players going around bragging "IMMA GHOST MO'FO's, LOOK HOW BOSS I AM!", wouldn't be very good. I don't think we should give banned players ANY special rules or thingys.
I don't misunderstand amything. I see what you are wanting to do. Drawing ANY extra attention to banned players is rediculous.
How is it drawing attention ? i dont understand you in the slightest... it merely adds a more logical reintroduction for those that were banned into the server that still wish to RP, and this is hardly constructive critisism if you have nothing constructive to post please stop

The suggestion is based upon the RP of death because medieval people did not just respawn look at the rest of it and stop focusing in on the banned player part, the only person drawing attention to them is you....[DOUBLEPOST=1361997808][/DOUBLEPOST]
I would actually support Grixer on this. Having banned players going around bragging "IMMA GHOST MO'FO's, LOOK HOW BOSS I AM!", wouldn't be very good. I don't think we should give banned players ANY special rules or thingys.
Not all banned players are 7 years old.....
How is it drawing attention ? i dont understand you in the slightest... it merely adds a more logical reintroduction for those that were banned into the server that still wish to RP, and this is hardly constructive critisism if you have nothing constructive to post please stop

The suggestion is based upon the RP of death because medieval people did not just respawn look at the rest of it and stop focusing in on the banned player part, the only person drawing attention to them is you....[DOUBLEPOST=1361997808][/DOUBLEPOST]
Not all banned players are 7 years old.....

I don't have to post anything constructive if I don't agree with your suggestion. I'm giving my point of view and pointing out what I consider the flaws in your logic. Seriously who cares if somebody doesnt have a good intro after they get unbanned. Do you honestly think the wasted time spent on a plugin will help anything ?
I don't have to post anything constructive if I don't agree with your suggestion. I'm giving my point of view and pointing out what I consider the flaws in your logic. Seriously who cares if somebody doesnt have a good intro after they get unbanned. Do you honestly think the wasted time spent on a plugin will help this ?

Your so focused about the first sentence did you even read the whole post...
You ignored the second part of my message, I said we shouldnt give banned players "special" rules or thingys. We need to make it seem like getting banned is a PERMANENT thing, not something you do for a week then come back as a "ghost".
I don't have to post anything constructive if I don't agree with your suggestion. I'm giving my point of view and pointing out what I consider the flaws in your logic. Seriously who cares if somebody doesnt have a good intro after they get unbanned. Do you honestly think the wasted time spent on a plugin will help anything ?

I can honestly say that not being able to change races would be disappointing if I were banned, why should banned players be allowed to have the advantages that come with races ?
Your so focused about the first sentence did you even read the whole post...

I honestly dont care about the "feeding meat to the undead, recently unbanned players to restore their life force, because RP is swag" part of your post. The first part pretty much destroyed this suggestion for me.
You ignored the second part of my message, I said we shouldnt give banned players "special" rules or thingys. We need to make it seem like getting banned is a PERMANENT thing, not something you do for a week then come back as a "ghost".

We both know a ban is far from permanent if your good enough, I've seen a few banned players allowed back, they should be stuck with the inability of changing races.
I can honestly say that not being able to change races would be disappointing if I were banned, why should banned players be allowed to have the advantages that come with races ?

I can honestly say that races are gonna be the least of your concern if you get banned. Lets say yopu do get unbanned after 6 months for hacking. Now you don't have a race for an hour cause your supposedly dead. I really doubt that after a long period of time banned, people arnt going to care about their race.
I honestly dont care about the "feeding meat to the undead, recently unbanned players to restore their life force, because RP is swag" part of your post. The first part pretty much destroyed this suggestion for me.

Well you are very narrow minded if you can't see past the first sentence :)
And swag is not my style, you made me cringe when I read that....[DOUBLEPOST=1361998599][/DOUBLEPOST]
I can honestly say that races are gonna be the least of your concern if you get banned. Lets say yopu do get unbanned after 6 months for hacking. Now you don't have a race for an hour cause your supposedly dead. I really doubt that after a long period of time banned, people arnt going to care about their race.

Well you very narrow minded if you can't see past the first sentence :)
And swag is not my style, you made me cringe when I read that....[DOUBLEPOST=1361998599][/DOUBLEPOST]


Oh man I feel insulted ....

Cant somebody lock this useless flame war ?
Oh man I feel insulted ....

Cant somebody lock this useless flame war ?

Hardly flame, :) the only person here annoyed is you, also the narrow minded insult was just my "point of view"
Locking this will achieve squat there's more to discuss than your disapproval[DOUBLEPOST=1361999182][/DOUBLEPOST]
Oh man I feel insulted ....

Cant somebody lock this useless flame war ?

Just for you grixer I edited the first sentence ;)
Ok Jom, look at it this way. Why would we want someone to spend time programming this for banned people? The people who get banned do not deserve that time, and it should go towards something for the main playerbase. Now the thing you said about people dying and being forced into the undead race, thats interesting and might be good.
Ok Jom, look at it this way. Why would we want someone to spend time programming this for banned people? The people who get banned do not deserve that time, and it should go towards something for the main playerbase. Now the thing you said about people dying and being forced into the undead race, thats interesting and might be good.

Your making it look like I designed the whole post upon banned player punishment >.< I meant it as an addition really, I was aiming for the realism of death on massive craft not "lol ima dead zomby omgz and ima banned badass"
On a more constructive note I agree with grixer that bans should be permanent however wouldn't they be more permanent if for lets say a week after you are unbanned or until you ate enough meat/did enough of something you would have to be undead?
Anyways Grixer what I mean is just making ANYTHING more RP is usually better. For example a banned player let back on could write a book about his/her struggle to become living again. Just an idea.
Undead is a viable role play race choice. Saying that this race is the "punishment" race, either for dieing or for other reasons, belittles the people who choose to role play as this race. So I am very much against this suggestion.
Undead is a viable role play race choice. Saying that this race is the "punishment" race, either for dieing or for other reasons, belittles the people who choose to role play as this race. So I am very much against this suggestion.
However this could be a punishment race because. A.) This is for people that have been banned. B.) Not everyone wants to be an undead. C.) If you make it so you're undead until you've completed the task you don't even need to complete it if you don't want if you enjoy RP as an undead.
Someone lock the thread >.< This is getting a bit out of hand.
Players choose if they want to rp when they die. They are not forced to rp when they die.[DOUBLEPOST=1362096839][/DOUBLEPOST]Though I do like the idea of roleplaying when I die.
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