Archived Adding The New Races To The Server.

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& Arrogant
Mar 18, 2014
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Hello! Recently, some new races were released (Ur, Thylan, others I cannot quite remember, etc etc). The problem is, in the game you cannot choose these races. There are only the old races. So, how about adding the rest of the races into the server!
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They are adding in the Trait System instead of this. So, they are not adding in any races to the Race Plugin.
The trait system is more of a traditional RPG level system. You start with say 5 points, you then invest these points into buffs such as speed, strength, ect; better buffs cost more points, to get more points you will need to level up (How is unknown) or invest in debuffs such as obesity, need more food or insanity spout random messages.
Making such requests is like throwing a bucket of water into an already flowing stream. yes youll add the tiniest ripple but its something thats already in motion.

These things take time and im sure with current situations you can understand why its taking longer then we'd hope.

Rome wasnt built in a day! <3
@Billy Rage The trait system to me always sounded unneeded. With mcmmo, you can train and become better. A LOT of hardcore pvpers will leave Massivecraft once it is added in, because it will remove their skills and hours of work. Plus, removing races will turn the lore on its head. Vampires will no longer burn.No one will rp as them. No benefits. I think the traits plugin will ruin massivcraft's popularity. It will leave only a small, rp oriented group, instead of the majority if players, who like a nice balance. Dwarves will no longer use axes, and swords and bows will only be used. In the end, this will be a nail in the coffin. Anyone I've talked to hated the idea. If they added this, they may as well remove the other continents, because none will explore them.
I think that the race system should be kept but the traits system also be added.
Exactly, like MCMMO is kinda the same, but with the traits, a tigran, could improve strenght maybe and rp as if it were his/her hands/claws but mcmmo had those skills like hands and that
Personally, I think adding the traits system to the server and removing the races system will probably just confuse the new people even more. They will have no idea what the races are because they don't read the lore, and then we have all these custom races coming out and spewing all over the server.
@indyfan98 the races are staying, but only for RP. MCMMO will stay aswell, allowing you to upgrade further. So your fears are flawed, the trait system would be highly beneficial.
@Billy Rage Sorry. I did not realize that mcmmo was staying. But if mcmmo is, why not races too? It will be hard for new players to know what races there are. What if each race had a buff that had no trait system equivalent? And what about vampires? How will the guard be able to spot them? Vampires will just deny it. Most people are vampires for the buffs. Not the rp.
All this discussion about a plugin that isnt finalised and doesnt exist and no facts are set yet.

Stop fearing thigns that arnt even things.

As with all plugins we will have it all tweaked and explained to make YOUR experience the best it can be.

Now stahp being buttheads and enjoy yourselves. ಠ_ಠ
I Like the Idea of the trait system however I'm a vampire and i get like 50 trait points and put them all into speed
Little op don't you think since the passive jump boost and the speed will be like infinite blood lust for vampires i just think they should balance it abit more
I think a nice Idea for the Trait system is that being a certain race will lock certain traits like vampires can't get a trait that blocks fire so that vampires will take burning damage from sunlight. Also you get limited points to go toward traits that way no one can have all traits upgraded and it forces them to put points to where they want them most. And every races get a special race trait tree that allow them to spend race points to there race tree which has a limit. So persay a maira can put race points to one of three things like landfish - which allows you to stay out of water longer or, the fish eyes - allows you to see farther underwater and, speed which allows you to upgrade your swiming speed. Race traits could have a limit aswell so that way you don't get all of landfish and fisheyes. @Th3_Drunk_Monk @joshuanolan16 @indyfan98
Also this is completely hypothetical example of what i think the plugin is going to implement

Trait 1(lets say Speed) for tier one trait one it may cost 1 point but tier 2 may cost 6 points and a debuff(lets say more hunger)
Also unlocking trait 1 may block you from unlocking trait 2(lets say less hunger) to make it so you have to consider which traits you want...
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