Archived Add More Faction Ranks. Please.

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Jun 27, 2013
Reaction score
I will keep this simple. Currently, there are four ranks; recruit, member, officer, and leader.
There must be more.
(Imagine Agent Smith to be new faction ranks)
Here's the plan; add two extra ranks into the system. Call them whatever you wish. There is so much utility in this suggestions I'd be up all night writing about it. If there are two extra ranks, then you can appoint greater officers to watch over lesser officers. You could also appoint a co-leader/regent that could rule while you are away or busy.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Honestly if you want an idea to be suggested, you should expand more on it, and explain in more detail.
Honestly if you want an idea to be suggested, you should expand more on it, and explain in more detail.
What would you like me to explain? It is already very self-explanatory; add extra ranks beyond recruit, member, officer, and leader. I'd rather not bog down such a simple suggestion by adding a mile long wall of junk that would make getting the idea beyond suggestion stage even more improbable.

The commands wouldn't even change. /f rank player desiredrank. Simple.
This has now been suggested so many times I consider mentioning it to my fellow tech staff.

Factions ranks is only for the faction permissions. So it only makes sense to have more ranks if we want to also have different permissions for them (which might be the case in some factions). If you just want a rank system where people can climb the ladder (without new /f perm, permissions) then we have a title system.

More ranks is a genuine wish, but I want to know why. Why would you like more ranks? That is my question for now.
This has now been suggested so many times I consider mentioning it to my fellow tech staff.

Factions ranks is only for the faction permissions. So it only makes sense to have more ranks if we want to also have different permissions for them (which might be the case in some factions). If you just want a rank system where people can climb the ladder (without new /f perm, permissions) then we have a title system.

More ranks is a genuine wish, but I want to know why. Why would you like more ranks? That is my question for now.
So, especially for massivecraft in comparison to other faction server, The way people run their faction is way different. On other servers it's just an obsidian box and all you have to decide is who is allowed to open the chests that are inside the box. On massive there is more politics involved within the faction. With more ranks, it would open up the ability for a co-leader rank... But also it would mean that you could have more ranks with different permissions. It also allows for a little more structure in the faction.
This has now been suggested so many times I consider mentioning it to my fellow tech staff.

Factions ranks is only for the faction permissions. So it only makes sense to have more ranks if we want to also have different permissions for them (which might be the case in some factions). If you just want a rank system where people can climb the ladder (without new /f perm, permissions) then we have a title system.

More ranks is a genuine wish, but I want to know why. Why would you like more ranks? That is my question for now.
Would it also be possible to add to the chunk access so that a faction may give access to lower ranked members on certain chunks,? For an example if a faction wants to have farms that are usable by everyone. This wasn't an issue before massiverestore since a faction could just have their farms outside faction territory.
Would it also be possible to add to the chunk access so that a faction may give access to lower ranked members on certain chunks,? For an example if a faction wants to have farms that are usable by everyone. This wasn't an issue before massiverestore since a faction could just have their farms outside faction territory.
Do you mean like... Granting /f access to a chunk for an entire rank... Instead of only individual players?
Would it also be possible to add to the chunk access so that a faction may give access to lower ranked members on certain chunks,? For an example if a faction wants to have farms that are usable by everyone. This wasn't an issue before massiverestore since a faction could just have their farms outside faction territory.
I know a rework of territory access would be nice. But keep that out of this discussion.
This has now been suggested so many times I consider mentioning it to my fellow tech staff.

Factions ranks is only for the faction permissions. So it only makes sense to have more ranks if we want to also have different permissions for them (which might be the case in some factions). If you just want a rank system where people can climb the ladder (without new /f perm, permissions) then we have a title system.

More ranks is a genuine wish, but I want to know why. Why would you like more ranks? That is my question for now.
When you have two hundred members in your faction with ~ fifteen officers it is nice to have more permissions. Instead of trusting fifteen people not to screw you over while you're offline etc. you could just appoint a higher officer or co-leader. If you wanted to go on vacation or take a more relaxed stance on leading a faction, you could appoint a leader under you to rule. That way you don't have to trust someone with absolute power over your faction.

It's the reason Sollomon666 lost Tyberia forever, a faction he founded and led for three years straight. It would have been vastly better for him to have just set up a new rank and he could have just owned the faction. Instead somebody else has the 90k regals in the faction bank (a very large portion of which was his or given to him) and 200 players because he had to either micromanage everyday or give it to somebody else. How's that?
This has now been suggested so many times I consider mentioning it to my fellow tech staff.

Factions ranks is only for the faction permissions. So it only makes sense to have more ranks if we want to also have different permissions for them (which might be the case in some factions). If you just want a rank system where people can climb the ladder (without new /f perm, permissions) then we have a title system.

More ranks is a genuine wish, but I want to know why. Why would you like more ranks? That is my question for now.
Honestly I would personally be happy with just one more rank. Basically this rank would be a second in command. The reason I want this is because as of now and I believe you were the one who told me this there is no way for you to decide your successor as leader should you go inactive.

Having the ability to choose a special officer that will for sure get the position would fix that issue.
This has now been suggested so many times I consider mentioning it to my fellow tech staff.

Factions ranks is only for the faction permissions. So it only makes sense to have more ranks if we want to also have different permissions for them (which might be the case in some factions). If you just want a rank system where people can climb the ladder (without new /f perm, permissions) then we have a title system.

More ranks is a genuine wish, but I want to know why. Why would you like more ranks? That is my question for now.

It would allow for more specialization of ranks and offer more opportunities. I'm sure this reasons has already been given, but I'm reiterating it because I really support it. Say I trust an officer with the relations perm. I dont want all my officers to have that perm, but I don't want to demote the rest back to member. Also, what if I hire a builder? I dont want them to access our chests, but I want them to have build perms.
It would allow for more specialization of ranks and offer more opportunities. I'm sure this reasons has already been given, but I'm reiterating it because I really support it. Say I trust an officer with the relations perm. I dont want all my officers to have that perm, but I don't want to demote the rest back to member. Also, what if I hire a builder? I dont want them to access our chests, but I want them to have build perms.
And it's a pain to go and give /f access to everything if you want a builder. (But keeping /f access topics off this thread, as Madus requested)
This has now been suggested so many times I consider mentioning it to my fellow tech staff.

Factions ranks is only for the faction permissions. So it only makes sense to have more ranks if we want to also have different permissions for them (which might be the case in some factions). If you just want a rank system where people can climb the ladder (without new /f perm, permissions) then we have a title system.

More ranks is a genuine wish, but I want to know why. Why would you like more ranks? That is my question for now.
I strongly believe in this idea, and I think it would really help factions. For instance, you could have your starting rank, Recruit, followed by Member, then you could add a new one such as Deputy(To go under Officer), then Officer, possibly another such as Commander, or Co-Leader(To go above Officer, but still below Leader.), and then last but not least, Leader.
This would strongly help factions that want to regulate their member's perms more, and would do many factions, small and large, a great favor.
Honestly I would personally be happy with just one more rank. Basically this rank would be a second in command. The reason I want this is because as of now and I believe you were the one who told me this there is no way for you to decide your successor as leader should you go inactive.

Having the ability to choose a special officer that will for sure get the position would fix that issue.
This is another point which I think that the Co-Leader rank would help.
@Madus , since we have 16 votes for "Yes" and none for "No", and nobody who yet seems to disapprove of this idea, I think I speak for everyone when I urge you to suggest this to your fellow staff members! :D
I strongly believe in this idea, and I think it would really help factions. For instance, you could have your starting rank, Recruit, followed by Member, then you could add a new one such as Deputy(To go under Officer), then Officer, possibly another such as Commander, or Co-Leader(To go above Officer, but still below Leader.), and then last but not least, Leader.
This would strongly help factions that want to regulate their member's perms more, and would do many factions, small and large, a great favor.

This is another point which I think that the Co-Leader rank would help.
@Madus , since we have 16 votes for "Yes" and none for "No", and nobody who yet seems to disapprove of this idea, I think I speak for everyone when I urge you to suggest this to your fellow staff members! :D
Remember Madus was never against the idea. He just wanted to know why we wanted it.

And secondly I think @Jackmo_Jones brings up an excellent point from an earlier discussion where we learned that there isn't any control over which officer replaces the leader of they timeout... With more ranks you can have one rank specifically for that co-leader or second-in-command.
Remember Madus was never against the idea. He just wanted to know why we wanted it.

And secondly I think @Jackmo_Jones brings up an excellent point from an earlier discussion where we learned that there isn't any control over which officer replaces the leader of they timeout... With more ranks you can have one rank specifically for that co-leader or second-in-command.
I never said anything to imply he was against it...
I never said anything to imply he was against it...
The way you worded it... Sounded like you were trying to convince him that this should happen, by pointing out how many people were in favor on the poll. I was simply pointing out that he already said he would present this idea to the other tech staff.
The way you worded it... Sounded like you were trying to convince him that this should happen, by pointing out how many people were in favor on the poll. I was simply pointing out that he already said he would present this idea to the other tech staff.
Madus said he would consider mentioning it to his fellow tech staff. Whether or not he would mention it is up to how well this thread performs. I think more faction ranks is a necessary change because large factions need it to create more complex hierarchies and properly organize themselves using new permission ranks. An officer may be higher in standing than another, but that officer cannot demote the second officer ever. Large factions need diversified rank structure, otherwise the leader must be 100% active or the faction goes downhill.
So they are essentially adjacent to each other... As opposed to above or below?
Yes, so as the actual ranking goes, they are both just officers. But you are able to modify the different class of officer's permissions separately, however as the ranking system goes, they are not allowed to promote/demote members of their rank, because the ranking system still sees them as one rank.
Interesting, but the main goal is simply adding more permission ranks.
More ranks all-and-all would be very helpful, and possibly having some that are 1st and 2nd class of the same rank could work as I stated, and help larger factions who don't really want to promote that Member to an Officer yet, but maybe want them to have some more permissions.
I completely suppor this idea. Personally I Always had trouble with giving certaint permissions.

Having people I trusted enough to be co leader I gave officer but left me restricted in getting dedicated recruiters that I didnt want having the same permissions as my co leaders.
Same goes with builders. I do like people to be able to use containers once they no longer are recruits. But I don't want all members to have access to building and breaking.
Anywhere between 3-5 aditional ranks (minimal 2) would be amazing already.
Plus, with the new way that you set the rank instead of promoting, you could save one or two in you faction souly for non-fac builders. Faction side, not staff side I mean.
I've played factions for a while in the non-massivecarft style, and permission groups are always an issue. Either you give someone too much power or too little. Having the current system is ok, but having additional ranks for leaders to assign would help in every style of factions.
What I would like to see is a Co-Leader like a very trusted member of the faction who can do anything except probably /f disband
Basicly, we don't care how many more ranks, but I think everyone in the factions community wants to see more ranks. There is no down side, and it would help in a number of ways. Hopefully we'll see this coming around sometime soon. :D
I concur. It would make a sort of hierarchy within the faction feel much for official, if the leader desires to handle it that way. Also, it would make granting access to certain parts of a faction territory to a specific number of people much easier. While getting by with the given 4 ranks is doable, it's definitely not practical. You have you a leader, officers as trusted advisers, members as... well... members, and then recruits for people who are still on trial. But having different ranks for different jobs is nice. Perhaps you have appointed farmers whom you'd like to give access to your plantations. Perhaps you have a squire who's in charge of the armory. While all of this is doable via access and individual titles, it is extremely cumbersome to change if you appoint a new person to that job. Also, more ranks would leave titles open for individual characterization withing the faction.
That said, it would simply be a blessing to people who seek to run an organized faction, and I see no harm in it anyway.
I think Madus looked into this matter but I don't know the current status. I will put the thread on hold while I inquire.
Not under the current climate in tech department.
This really should be implemented. That would be amazing
Do want. Will pay money to make happen. Just tell me who to bribe so we can roll this thing. ♡
There is a plugin out there somewhere that allows the Faction Owner to make custom named ranks and toggle permissions from a list on/off for each. Im not sure what it was called though.
damn that was fast

alrighty then. Should we just... leave this here and perhaps bump in another few months? im well aware that its not the top staff priority at the moment, but i do want to keep this idea at least a bit relevant over time.

They have you on speed dial and a special active forum member alert status, Znake. Isn't it obvious? Don't know why you're not staff.

And as of Monday afternoon they have 6 applicants to Tech and recruitment for said department is closed. So... maybe - just MAYBE - all our dreams will soon come true! :D