Archived Actions In The Role.

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Just Miao :[
Jun 22, 2013
Reaction score
Greetings to all.

The other day I was playing in Regalia, and my character was on a bridge. A player came and wrote - kicks him and throws him overboard -.

I've been several years playing the role, and I think the actions you do in your role should not affect those of others, for example, instead of writing "- kicks him and throws him overboard-" could be written just your action and let the other player do it "- Gives a kick with the intent of throwing it into the water," in this way I think that the role may become more fun because you're not forced to do something by the direct action of another player.

Obviously there are actions that can not reply, as a direct attack from the back. But in my time playing I've only seen actions that describe what the character does and what should happen to the other, and that's a big advantage false.

Thanks for reading, greetings and forgive my bad English.
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You mean like the /me kick thing? If so then I agree. If you mean players actually typing it in that is something they need to learn and should be used by all experienced players to clue noobs in on the way it works.
None of the good roleplayers do what you're suggesting, which is called I believe meta-gaming or god-roleplay. All you can do is tell the people doing it that its not right and explain to them how to properly roleplay.
Having the option to replicate an action within a coherent scene is not doing god-roleplaying, if your character slaps the mine, why I can not face away in time? Why should I take the hit yes or yes, because you wrote it first?

What I'm saying is that an action should not say what the other player must do, it is not the same as doing actions that your character could not do.

It depends on the quality or experience of the gamer to know the limits of his character, and that's what I would like to explain to new players and to be exercised more, because I think it would give more life to the role.

Unfortunately there are no dice or attributes to see what actions might be really valid and what not, but there's always logic and common sense.

Thanks for reading, greetings and forgive my bad English.
What he said was that type -pushes so and so off the bridge and into the water- is metagaming/god-rping. Typing -attempts to push so and so off the bridge- is the correct way to do it and allows the other player to decide their characters fate. The only real way to make this happen is by showing noob RPers how it's done and hoping they catch a freakin hint.
/me is on the top of our to do list after rp names.
If only there was a way to stop people from power gaming...
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