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Work in Progress Accursed Amorronokh

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.
Apr 3, 2020
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Amornorokh Kimonor Rakarrahc
  • Heritage / Culture: Divine Cult Kathar
  • Age: 367 years old
  • Gender / Pronouns: He/Him
  • Religion: Evolist (Broken Gods Syncretism)
  • Occult: Void Mage / Greater Vampire Necrosanto / Eldertide Godborn
  • Character Occupation: Information broker, Spymaster Smuggler, Loan shark, Argentum Darkstar Order.
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Red
  • Skin Color: Dark Grey.
  • Hair: White
  • Height: Tall
  • Body Type: Slim
  • Additional Features:
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents: Magical Talent / Chemist Hobby

  • Mechanics:
  • Kathar power cannot be denied to them. If anyone uses an Ability/Mechanic that would force them to use Radiant instead of Sinistral Magic, they still use Sinistral anyway.
  • Kathar can change the alignment of any Spirit to that of Void, so long as the possess/own/control the Spirit. Void Spirits are always symbiotic for them also.
  • Kathar are not affected by the mental characteristics or changes of any Affliction or Affinity and are always in control of their own mind from them.
  • Kathar are able to look at a person and intuit their Corruption Desire, with OOC Consent (see below). Then, the Kathar can act towards this goal.
  • Kathar can use subtle vice-heightening curses on those within Emote Range, heightening their Pride, Fury, Avarice, Corruption, Rejection, or Hedonism.
Eldertide Godborn:
  • Eldertide Godborn can Transform into a "Passing Form", which is a version of themselves that is more passably normal to what society can tolerate in terms of appearance. They can maintain this Transformation for as long as they like, though it is not a Disguise. It also not an absolute state, that is to say, they can manifest parts or aspects of their monster-self, or only Disguise parts like their face or limbs.
  • Not all Eldertide Godborn understand the subtext of their birth and the commentary on society, and as such, some of them fall to the vices of becoming actual violent monsters. Eldertide Godborn gain +2 Attack Stat (break cap to 11) on any other Eldertide Godborn that has become murderous/violent or "become the monster" by losing their moral high ground, as well as other in-Monster Transformation Player Combat opponents.
  • Eldertide Godborn can curse other Characters with the Curse of Vice in Emote Range (Telegraphed as them doing it), taking 2x7 Magic Proficiency Mages to remove. This Curse applies to a Vice trait for example a person with the high vice of greed may become made of gold and forced to nibble and consume themselves, while a gluttonous person might become a mound of consuming flesh unable to move without the help of others.
  • Common Mechanic I: Vampires can use a Court Glamor to hide their Vampire teeth and Red Eyes from anyone but fellow Vampires, except during feeding. This counts as a Disguise, and does not work on those who already know the Vampire is a Vampire.
  • Common Mechanic II: Vampires, if they have Disguising or Shapeshifting Magic, can hide their Vampire teeth and Red Eyes from anyone but fellow Vampires, but all of their Proficiencies are set to 0, and they cannot use Abilities in Combat.
  • Common Mechanic III: Vampires can use a Party Glamor at Server Events/Player Events (not Raids), which acts as a Disguise, until the leave the Event Venue. Cannot ever be used outside of Event Venues.
  • Common Mechanic IV: Vampires can grant immunity to Vampirism to any person willing to bargain with them. In turn, if the bargained person attacks the Vampire or reveals the deal, they take massive damage (discuss in Dm's what this means).
  • Common Mechanic V: Vampires, when applying Curses via Advanced Roleplay Mechanics can apply minor Curses that last for up to 12 Hours max, without needing OOC Consent, which count as having +1 Magic Stat for dispelling considerations.
    • Necrocanto:
      • Nerocanto Mechanic I: Nerocanto Vampires may choose one Mechanic from either the Ailor, Fin'ullen, or Eronidas Heritage Traits, whichever is not their own Heritage, and keep this Mechanic until they are Cured.
        • Ailor when using Syncretism can worship up to 3 Gods of their sub-dominant Religion, instead of just 1 or 2. Additionally, when Syncretizing, they gain the Mechanic of the sub-dominant Religion (except for Evolism, where only one of the Mechanics can be chosen). If your Character does not Syncretize, they gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking Cap up to 11) against Characters that have Syncretized their mono-faith.
      • Nerocanto Mechanic II: Nerocanto Vampires can infect non-Vampires as both Fledglings and Greater Vampires, but can also cure Vampirism from those they infect only before they become Fledglings, thus allowing them to blackmail their victims.
      • Nerocanto Mechanic III: Nerocanto Vampires can convert Vampire Thralls into Bound Thralls, curing their Vampirism, but mind controlling them by Vampire of their choosing, allowing them to sell off Thralls and Blood Cattle. (Hidden)
  • All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Catheron. The first is the Law of Catheron's Reflection, which causes any Curse directly placed on an Evolist to also be mirrored back on the (non-Greater Entity) that did it . This does not make the Evolist immune to the Curse, it just means an identical Curse is placed on the Curser (that they cannot remove themselves). Secondly, Evolist worshipers are granted by Catheron, the ability to subtly influence people around them, by either heightening their 6 Devotions of the Void or heightening the 6 Defects of the Void for their own purposes.

  • All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Catheron. The first is the Law of Catheron's Reflection, which causes any Curse directly placed on an Evolist to also be mirrored back on the (non-Greater Entity) that did it . This does not make the Evolist immune to the Curse, it just means an identical Curse is placed on the Curser (that they cannot remove themselves). Secondly, Evolist worshipers are granted by Catheron, the ability to subtly influence people around them, by either heightening their 6 Devotions of the Void or heightening the 6 Defects of the Void for their own purposes.

  • All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Apotheon. The first is to be able to manifest or have Apotheon's golden tail (or in other aesthetic) by which they are able to extract the essence of a person by drawing blood, or consuming them wholly by draining all the liquid from their body and leaving behind a husk. From there, they can choose to manifest parts of the extracted/absorbed person's appearance, skills (like being good at art or cooking, but never Proficiencies) and in essence fuse them into their being. Changes applied to appearance never count as Disguise, and cannot imitate a person.

  • All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Ravaal. They can bless their weapons in the Glacial March, becoming ghostly and see-through. Any would-be lethal wounds they inflict will not kill, instead when if expire, they fall into a glacial coma, a Curse requiring 3 Mages with 7 Proficiency in Magic to break to awaken. Secondly, she grants Evolists the means to produce Soul-shards, which are small ice-like crystals in which they can capture the souls of those that they do end up killing, where they can choose to keep them, or let them pass on without the Malefica getting close.

  • All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Gahan. While in a Spirit Duke summoning, Evolists can call upon the insight of Gahan to peer through potential lies and double-speak of a Spirit Duke, to uncover hidden intentions. This won't allow a worshiper to fully understand the scope of the summoning interaction, but ward against unexpected traps or misleading that the Spirit Duke may be using to deceive the summoner. This Mechanic must be actively called upon during a Spirit Duke negotiation but can be called upon any number of times, though only by the person negotiating.

  • All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Ventra. Ventra allows Evolists to incorporate aspects of natural creatures, plantlife, or geology into their own body, for example by manifesting a bear's arms, a deer's antlers, a feline tail, rock plating, or floral patterns in their hair, all of these changes being purely aesthetic. Additionally, if they witness a person violating nature in opposition to Ventra's teachings, they can summon Ventra's bow and glowing arrows, to mark a person. From then on, until they repent to Ventra, any Evolist that meets them will know they are a sinner.

  • Int rewards those who succeed and punishes failure. Through Int, Evolist followers can use Static Divinium to empower Artifacts in their ownership which unlocks extra Mechanics on them when it is performed. Corrupting an Artifact this way can only be done once per Artifact, with more information found on the Artifacts Page. This also Void-Corrupts it with the power of Int. If the Artifactspark is removed, or the Artifact is lost to the Evolist who owned it, the upgrades are removed and the Artifact is de-powered.

  • All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Triton. Triton allows Evolists to transform into a Dragonkin of the unofficial Tyrthar Dragonfall, a Triton-inspired Dragonkin design that must have pitch-black scales and red eyes. This transformation counts as a Disguise, and can have any variety of appearances within the bounds listed. Anyone who sees this Transformed form can know that there is an Evolist underneath. This form does not confer any of the Dragonkin mechanics.

Syncretism: Broken Gods

  • All worshipers of The Broken Gods are granted the gifts of the Broken Gods. These gifts mainly aim at their spite and rejection from the world's status quo, in allowing them to choose one Mechanic of any Religion except Evolism, and add it to their own Mechanics. Additionally, The Broken Gods worshipers have a unique Mechanic related to Disguises or Monster Transformations. While these would normally be removed upon reaching 0 HP or being Knocked Out, Broken Gods worshipers who are defeated in combat or outside of it can never be forced out of any Disguise or Transformation. Keep in mind, this may cause problems with Knights, because a Monster that is not transforming back, may need to be executed, so use this judiciously.
    • Khama Faith Mechanic 2: Believers of Khama can appeal to the Gods through a ceremony or in-game Event to deal Karmic justice to someone who has wronged them. These Calendar Events must be held with more than a few believers, but do not require Divinium. Staff should be notified of such an Event in a Ticket, and either bear witness to the ceremonial request or receive information about it in said ticket. The core function is that the faithful come together to lament about the injustices perpetrated by either a Player or Event NPC after the fact and beg the Gods to deal Karmic justice to them. For Player Characters, this will never cause permanent damage or death, but can cause them to become cursed, or temporarily receive debuffs. It will be very obvious to the target that the faithful of Khama requested they be punished, though the Gods may reject for a variety of reasons.
Invoke Point Buy: Deathless Invocation
  • Savent Asha have a heightened alertness and analytical mind, able to perceive threats and react much faster. They may notice dangers when interacting with Event objects or Characters (Private Message DM's for more info)
Argentum Order: Darkstar Chapter
  • Mechanic Two: Shard Royal Mortisphages if imprisoned, locked up, or chained down, can simply slip out of these chains or through blocked doors that contain them, and break free. This does not stop guards or prison wardens from attacking them should they try to break out. Additionally, while off-screen imprisoned by the Metropolitan, they can suave their way out of prison early so long as they are not in for High Law.

  • Languages: Common / Katharic

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: 7
Defense Stat: 5
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Constitution: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Intelligence: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Wisdom: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Dexterity: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Faith: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Magic: 12 (12 + 2 Heritage)
    • Shapeshift Pack
    • Mindcontrol Pack
    • Mimicry Pack
    • Wardrove Pack
    • Magic Snare
    • Magic Trip
    • Magic Smog
    • Magic Curse
    • Magic Bolster
    • Magic Disengage
    • Magic Warp
    • Magic Bolts
  • Invoke Point Buy:
    • Monstrous Transformation: Whether by a curse or by voluntary blessing, this Pack allows the user to transform into a Monster Transformation, which counts as a Disguise. A Monster Disguise is a monstrous version of a Character that breaks beyond the design style of a purely humanoid character and thus can have all manner of visual changes that make them look more monstrous. During Transformation, if anyone is a witness to the Transformation, the Monster can also alter part of the witness's memories, so that they will not remember who Transformed, that the original person ran away, or was never even there to begin with. During the Monster Transformation, the user gains +2 Attack Stat (Break Cap to 11) and +1 Defense Stat (Break Cap to 9), but can no longer use ranged attack emotes. If the user drops to 0 HP, the Monster Transformation will be reverted after which the memory alteration no longer works. Additionally, Characters with Monster Invocation may receive more positive or additional interactions with entities that either feel alignment with, or close approximation to Monsters, such as the Eldertide or the Body Arken (Private Message DM's during Events to inquire). Keep in mind that Monster Transformations are always defined as "Monstrous", and thus fall under Regalian Law High Law. This means it is strongly recommended not to use Monster Transformations is very public spaces or in the middle of the city, as the Regalian Guard & Knights and most law-abiding citizens will attack to kill on sight. If Monsters get arrested, kill-perms are likely to be granted to have the Character executed.
    • Deathless Transformation: The Deathless Invocation allows a Character to become undying, theoretically. True indestructible immortality is not possible on Aloria, as the law of entropy is absolute, but something approximating immortality can be reached. The Deathless Invocation allows a Character to transfer their mortality onto an object or objects, that will also act as curses on them in return. For example, they might attach their mortality to a painting that continues to age, that if any living person were ever to lay eyes on it, would rapidly age them thus killing them. Another example might be that they might attach their mortality to 10 objects and spread them around the world, the drawback of which would be that if anyone were to acquire all these items they could be killed remotely by having them all destroyed. A final example is that their mortality is tied to a place of strong Magic, with the drawback being that if someone were to overpower this place or drain it of all its Magic, they would rapidly age and die. The Deathless Invocation is intended to give a Character a vibe of immortality, but it must always have a drawback that could reasonably be accomplished in Roleplay so that the theoretical risk of mortality could always be re-established. Kill-perms are (mostly outside of the law) reserved to players, meaning that Character Death is never a realistic risk without the Player's consent, but to play the Deathless Invocation correctly, that risk must always be factored into a Character's interactions. This Invocation can be used to have a Character be much older than their Heritage is capable of, but we recommend not to have a Character be older than 500 years, because beyond this point not much world history has been written, and your Character risks being unengaging, by being unable to talk about their past in day to day RP. Deathless Invocations are also telegraphed to anyone who is a Mage. This means that any Mage can "read" the Deathless Invocation off someone who has it, and figure out the rules of it by looking at them though not all the details (such as, not knowing where the example given painting would be, where all the shards of immortality objects are, or what exact place of power it might be that their immortality is tied to). The Deathless Invocation is meant to encourage Roleplay discussion of mortality or the morality of even doing something like this, not to become an excuse for a Character to be fearless of death. How a Character expresses this immortality is up to the player: they can either simply not "die" physically, or their body can be destroyed but reform magically so long as the objects to which their mortality is bound are still around. Finally, Characters who have this Pack, can choose one Heritage Mechanic from any Heritage Traits (except Mystech, Dragonkin, Slizzar, Bralona, or Orion), as long as that mechanic is not on the excluded mechanics list and add it to their own Heritage Traits. Excluded Mechanics: Qadir Mechanic 1, Life Isldar Mechanic 3, Lanlath Essence, Lanlath Starbirth, Solvaan Mist Forms, Solvaan Mist Beasts, Suvial Karamatology, Suvial Flames Unending, Kathar Corruption Desire, Sihndar Drowda Taint, Maquixtl Gene Editing, Asha Living Metal, Savent Asha Mechanic 3, Narim Mechanic 1 & 2, Narim Gestalt, Urlan Mechanic 4, Urlan Defenses. Please note, that just about every Religion and Culture historically thinks cheating death is a bad thing, and having this Invocation considered a severe taboo.
      • Savent Asha have a heightened alertness and analytical mind, able to perceive threats and react much faster. They may notice dangers when interacting with Event objects or Characters (Private Message DM's for more info)
      • Amorronokh holds in his possesion the skull of Flioidia, his former tormentor, and the source of his Deathless Invocation. Paranoid as he is, he has turned the skull impervious of damage, however, the rules that bind him to the skull is simple: were anyone to whisper Amorronoch's name to the skull, he'd fall dead on the spot.

  • Speech Point Buy:
    • Fiscal Presence: Your Character is living life on the edge of loans and grants, always shuffling money and debts around and ahead of themselves so that loan sharks somehow never come to collect. Your Character counts as being Aristocrat-like wealthy and can throw money around, even if they don't own any money and all of it is in the form of loans constantly being shuffled around. Additionally, while supply is available and with manpower permitting among World Staff, you may request a small "Smuggler's Cove" region in the far north of Regalia's mountain ranges in a Ticket, where your Character can do IC smuggling. There will be no buildings in this area, just an empty beach with a traveling cart to the back of Crookback, but you can build things there.

    • Undisclosed Presence: This Pack has the user trained so well in mental fortitude and obfuscation, that they are immune even to Magical attempts to apply Mind Control, or scry their mind for information. Your Character becomes immune to being mind-controlled, Thralled, having their emotions read, or emotions influenced, and so forth. This does not protect against Illusions, or Memory Alterations, however. You can still submit your Character to these functions if you want to, however, it assumes that by default your Character deters any kind of Mind Control.


Even before being born, Amorronokh's life would already be doomed by circumstance. His mother was a Kathar devoted to the pursuit of gratification, seeking to experience all and any versions of it. Her efforts eventually drew, unknowingly, the attention of the Eldertide. The entity blessed her with a night of unsurpassable satisfaction... only for her to awaken with a monstruous creature by her bedside, a baby, if it could even be called that, yet it barely looked Kathar– Ashamed of the proof of her crime, the mother anonimously dumped her child in a Future House, and never looked backed, for she did not want to be scorned by her peers.

The child would grow up unloved, the other Kathar children laughed at his grotesque nature, and any visiting adults scowled at his nature. Until eventually, a woman came, a Yanar, who seemingly took pity in the creature, and adopted the Spawn of the Eldertide. However, what first seemed to be the end of a nightmare soon proved to be the start of another– The woman was a rich and powerful Greater Vampire, a collectionist to a menagerie of horrors and freaks, kept all within her manor, and Amorronokh was her latest catch. So began the horrids days by Amorronokh, meant to be a mere decoration, a freakish spectacle for the enjoyment of her guests, and mere tool for the Sanguine's torture.

Yet, she'd also prove to be his greatest mentor. As she did not fear much, she allowed him to study her arcane collection. With Amorronokh being the most capable and unbroken of her freaks, she often had him deal with her paperwork and finances. She taught him of religion, so he'd be able to do assist in doing Evolist rituals. He learned bothanics, and venoms, and cures.

However, little by little, unbeknowmst to Flioidia, Amorronokh was starting to find it easier each day to resist her commands, and her powerful presence– And he schemed, and pondered, and studied. And eventually, learned. Flioidia was arrogant, yeah, but she was paranoid too. She had little to no actual allies, only her power held her aloft, with all her defences pointing outside, not much inside. There was a garden, deep within the catacombs, that Flioidia cared for every day, which Amorronokh soon learned was the source of an accursed power, the Deathless Invocation, which granted a boon of near-immortality.

Flioidia's death was abrupt, sudden, quick. Amorronokh had been influencing her emotions for months without her realizing, causing her to grow laxant and hedonistic, and after that was done, Amorronokh freed the other freaks, and as they caused havoc and kept the Sanguine distracted, he went to the garden and destroyed all of it, not leaving an ounce of life. The results would be evident once returning upstairs, Flioidia had exploded in an explosion of Gore. Amorronokh spend the next few weeks gathering as much as he could, drank the blood of the deceased Sanguine to ascend into one himself, before leaving– Not without taking Flioidia's skull with him, as it would become the source of his own near-immortality. The choice, while seemingly bizarre or drastic- Was reasonable within his paranoid, damaged psyche. The world would hunt him down, hurt him, break him, and only by being above, only by being in a position of power, would he ever, could he ever feel safe,

In a way, despite her defeat at his hands, Flioidia had won, turning Amorronokh into the same monster she had been.

As the years passed by, he learned much magic, as well as learned his nature as a Spawn of Eldertide- While Amorronokh was faithful and loyal to the Evolist Gods, he also felt drawn to learn about his father. By the end of his sagely research, he could not deny the Broken Gods, or at least to the Eldertide, not only due to his role as his maker, but he could not deny the idea that he was not the one broken and mishapen, but that the Kathar, no, the entire world was small-minded and cruel to the point it would have never given him a chance to be normal, and not a freak. The so called rules of the world culled variety, and after all, was it not within the very idea of the Evolists to reshape the world to their own image? As for the Scornblood and the Covenant, he took them with a lesser degree of appreciation. He felt affection for the Scornblood, but her appeal was not in him, and the Covenant was a creature of heresy, and albeit not distant, the Gods had never abandoned Amorronokh, or treated him badly, even when the rest of the world had.

Regardless, his voyages eventually took him to Regalia, a city perfect for disappearing and growing a web of power- His magics allowed him to voyage discreetly amidst others without drawing notice. His search of allies- Eventually, this drew him to the Darkstar Chapter of the Argentum. In his mind, a dark empire, a new kingdom, was the only truly solution for this world- A kingdom for the broken, the wicked, and the unloved, all would be welcome and given a chance to rise, to thrive, never to live in fear again.