Abharrach Mac Tordarroch

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Blackfiish, Apr 5, 2021.

  1. Blackfiish

    Blackfiish british gremlin Supremium

    Jun 19, 2016
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    “Nature does not take sides, it is just maintaining or restoring the balance.”
    • Full Name| Ábharrach Mac Fágáin Uí Tórdárroch
      • Common Name| Ábharrach Mac Tórdárroch
    • Age| 35
      • Date of Birth| 23rd October 273 A.C
    • Gender| Male
    • Race| Ailor
      • Culture| Ériunin
      • Lineage| Akkadian
    • Sexuality| Heterosexual
    • Preferred Weapon| Sorcery and Stave
    Position in Regalia| Ábharrach has only recently arrived in the Crown City, and unlike most Ériunin who venture there is not a sellsword or in search of work. He instead is hoping to show the city the true nature of the Ériunin people and the Draoidh Feya faith, and garner a level of favour in the city to prevent any future hostilities between the Empire and the isles of Ériu-Innis. He is a Druid of the Draoidh Feya and hopes he can find a place in improving the social standings of the common people of the city.

    Túath Tórdárroch| Ábharrach is a member of Túath Tórdárroch, and was born like all of his kin on the isle of Mórra in the outskirts of the capital of Tír na nÍriel. His father is Fágáin Mac Tiernán Uí Tórdárroch, a hunter, and his mother is Órla Ní Áirdin Uí Tórdárroch, a housewife. He is the youngest of four siblings, with two older brothers and an older sister. He has no ties to any notable nobility or aristocratic family outside of Ériu-Innis, but his Túath does harbour lineage to Cinén Mhártain, one of the seven Chlocar Cineán in the isles, whom they still owe their allegiance.

    Ambitions| Ábharrach is not an overly ambitious individual, and his primary goal is to ensure the word of Uilemháthair and the gods are known, like all Druids. However, his presence in Regalia means he now has shorter-term ambitions to garner favour with notable members of society, not only for the preservation of his people, but also to elevate the status and knowledge of their culture and faith. He hopes that they will become a normality in the Empire, and prevent any potential future hostilities occuring in Ériu-Innis.
    • Total Points| 68 (40 Age + 10 Talent + 10 Hobby + 5 Racial + 3 Honed Skill I)
      • Core Proficiencies|
        • +6 Stave Combat (+6 Age)
        • +6 Linguistic Science (+3 Age & +3 Honed Skill I)
      • Talent Proficiencies|
        • +5 Strings Instrument (+5 Talent)
        • +5 Statecraft Command (+5 Talent)
      • Hobby Proficiencies|
        • +10 Writing Art (+5 Age & +5 Racial)
        • +10 Pathfinding Art (+10 Age)
        • +5 Gardening Art (+5 Hobby)
        • +5 Sculpting Art (+5 Hobby)
      • Point-Buy Abilities|
        • +16 Exist Sorcery (+16 Age)
    • Body Shape|
      • Physical Stat| 16 (6 Stave + 5 Pathfinding + 2.5 Gardening + 2.5 Sculpting = 16)
      • Body Build| Toned
      • Body Fat| Low
    • Languages|
      • Ériunnach| Learnt from parents
        • Fully fluent in both reading, writing and speaking
      • Common| Learnt from Regalian presence in Ériu-Innis
        • Near fluent in reading, and speaking with a very harsh accent
      • Modern Altalar| Learnt from old Druid catalogs and texts, such as the ‘Conchobhair Chronicles’ and ‘Gérat-laíds’
        • High understanding in reading, writing and speaking, though occasional mistakes in grammar and sentence form
      • Middle Altalar| Learnt from old Druid catalogs and texts, such as the ‘Conchobhair Chronicles’ and ‘Gérat-laíds’
        • High understanding in reading, writing and speaking, though occasional mistakes in grammar and sentence form
    • Special Traits/Spells/Mutations|
      • Akkadian Lineage Abilities|
        • Honed Skill I
        • Inth Gift III
        • Empath Sense V
      • Exist Sorcery Spells|
        • True Path I [Toggle Passive]
        • Magic Bolt I [Magic Spell]
        • Power Curse III [Target Curse]
        • Casting Light I [Magic Spell]
    • Eye Colour| Pine Green
    • Hair Colour| Mahogany Brown
    • Hair Style| Long and Unkept
    • Skin Colour| Light Pink
    • Clothing| Draoidh Feya Druidic Robes
    • Height| 6’0”
    • Alignment| True Neutral (Leaning towards Chaotic Good)
      • Ábharrach has respect for law and authority, however his primary aim is to bring balance and order wherever possible, dedicating his life to doing so as a druid. His views toward Regalian presence in his homeland, means his alignment has skewed slightly, as the druid is somewhat opposed to the aristocratic organizations that could harm social improvement and unity. He believes strongly in every individual's personal freedom, and their roles in maintaining the balance of nature, but feels it cannot be achieved with such supreme control and restriction on people’s autonomy.
    • Personality Type| ENFJ-T Protagonist
      • A Protagonist is someone who forthrightly helps others in need, and harbours strong ideals, morals and values, which they seek to uphold everyday. Ábharrach utilises these principles in his work as a druid, hoping to use his faith and spiritual guidance to help those who need it, and guide them on their way in maintaining balance in the world. He backs his perspectives, and is happy to speak with any who would heed his council, providing it was sincere. His way of life means he always looks at the bigger picture, rather than procrastinating on the here and now, and acts decisively in trying to make things as they ought to be and restore balance, rather than risking it to chance and destruction.
    • Religion| The Draoidh Feya (10/10)
      • Ábharrach was raised entirely and irrevocably in the ways of The Draoidh Feya, like most of his kind, not even acknowledging the proper presence of the other faiths until the Regalian arrival in Ériu-Innis in 293 A.C. Due to his position as a Druid of the faith, Ábharrach is unlikely ever going to change his views, however does acknowledge that The Draoidh Feya was born from aspects of several other religions, and thus has no concerning qualms with those who follow these other faiths, but does actively express that they are simply altered forms of his religion. He has not garnered confidence in one single god or deity, using his position as a Druid to ensure all the gods are heard and understood, by all who’d listen.
    • Flaws| Due to having spent his entire life on the isles of Ériu-Innis, and having no formal education, Ábharrach’s handwriting is incredibly illegible to most from other cultures and races, despite being grammatically correct in all aspects. He is also incredibly ignorant to the wilder world beyond Ériu-Innis, often asking questions on the basics of cultures, societies and lifestyles, which seems unbefitting of someone of his age. Another flaw of Ábharrach’s is that he is very suspicious and distrustful of races, most notably the Eronidas, who he believes are pivotal in severing Regalia’s relation with the Altalar, and will likely ignore or try to belittle them where possible, even if it provokes hostilities. Finally, Ábharrach is incredibly loyal to his people, and will side with them in the face of any and all adversity unless absolute, irrefutable evidence is presented, and even then will be reluctant to do so, often resulting in him appearing stubborn or naive.
    • Quirks| Regarding his speech, Ábharrach noticeably gesticulates with his hands when placing emphasis on words, and will often randomly and unbeknownst to him, switch to his native tongue of Ériunnach in conversations in place of the common tongue. He is also known to uphold a relatively slouched posture when standing, and will always have his hands clasped and kept together behind his back, with the only time this isn’t the case being when he is using his staff, whereby the other hand will be placed upon his hip, and is commonly thus used for further gesticulation.
      • Engrossment| Ábharrach has the tendency to scratch his head or stroke his beard when he is thinking deeply or contemplating meaningful decisions.
      • Angry| When angered, it is common to find Ábharrach’s nostrils will flare and his fist clenches, however when already in an angered state with be found pacing back and forth if on his feet, or if sat, his arms will be crossed defensively.
      • Nervous| When nervous, he can be found to compulsively scratch the nape of his neck, however if upon his feet will rock back and forth upon his heels and mutter to himself in Ériunnach.
      • Bored| When bored, Ábharrach will stare into the distance and clasp his fingers together, appearing almost absent-minded.
      • Frustrated/Doubtful| When frustrated or doubtful, Ábharrach is likely to roll his eyes and shake his head at the remarks being made, or if wanting to let his feelings be truly known, is known to make a ‘Tsk’ noise and become incredibly sarcastic in his responses.
    • Likes|
      • Learning| Since arriving in Regalia, he finds he has a level of ignorance to most races and cultures, and finds a deep joy in learning and discovering how others live their lives, even if he drastically disapproves of such. He is always fascinated to hear others tell tales of their people, and loves discovering new information.
      • Mead| Despite not being an avid alcohol drinker, Ábharrach spent many years tending to various apiaries within the Worship Groves of Mórra, and his affiliation with bees has led him to develop a love for the alcoholic form of distilled honey. He is not often one for drinking alcohol, but has a distinct love for this type.
    • Dislikes|
      • Storms| Due to his superstitious nature, like most Ériunin, Ábharrach has a deep fear of great storms, thunder and lightning. This is heavily influenced by his faith, whereby the presence of great storms and harsh weather is believed to show the scorn of Uilemháthair, the All-Mother, and thus he fears her wrath and to him means the world is no longer in equilibrium and balance.
      • Authoritarianism| Ábharrach has a level of sustain for those who advocate authoritarian control over people’s lives and ridding them of their personal freedom. He believes that in order for balance to be maintained in the world, people should not be forced to obey the beholdence of an authority, especially one he does not recognise as being divine and righteous.

    • Birth| Born in 273 A.C in the isles of Ériu-Innis, upon the largest island of Mórra, in the outskirts of the capital of Tír na nÍriel, to hunter father Fágáin, and housewife mother, Órla.
    • 0-5| Abarrach spent his childhood being taught the traditions and customs of the Ériunin people, while participating in sports such as arm-wrestling and swimming.
    • 6-9| He’d fail miserably when his father tried to get him into hunting, and following a series of recurring dreams of swirling voids and plains of emptiness, he was approached by a Druid named Cárthach and subsequently requested to join the Druids, which his parents agreed to.
    • 10-12| The young Druid would begin by tending to the Worship Groves, and begin reading the sacred scripts and beliefs of the faith in order to ingrain their core tenets into him.
    • 13-15| Upon showing a level of understanding for the deeper aspects of the faith, he’d begin being taught in the performance of religious ceremonies and the management and recording of the deeds and histories of the Ériunin people on Mórra.
    • 16-19| In his later adolescence, Cárthach would begin teaching the still young Druid the basic fundamentals of sorcery, beginning with drawing power from the Exist dimension, and subsequently the practice of spells to aid in his work and defence of the faith.
    • 20-21| During this period Regalia would begin to excerpt it’s presence on the isles, which Ábharrach and his fellow Druids were resistant to, as they believed the emeralds to be a gift from the gods, but offered little resistance.
    • 22-24| It was during this time, following the Ranger Crisis that he’d think even less of Regalia, given they had fully abandoned ties with the Altalar in favour of the Erondias. He’d oppenly opposed their presence in his ceremonies and spiritual guidance, until the treaty of 297 A.C, when he eased off and accepted the alliance for what it was.
    • 25-30| He would continue his work, tending to the groves and spreading the word of the gods, however would also begin the hallowed custom of stone carving, commonly undertaken by the druids of the isles. He’d also begin learning the harp during this time, and incorporate it into his ceremonies and sermons.
    • 31-34| His tutor, Cárthach, would pass away at ninety-four years of age, and Ábharrach would undertake performing his funeral. He’d continue his work as a Druid across both Mórra and Beagla, continuing Cárthach’s good work, and maintaining balance in his homeland.
    • 35-Present| He came to the decision to travel to the Crown City in 309 A.C, as he believed that his efforts would be better served displaying the faith and customs of the Ériunin to the Empire, to ensure when the time comes, hostilities will not arise on Ériu-Innis.
    • Powerful Powerful x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
    #1 Blackfiish, Apr 5, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2021
  2. Lizmun

    Lizmun yeah Staff Member Lore2

    Nov 6, 2012
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    @Blackfiish Taken for review! I'll give you a review thursday night or friday afternoon.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  3. Lizmun

    Lizmun yeah Staff Member Lore2

    Nov 6, 2012
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    @Blackfiish Here's my review:

    Basic Information

    - No issues ​
    Skill Information
    - No issues​
    Visual Information
    - No issues​
    - No issues​
    Life Story
    - No issues​

    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1

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