Preserved Sheet Abeau Ouvrard

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Jun 29, 2014
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Abeau Ouvrard
  • Age: 20
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Altalar and Aldor mix-breed, Half-Elf
  • Nationality: Ithanian
  • Sexuality: turbo gay

Skill Information

Total Points: 20
  • Combat Proficiencies
    • +15 Stave Combat (+10 from Half-Elf, +5 from points)
    • +10 Light Bow Combat (+10 from Half-Elf)
  • Knowledge Proficiencies
    • +1 Perception (+1 from points)
  • Arts Proficiency
    • +14 Literary Arts (+14 from points)
  • Body Shape
    • 5 Stave Combat = 5 Physical stat
    • Skinny Body Shape
    • Low Body Fat
  • Languages
    • Ithanian (Primary language, learned in childhood)
    • Common (Secondary language, also learned in childhood)

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Pale Green
  • Hair Color: Crimson
  • Hair Style: Fluffy, perpetual bedhead
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Clothing: Varied
  • Height: 4'2
  • Body Build: Skinny
  • First Paragraph: There is an odd duality of outgoingness and suspicion when it comes to Abeau's interactions with strangers. He'll initiate conversations happily, likely with a shake of one's hand and a recounting of his name. But other than this, he'll be rather guarded and wary, watching strangers closely throughout a conversation, placing every word under great scrutiny. This behavior is enforced by his general paranoia, the way he sees the world everybody is out to get him. And amongst that crowd of bad apples, there are only a few good ones. There have been several times whilst talking to somebody where some phrase or action from has caused the Dwelf to be seized by a great terror, it is a point where he personally becomes certain that the person he is talking to is out to get him. There is no guide for what can cause this terror, but once it is set upon him the man will become a stuttering mess, looking for any way to get out of the conversation. That is unless he is armed, or armored. In which case, this terror will cause a batch of aggression to bloom within him, and he has been known to become violent very quickly should the situation permit it. This only slightly changes when it comes to strangers he looks up to, those people are still walking on eggshells when talking to him though. However, this says very little about how he actually acts around strangers. And the way he acts does not really suggest any sort of paranoia, except for when he's become terrified of somebody. Generally, Abeau carries himself with extreme poise and sophistication, to the point where he might appear overly stuffy to some people. His vocabulary and mannerisms around strangers are almost the antitheses of easygoing, It is almost as if he speaks to everyone as if they were his boss or some high ranking official, to the point that his behavior hardly shifts when he actually does begin to talk to somebody of importance. Though there is one big difference between how he treats common strangers and important strangers. For the former, he has, on many occasions, conducted himself in a way that was actively condescending and mocking, as a way to feel better about himself personally and because his sense of humor has always been a tad "mean". However, he isn't unrelenting in this behavior, if he finds that he's genuinely hurt somebody by doing this, he'll usually back off, with an apology. Though "hurt" is rather limited to the person he's talking to starting to cry, or being on the verge of doing such. So, it's unlikely that many adults will benefit from this small twinge of softness.
  • Second Paragraph: The paranoia mentioned in the paragraph previous is one symptom of Abeau's schizophrenia. And compared to the other troubles this disorder can cause him, that symptom could be considered "mild". And nowhere near as debilitating as his more "extreme" symptoms. He has hallucinations, though he is not prone to them. That is to say, he may go for several days, and rarely weeks without ever experiencing a single one, but, no matter what, there comes a time where his grasp on reality shatters and he goes through an episode of heightened paranoia, strong delusions, and hallucinations that do not spare any of his senses. Often painting a picture of danger for him. These episodes come about seemingly randomly, with no discernable way to warn for them. And during them, Abeau is often rendered completely unable to think rationally, as whatever delusion his mind has coiled itself in will have dominated him completely. However, provided his episode does not drive him to hurt himself severely, Abeau always comes out of it shaken, but alright. He'll still have believed that whatever delusion he was under was true, but, often times he'll believe that he somehow fought it off or stalled it somehow. Aside from this, he has a fear of crowds, though this is not at all connected to his psychotic episodes, but rather the general paranoia he has regarding people. Completely separate from his condition is Abeau's unhealthy obsession with perfection, it's from this obsession that his sophisticated behavior comes from. Always wanting to show his "best" self. Of course, this obsession doesn't just stop at his general behavior, instead, it spreads to touch all aspects of his life. He can't do a single thing without being personally assured that what he's done is the best he could have done. And, failure at this can really sour the mutt's mood, to the point where the knowledge of this failure will continually nag him until he manages to find some way to make up for it.
  • Third Paragraph: True friends pop up rather infrequently, for obvious reasons, with the mutt's inherent mistrust. Rarely though, a person manages to fly through all of Abeau's scrutiny and manages to become closer to him as a result. This is a long process, and there is plenty of chances for the terror to spring up within the Dwelf, and all of the trust built up over this time to dissolve. However, eventually, the man will become comfortable enough to not see any problems with this new friend. To not look at them with scrutiny, and thus lowering the potential of him becoming terrified by them until it is practically not a risk any longer. Abeau naturally gravitates around these people whenever they pop up. For, in a world he believes is out to get him, these are the only people he feels he might have some solace in. These people also get to see a version of Abeau that is a bit more casual, though not extremely so, he still talks and behaves with much of the same poise he does with strangers but, unlike with strangers, the Dwelf will be more predisposed to slouch, shrug, offer short responses and even swear. Also, towards male friends of a similar age to himself, Abeau has a huge predisposition to become deeply infatuated. And he is rather poor in hiding such infatuation, often becoming a blushing, hopeless romantic around the subject of this infatuation. More often than not, despite his best efforts, these feelings are not reciprocated and that has always left him crushed and depressed for weeks on end afterward. To the point where his entire personality shifts and he becomes so much less concerned with perfection or appearing perfect to other people and he'll simply act bluntly towards others, often with a low voice. At this point, it's very hard to bring any enthusiasm into his life. But, he always comes out of this state, without all that much change, ready to fall in love with the next person. It has become a regular cycle.
  • Fourth Paragraph: At his core, Abeau is not a corrupt person. He is not disproportionally greedy, or mean to people. And he generally wishes good on others, except when he feels threatened by them. It is important to note that his paranoia corrupts this pureness. When it comes to those he has become frightened of, he, of course, does not wish the best for them. He does not wish to live and let live. Because, as soon as the terror sets in, it becomes highly difficult to convince him that this person does not wish him dead. And so, it becomes a matter of self-defense for him to want them dead. However, the mutt will never act on this desire directly. For he knows full well that he could never explain it as defending himself, he knows that all other people would question his sense of danger from that person. And so instead, he sabotages, threatens, tries to scare the person off or avoid them if their threat poses too great in his mind. He'll do anything he can to hurt the person short of killing them. Unless, somehow, he found himself an opportunity that was so perfect, so foolproof that it managed to trump his fear of persecution. Such opportunities are not easily found. But, as a footnote for those he has not become frightened of, he might act condescending but he is usually pretty willing to help people. Granted, whatever the person asks for isn't of too much personal sacrifice for him.
  • Juggling
    • Since Abeau was a young boy, throwing stuff into the air and catching them has been a habit of his. Long before he even knew of the term 'juggling'. The habit has persisted into adulthood and he has gained quite the proficiency in it, able to toss four items in the air with ease. Provided they are about the size of a ball. Anything larger, or at a higher quantity and he begins to struggle.
  • Clumsy
    • Abeau is not a very nimble person. He is prone to tripping over his feet, steps on a stair, and several other things. Oftentimes he might be walking about fine just to suddenly tumble to the ground. It's almost like the world itself is out to get him.
Life Story

Born on August 22nd, 288 AC. Abeau was the pride and joy of an Aldor mother and an Altalar father. Both coming from families that had long since integrated into the Ithanian culture.

His was a sheltered life growing up, one in which he was dotted over as the only child in their small home, mostly given free reign to do whatever he wanted. And given whatever he wanted.

But, from the beginning, Abeau has lived a relatively friendless existence. As a child, he was extremely socially inept, running away from most interactions, with his parents being his sole positive interaction. By the time he was a teenager, this had taken a complete one eighty. As, between his early childhood and his thirteenth birthday he managed to find confidence through his hobbies. Reading and writing. And it was from this latter discipline that his obsession for perfection sprung from and it evolved to the point that, by the time he was fifteen he had developed his patronizing attitude towards people his age.

Though his parents always got to see a different side of him. While his lack of friends was exemplified by a streak of bullying towards his peers, when he could get away with it he was always the sweetest he could be to his parents. As far as he saw it, they were the only ones he was truly close with throughout his life.

However, this mentality came crashing down by his sixteenth birthday, around this time his schizophrenia first manifested itself and he swiftly became paranoid of most people. Especially those who were closest to him, his parents. The boy's life went on a downward spiral from there. No longer trusting the people he had looked as the sole "friend's" in his life and becoming increasingly afraid that he would face some retalation from all the people he'd been nasty towards up to this point (and sometimes living scenarios out where he was retaliated against, through a hallucination), his homeland became more and more of a death trap in the young man's mind.

And so, at the age of twenty, without any warning or goodbye he left his childhood home, bringing with him a meager wardrobe, some food and just enough money to pay for transit to the Crown Isle, offering himself a reprieve from the fear that was building in Ithania.

The rest is history.
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Hi, sunshine!
  • Fourth paragraph of his personality, it should be fool proof, not full proof.
  • Your life story is rather short. Please add more to it to extend it and go further into detail with the character.
  • In general, we try to avoid people playing mental illnesses like schizophrenia, so I'm going to request that you remove it entirely.
Make these changes in blue and tag me when you're done, please!
In general, we try to avoid people playing mental illnesses like schizophrenia, so I'm going to request that you remove it entirely.
If I may. This request utterly annihilates the character. It wipes away his personality, his life story, the way he would be played. His possible motivations. It pretty much makes him unrecognizable. And it would require a complete overhaul of everything that makes his character his character. Because an illness like this is not simply wiped away with no effect. No, simply put, Abeau would no longer be Abeau if I adhered by this request.

So, Please. For the sake of this character, can his schizophrenia stay? If I remove it, I might as well begin writing a whole other character, starting from scratch in everything other than his basic and visual info. Or-- At the very least, can I remove mention of the illness by name while still personally acknowledging that Abeau is a schizophrenic?
A mental illness should not be the only defining trait of your character. Please go about rewriting the character so he still has the same personality and vibe, if that's what you like, but without the inclusion of a mental illness that could be played wrongly and inappropriately.
A mental illness should not be the only defining trait of your character. Please go about rewriting the character so he still has the same personality and vibe, if that's what you like, but without the inclusion of a mental illness that could be played wrongly and inappropriately.
I never claimed it was the only defining trait. But the nature of that trait is such that it touches many aspects of his character, such as the personality and life story, etc.

If I stripped away his schizophrenia, the extreme paranoia that he suffers from would be completely baseless. After all, he does not have a traumatic life, he has no reason to be as paranoid as he is without the illness. And so, I'd have to remove that as well, or severely downplay it. And once I do that, his entire personality shifts and the whole reason he left Ithania will have to be altered, and all mention of him being paranoid of his parents plus feeling betrayed by his trainer will be taken away. Half of his life story will be cut away.

Also, this is at least the fourth character I've played with Schizophrenia, and in the past all of those characters have been approved with the warning that if I played the illness incorrectly I would get that character taken from me. And that is perfectly reasonable, this is a sensitive character to play. One that requires a lot of care and effort. And I would be willing to relinquish it if I end up portraying him incorrectly. But I at least want the chance to portray it, and not backtrack on all the work I've went into thinking of this character. Please.

Past schizophrenic characters.
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hi. ive been diagnosed with a fairly bad case of schizophrenia (it was originally a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia, which is how most people still know it, but since around five years ago the subtypes were removed from classification).
he's been speaking with me regarding playing schizophrenic characters and how to do so properly since the first one he played. i can assure you, they're portrayed well and he's no intention of being disrespectful or inaccurate with it.
I won't make you completely rewrite the app, but I would like you to rely less on the symptoms of his schizophrenia. I understand that he has the illness, but his app relies far too heavily on it as a crux for his personality. Add a few sentences into his personality that don't revolve around it. How does he feel about himself outside of his illness, what's he like outside of his hallucinations, etc., along with expansion on his life story. Please and thank you.
I won't make you completely rewrite the app, but I would like you to rely less on the symptoms of his schizophrenia. I understand that he has the illness, but his app relies far too heavily on it as a crux for his personality. Add a few sentences into his personality that don't revolve around it. How does he feel about himself outside of his illness, what's he like outside of his hallucinations, etc., along with expansion on his life story. Please and thank you.
Oh, Thank you! Thank you so much. I'll get right on it.

Made the changes

Also, updated his skill information to comply with the proficiency update. And bumped up his age to twenty cause common ain't a free language no mo' and I can't think of a single justification for him NOT knowing Ithanian.
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Hi, sunshine!
  • Cultural boosts don't count towards body build. Please adjust this.
  • Common is no longer a free language. At ten years per language, please either age Abeau up to 20 or drop Ithanian.
Make these changes and then tag me when you're done!
woah, you posted that just as I was editing his age and editing the post I mentioned you in. One mind.
Also, changed! He wasn't benefitting from the body build anyway
Haha, nice!
You have two more points to play with in your proficiency. Not necessary to use them, but the option is there.
Aside from that!
