Archived A Way To Encourage Travel More

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
Massivecraft, like The Elder Scrolls and The Legend of Zelda, encourages travel a lot. But I often see no reason to travel sometimes. I like to stay inside my little dwarven fortress where I an invincible. Here is my ides on how to encourage travel...

Massivecraft has the Slime and Magma Ancient, however, each continent should have it's own boss or bosses. Maybe Ellador could have a dragon. (I know dragons are extinct. This is just an idea.) Maybe the new nether continent could have a wither that doesn't destroy blocks.

Another idea I have is , each day, around 25 random chests will spawn. These chests will have random loot in them. These chests will spawn anywhere in the wilderness at the beginning of each day.

Also, I have noticed that instances are somewhat rare. I think that adding more to all of the continents will help greatly. They don't need to be anything fancy. An abandoned mineshaft could just be prettied up and be called a dungeon. Maybe a bandit hideout in a cave.

Those are my ideas on how to encourage travel more.
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I think a world should be opened (Just like others where land can be claimed etc.) and it should be filled with adventurous caves and other things players would travel a world for. I personally am planning to see how a week without using any /[spawn, uspawn, f home] to see if it is more challenging and fun. Encouraging travels is one thing but I suppose the server can't force it
I really like the chest idea. That'd be really neat to see happen, or some sort of treasure hunt that occurs every other day. And the bosses per continent would also be fun, and give people reason to go out and hunt mobs as a unit rather than alone. However, I don't know how difficult any of these would be to code *knows nothing of coding*. Still, very neat ideas.
I don't mean to be rude here, however there is no need to bold and repeat your original post. That post is pertaining to paying for travel. This thread is actually suggesting something fun that could be added whilst encouraging travel.

If you read the whole thread, you will see that he is also looking for more ideas other than his own.
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