Archived A Very, Very Obvious And Needed Feature.

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Jan 22, 2013
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Names! Custom names. You can do /nick, to name yourself as an RP character.
Of course you'd need to find out the real name of someone, so there would need to be a /realname or similar.

It is much better for rp, and you don't have people in rp chat saying something like "xXDudeXx, a blight shall be released upon the land, the likes of which the world has never seen". It just kind of takes away from RP, IMO, and is just kind of a no-brainer to add.

That is all.
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I have often thought of this too, but there is an inherent problem. This is that you do not know the players actual name. So if you wanted to know which faction a player was in you would not be able to do so. This could also be abused quite easily. For example person 1 wants to attack person 2, so person 1 changes their /nick to the name of player 2's friend. So now player 1 is called player 3 and can easily sneak up on player 2 and attack him.
I have often thought of this too, but there is an inherent problem. This is that you do not know the players actual name. So if you wanted to know which faction a player was in you would not be able to do so. This could also be abused quite easily. For example person 1 wants to attack person 2, so person 1 changes their /nick to the name of player 2's friend. So now player 1 is called player 3 and can easily sneak up on player 2 and attack him.
Well, like I already said in my post , there could be a /realname command, and I am sure that a rule could be put forth that any abuse of the system could result in a ban. Not to mention, we could make it so you can't make your name match that of another's, as well as disallowing any numbers in the name, because who names themselves in rp with a number?
Well, like I already said in my post , there could be a /realname command, and I am sure that a rule could be put forth that any abuse of the system could result in a ban. Not to mention, we could make it so you can't make your name match that of another's, as well as disallowing any numbers in the name, because who names themselves in rp with a number?
I would like to see something like this implemented, but I think that too much can go wrong with this. If new rules and code need to be written just so you can see the persons rp name then it doesn't seem worth it to me. Besides you shouldn't know the persons name before they tell it to you. :P
I would like to see something like this implemented, but I think that too much can go wrong with this. If new rules and code need to be written just so you can see the persons rp name then it doesn't seem worth it to me. Besides you shouldn't know the persons name before they tell it to you. :P
That's what rp is for. If you know it before they tell it to you, this is called metagaming. Unfortunately, not a lot of players have been educated on such a concept.

The idea, by principle, requires coding. The idea IS to code something. Adding a rule wouldn't be a big change, either. It would be included in the common sense clause.

I honestly don't see any things going wrong with this idea, especially because i've seen it on so many other servers like massive.
That's what rp is for. If you know it before they tell it to you, this is called metagaming. Unfortunately, not a lot of players have been educated on such a concept.

The idea, by principle, requires coding. The idea IS to code something. Adding a rule wouldn't be a big change, either. It would be included in the common sense clause.

I honestly don't see any things going wrong with this idea, especially because i've seen it on so many other servers like massive.
This would encourage metagaming though.....
This would encourage metagaming though.....
It wouldn't. Like I said, I have seen it on many, many other RP servers, and EVEN if it did happen, because massivecraft rp is so loose, it doesn't matter. It's not like knowing someone's name is gonna cause some huge roleplay ripple of chaos.[DOUBLEPOST=1361850288][/DOUBLEPOST]
Take this with a grain of salt, there is no release date at all, and minecraft is infamous about waiting forever to release new big things. I forsee this happening sometime in the summer, which is a long way off.
It wouldn't. Like I said, I have seen it on many, many other RP servers, and EVEN if it did happen, because massivecraft rp is so loose, it doesn't matter. It's not like knowing someone's name is gonna cause some huge roleplay ripple of chaos.[DOUBLEPOST=1361850288][/DOUBLEPOST]
Take this with a grain of salt, there is no release date at all, and minecraft is infamous about waiting forever to release new big things. I forsee this happening sometime in the summer, which is a long way off.
Yes, I am positive of that as well. However, Cayorion is busy with sharding and after that he's on to Faction V2. Unless we can get someone else to do this, it may not happen soon.
That's what rp is for. If you know it before they tell it to you, this is called metagaming. Unfortunately, not a lot of players have been educated on such a concept.

The idea, by principle, requires coding. The idea IS to code something. Adding a rule wouldn't be a big change, either. It would be included in the common sense clause.

I honestly don't see any things going wrong with this idea, especially because i've seen it on so many other servers like massive.
This would encourage metagaming though.....

I see this as a good idea... There is no point to be able to see the new /nick while walking around, but solely in chat. With this, you could also implement something new, like /background (player) and find out information about their RP character. I am not a coder but having everyone have a background would create lots of lag, and take up lots of space. It is up to the Team to decide what to do with this suggestion but I personally support this
Yes, I am positive of that as well. However, Cayorion is busy with sharding and after that he's on to Faction V2. Unless we can get someone else to do this, it may not happen soon.
Actually (even though I am pretty new to coding) I could write something up like this, seeing as it IS something that could be done pretty easily.

Obviously, I probably won't end up doing it because I am not an official coder, etc, but the principle stands that it is an easy plugin.
It wouldn't. Like I said, I have seen it on many, many other RP servers, and EVEN if it did happen, because massivecraft rp is so loose, it doesn't matter. It's not like knowing someone's name is gonna cause some huge roleplay ripple of chaos.
Although it will not be the end of the massivecraft roleplay it is still not a good thing to be in a habit of metagaming no matter how small. So if this doesn't add to roleplay why should it be implemented?
Although it will not be the end of the massivecraft roleplay it is still not a good thing to be in a habit of metagaming no matter how small. So if this doesn't add to roleplay why should it be implemented?
It does add to roleplay. The fact that you need to say people's names in rp, and often names aren't very rp, takes away from this experience. Also the fact of the matter is, metagaming is rampant. If you wanted to erradicate metagaming, we'd have to put some incredibly restricting rules on people. It ain't gonna happen. Honestly, this is a non-issue.
It does add to roleplay. The fact that you need to say people's names in rp, and often names aren't very rp, takes away from this experience. Also the fact of the matter is, metagaming is rampant. If you wanted to erradicate metagaming, we'd have to put some incredibly restricting rules on people. It ain't gonna happen. Honestly, this is a non-issue.
Eh your right no need to make a big deal or start a fight over such a thing. To be honest I like this idea, but I do see possible problems that would need to be worked out. Other then that this would be a neat thing to see some day.
Eh your right no need to make a big deal or start a fight over such a thing. To be honest I like this idea, but I do see possible problems that would need to be worked out. Other then that this would be a neat thing to see some day.
Your argument is moot until you actually list the things that would need to be worked out.
I would love to see this addition as well. Or a chat only feature that would list both username and rpname for those that choose to use it. This would help a lot with people that wants to change his RP character, or even change gender, which I saw someone request in another thread. And I agree, calling someone "Imgonnakillyou123" (made up name as an example) instead of a proper name does go against the RP feel.

As for the feature that's being worked on by Mohjang, I have a feeling that changing your name outside of the server could cause you to lose all your stats with the server, unless there's another identifier for your character in the database?
I see this as a good idea... There is no point to be able to see the new /nick while walking around, but solely in chat. With this, you could also implement something new, like /background (player) and find out information about their RP character. I am not a coder but having everyone have a background would create lots of lag, and take up lots of space. It is up to the Team to decide what to do with this suggestion but I personally support this
I see your thought, sadly Minecraft limits the text that can be displayed at once and the xxx word long story would be hard to read.
I don't like this suggestion. Too abusable. Just rp a different name.
I like this idea, to many unrealistic names like joe35647268)2565836487:(73,£3(, etc etc
Maybe, instead of changing your name completely, it takes away the numbers and the XX if possible. The command could maybe be /fixname
I like Kestenators idea best. Instead of Tom1805 you would just have Tom.
Actually (even though I am pretty new to coding) I could write something up like this, seeing as it IS something that could be done pretty easily.

Obviously, I probably won't end up doing it because I am not an official coder, etc, but the principle stands that it is an easy plugin.

Actually it's alot more complicated then this. If you are going to write a one server plugin, you must also include a system for the sharding support. After all, if your name changes on one server, the other server must get a message or retrieve t he data from one server and change your name there as well, or you'd have a different name on every server (world)

It's not that simple.
Actually it's alot more complicated then this. If you are going to write a one server plugin, you must also include a system for the sharding support. After all, if your name changes on one server, the other server must get a message or retrieve t he data from one server and change your name there as well, or you'd have a different name on every server (world)

It's not that simple.
I'd assume that one could store it in a mysql database.
I think you'd still have to make it MCore compatible. I am far from a coder, but I believe Cay wants all his sharding components to support the same system, and he is not releasing that to the public.
I think you'd still have to make it MCore compatible. I am far from a coder, but I believe Cay wants all his sharding components to support the same system, and he is not releasing that to the public.
I know nothing of Mcore, so I can't really comment further, but I am fairly certain it is easy to store a simple string somewhere accessible by the different 'shards'
I have often thought of this too, but there is an inherent problem. This is that you do not know the players actual name. So if you wanted to know which faction a player was in you would not be able to do so. This could also be abused quite easily. For example person 1 wants to attack person 2, so person 1 changes their /nick to the name of player 2's friend. So now player 1 is called player 3 and can easily sneak up on player 2 and attack him.
What if both their player name and character name both showed up in chat.
Their player name needs to show up above their head so that we don't get such a problem.[DOUBLEPOST=1362102293][/DOUBLEPOST]
Although it will not be the end of the massivecraft roleplay it is still not a good thing to be in a habit of metagaming no matter how small. So if this doesn't add to roleplay why should it be implemented?
Metagaming doesn't need to be implemented though.
What if both their player name and character name both showed up in chat.
Their player name needs to show up above their head so that we don't get such a problem.[DOUBLEPOST=1362102293][/DOUBLEPOST]
Metagaming doesn't need to be implemented though.
Okay, 2 things. First, please look up what metagaming means.

Second, the plugin cannot modify the player's name above the head. Just chat.
I see your thought, sadly Minecraft limits the text that can be displayed at once and the xxx word long story would be hard to read.
Plugins can add messages as long as they like.

As for the suggestion, I honestly don't like changing the name, it just seems like a ton of deception, trolling and abusing. Maybe if people could toggle showing rp names or not.
Plugins can add messages as long as they like.

As for the suggestion, I honestly don't like changing the name, it just seems like a ton of deception, trolling and abusing. Maybe if people could toggle showing rp names or not.
Hmm...Perhaps if it appeared as Grand Commander Artilles <Artilles>? Or something along that..
The idea is that the name only shows up in local chat.
Maybe Rp names only appear in chat like local and the names above our heads are our normal names?
It IS possible, but only with a certain plugin, which I don't know, but it is possible.
Cay makes plugins. A player's name is a variable. That variable can be changed very easily. That's why colours didn't work for players with longer names, because the plugin was actually prefixing them with &c (Or whatever green's colour code is). So this already exists and has already been implemented into massive in the past. You don't need to worry about whether or not it's possible, because I can assure you it is. The only question is if massive will want/implement this, unless sharding changes the necessary bukkit mechanics.
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