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A Thesis On The Fourth Creed And The Importance Of Suffering


That Guy
Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score

The matter regarding the supposed suffering of "oppression" and the unnecessary desire for some sort of freedom appears to be spouted on behalf of Jacobite and heretical ideals, without realization of the true cost of revolution. The Jacobins view the State and Imperial crown as a wasteful tyrant, never to realize the protection given by the Empire and how the Spirit brings salvation.

The afterlife has promised great salvation and comfort for those following the Great Way, with the Fourth Creed stating how these contributors to Humanum shall pass into the Everwatch for eternity. Those who have fallen or deemed unworthy are reborn as nonhuman, and must redeem themselves in the eyes of the Spirit. Those of Humanum who betray the Empire are fated for rebirth into non-Humanum or complete damnation, in accordance to their crimes. The non-Humanum are given an opportunity to clean themselves of their heresies and become worthy of the Faith, perhaps entering rebirth as a Human and earning a chance of the Everwatch.

It is necessary to recognize that the achievement of Paradise must be through the sweat and toil of suffering by all of Humanum and non-Humanum from every social class, as stated once more by the Fourth Creed. Suffering and pain are created as a byproduct of hardship, a concept that all from the highest Lord to the lowest Outsider must endure. While suffering is a pain that many desire to remove, it is only permanent and enduring for those who would work against the Great Way and conspire to ruin the systems that feed and govern the Empire. The poetic writing of heresy only sees to the instability of the Imperial ambition, and helps none but the mad or the anarchic.
In conclusion, all citizens and Outsiders of Regalia must understand that suffering and hardship are the pieces of life that everyone must endure for the benefit of the Empire. If all people in all walks of life see to it that Regalia continues to thrive, the Spirit shall reward them in the next life with the Everwatch, while punishing the treasonous and Jacobite souls that revolted against their duty to Regalia.

- R.H. Vinthracia

Out of the night another street urchin would be hired out, discharging his paid duties with paper in hand. Hammer and nail would rail out its loud refrain into the night as another note would be tacked below this thesis


My dear sir, I pray you are in good health. If you would prefer that me and my brethren should write out of rhyme, I assure you with the deepest affections and movements of the soul that this is merely a triffle, and can be done at a moments notice. Indeed, I bless the day you posted this most divine and beautiful notice for without it I may have been limited to writing mere triviality. This shall of course be rectified immediately for your reading pleasure, though next time I pray you will kindly remind us without the use of such self-indulgent and frivolous writing, I believe the paper-makers would approve of that.

I am as I always have been,
The Honourable,
-J. T. Appleton

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