A Temporary Homecoming


The young woman leaned against the railing of the ship, looking out across the endless blue as they sailed onwards. She breathed in the salt of the sea, her left hand rose to rest on top of her hat and keep it in place atop her head as the ribbon on the sides snapped and whirled against the wind, trying so desperately to escape the woven straw hat on the adventurer's head. The woman only ignore the frightful streamers of her hat though and pushed herself off the railing to pace across the ship, slowly but surely.

"Land just ahead!" Called the man above in his crow's nest. It was a line the seafaring Ithanian knew well and she began to race across the deck, her boots slamming against the boards like marching soldiers coming home and her hat went sailing off her head with the breeze, lost in the current of the wind which carried it far off and over the water. Reaching the opposite side of the ship, the woman grabbed onto the railing and peered into the gathering fog as she made out the dock. Laughter bubbled out of her and she watched gleefully as the ship pulled to dock. She was finally returned.

The woman made quick business of getting to the Golden Willow for a drink after her greetingless arrival to Regalia- no kin present to wish her 'bonjour, ma cousine!' Her hair stuck to her cheek with seawater and she sat in the back of the tavern with a cup of tea, drinking to wash away the parching salt that seem stuck in her throat. As she drank, footsteps came from behind her and a hand swept over her shoulder from behind to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. The Ithanian sat, startled, a moment before turning and a gentle smile appeared on her face.

"Clementine," the blonde behind her said gently with a smile, lowering his hand after a few moments resting against her cheek.

"Tobie.. How I've missed you," she said with a sigh, her hand waving besides her in an invitation for him to sit before she called for another teacup. Clementine looked towards the man in front of her and a smile grew on her face. Now she was home- until the wind took her elsewhere.

The young woman leaned against the railing of the ship, looking out across the endless blue as they sailed onwards. She breathed in the salt of the sea, her left hand rose to rest on top of her hat and keep it in place atop her head as the ribbon on the sides snapped and whirled against the wind, trying so desperately to escape the woven straw hat on the adventurer's head. The woman only ignore the frightful streamers of her hat though and pushed herself off the railing to pace across the ship, slowly but surely.

"Land just ahead!" Called the man above in his crow's nest. It was a line the seafaring Ithanian knew well and she began to race across the deck, her boots slamming against the boards like marching soldiers coming home and her hat went sailing off her head with the breeze, lost in the current of the wind which carried it far off and over the water. Reaching the opposite side of the ship, the woman grabbed onto the railing and peered into the gathering fog as she made out the dock. Laughter bubbled out of her and she watched gleefully as the ship pulled to dock. She was finally returned.

The woman made quick business of getting to the Golden Willow for a drink after her greetingless arrival to Regalia- no kin present to wish her 'bonjour, ma cousine!' Her hair stuck to her cheek with seawater and she sat in the back of the tavern with a cup of tea, drinking to wash away the parching salt that seem stuck in her throat. As she drank, footsteps came from behind her and a hand swept over her shoulder from behind to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. The Ithanian sat, startled, a moment before turning and a gentle smile appeared on her face.

"Clementine," the blonde behind her said gently with a smile, lowering his hand after a few moments resting against her cheek.

"Tobie.. How I've missed you," she said with a sigh, her hand waving besides her in an invitation for him to sit before she called for another teacup. Clementine looked towards the man in front of her and a smile grew on her face. Now she was home- until the wind took her elsewhere.