Archived A Suggestion Of Role Play War!

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High Council member of The Algorian Empire
Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
I feel war on massiveCraft has gotten so obsessed over raiding a base that some of the more peaceful players get bored and leave or go offline, but when both side want to fight it just bounces from raid to raid and can get out of hand!

Now think back to the old old days when two mass powers clashed in medieval times... They would arrange to meet in the middle to strike each other.

Now then on that basis I would like to suggest a simple solution, that a place in the wilderness be picked and a battle should be had, an official declaration with a format should be announced in faction announcements

Factions that will show: side 1 + all named allies that want involved, side 2 + all named allies that want involved
Organised time limit to show: should be at least a week from the beginning of the thread but have an official end date.
Should the faction agree to the battle a comment below from the agreeing faction should display a time and date at which they would like the battle to happen.(event like)
Declaring side: side 1
Reason: he called me fat
Wager: (result of winning or loosing ,money resources, players hanging)
Location: so the mods can clean up any mess after
Any other terms or conditions: (specific players wanted to show so you can have there head)

The more factions that get involved the bigger the wager, it could be resources as well as money! But the theory behind this is a really bitter faction will place a wager to encourage the faction out to fight and should they win that then means that they can raid the other faction into surrender until the money sum is paid ( they could have a standard silver for each faction involved on the declaring side as well as anything you want to add to tempt the faction out).

How to win, at the location the two sides pick two portal locations and set it up, the idea being that once you cut off there portal you win, maybe do a best out of 3.

no trap door portals,
to begin the battle you must be within a ten block radius of your portal
Any factions that show that are not declared on the thread make the battle void no one wins or loses it just becomes a kill fest.
And the only terrain changes can be cannons no ugly forts or anything just kill each other...

Should the declaring faction win the battle they win the right to raid the other faction as and when they please within the bounds of the rules already in place until the opposing faction surrenders and there money sum be paid.
However should the battle be won by the other side the wager be paid and the war stopped and there should be an enforced break on raiding to encourage the faction to actually want to accept the wager.

I also believe that players with honour use this method because its a fair way to wage war, any player that roleplay an honourable character should do something like this.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Now think back to the old old days when two mass powers clashed in medieval times... They would arrange to meet in the middle to strike each other.

Actually back in medieval times battles in the field were rare. It was mostly sieges. Sitting on a fortified location, cutting off supply lines, letting the enemies get weak and starved until they surrendered. So Massivecraft kind of has it right in that regard.

The issue though is that sieges are a little dull I suppose. It would be interesting to have open field battles, but why would they want too? Would you rather fight in an open field with the chance of dying, or would you sit behind a fortified wall, safe and sound, and shoot arrows at the people trying to get into your big strong wall?
Actually back in medieval times battles in the field were rare. It was mostly sieges. Sitting on a fortified location, cutting off supply lines, letting the enemies get weak and starved until they surrendered. So Massivecraft kind of has it right in that regard.

The issue though is that sieges are a little dull I suppose. It would be interesting to have open field battles, but why would they want too? Would you rather fight in an open field with the chance of dying, or would you sit behind a fortified wall, safe and sound, and shoot arrows at the people trying to get into your big strong wall?

See here's where your missing it, there is no real siege warfare you just pearl over the big stone wall and kill anything that breaths, there is no real advantage to a stone wall. Ender pearls render walls useless, unless they create real siege warfare meaning cannons can break the fence or iron bars, raiding is street fighting thus not exactly a siege. My method would encourage a more RP friendly warfare, and reduce the annoyance of unannounced raiding for honourable characters
Actually back in medieval times battles in the field were rare. It was mostly sieges. Sitting on a fortified location, cutting off supply lines, letting the enemies get weak and starved until they surrendered. So Massivecraft kind of has it right in that regard.

The issue though is that sieges are a little dull I suppose. It would be interesting to have open field battles, but why would they want too? Would you rather fight in an open field with the chance of dying, or would you sit behind a fortified wall, safe and sound, and shoot arrows at the people trying to get into your big strong wall?

It was closer to 0 AD when they fought in fields (empire by the name of Rome and Greece)
I fail to see the role play aspect of this suggestion. It seems that all you are suggesting is that pvp warfare should happen in a neutral environment. So trading pvp wars one place for pvp wars in another place could be interesting, but I do not see much benefit in it. Also if you really want to do something like this I think that if you were to talk to however you are at war against they maybe willing to do such a thing.
I fail to see the role play aspect of this suggestion. It seems that all you are suggesting is that pvp warfare should happen in a neutral environment. So trading pvp wars one place for pvp wars in another place could be interesting, but I do not see much benefit in it. Also if you really want to do something like this I think that if you were to talk to however you are at war against they maybe willing to do such a thing.

Because it is honourable fighting, that is the RP involved, should an idea like this be implemented warfare may have the chance to flourish from the streets to the wilderness and do you not agree this method would benefit the massivecraft community, the voting is already showing positive results, why do you dissagree so bitterly?
Because it is honourable fighting, that is the RP involved, should an idea like this be implemented warfare may have the chance to flourish from the streets to the wilderness and do you not agree this method would benefit the massivecraft community, the voting is already showing positive results, why do you dissagree so bitterly?

To be honest, the raids most people do (e.g. with OP armor killing noobs) are the equivalent of CoD matches. I think people are on MassiveCraft for the reason it ISN'T like most games/servers, and so we have to make it individual in style. Field fights are like all great battles, but maybe their should be camps leading consecutively to storming the capital, like in most wars in the past. No war ends with one battle.
To be honest, the raids most people do (e.g. with OP armor killing noobs) are the equivalent of CoD matches. I think people are on MassiveCraft for the reason it ISN'T like most games/servers, and so we have to make it individual in style. Field fights are like all great battles, but maybe their should be camps leading consecutively to storming the capital, like in most wars in the past. No war ends with one battle.

I will make another thread about sieges and see if you like that
Because it is honourable fighting, that is the RP involved, should an idea like this be implemented warfare may have the chance to flourish from the streets to the wilderness and do you not agree this method would benefit the massivecraft community, the voting is already showing positive results, why do you dissagree so bitterly?

I apologize if I came off harsh. I don't disagree with your idea and you seem to share my point of view in that some changes to pvp should be made, but perhaps we have different ideas on how this should be done. Although I still think that this can be done simply between fellow players.
I apologize if I came off harsh. I don't disagree with your idea and you seem to share my point of view in that some changes to pvp should be made, but perhaps we have different ideas on how this should be done. Although I still think that this can be done simply between fellow players.

I agree pvp needs to change, this would only be an encouraging start
This is acctually the reason I created the arena Siege. It was for 2 factions to fight out their differances in there. A controlled environment with set rules and even grounds. Teamwork and real pvp skills would prove the victor.
This is acctually the reason I created the arena Siege. It was for 2 factions to fight out their differances in there. A controlled environment with set rules and even grounds. Teamwork and real pvp skills would prove the victor.

Problem is people are to lazy to organise it where's a portal into the battle field would be easier, maybe if you had a better battle field map with no real castle as such just a kill all pit, also people like to use there own items I for one don't like that I can't wear my god armour in the washtub games and can't use my mcstats
The whole point of it was that everyone would be equal. Thus same loadouts to chose from and no mcmmo plus no races or vampires. Thus allowing even the least skilled in mcmmo to beat a top scorer.
But see thats not RP, not in the sense Jomdorr is speaking of atleast. RP wise it makes more sense for more skilled/ rich people to be able to use their skills/items. Perhaps just allowing warring factions to organize this on their own is the best way if one really wants a battlefield style fight.
All I have to say is, I don't like the current way wars are fought and won in Massivecraft these days. If this was like real medieval times, Thaelyn would have already brought in the battering ram and siege weapons and busted down our enemy's door. In most raid situations, a raiding party shows up to an enemy base, and if all the enemies are in their base, they refuse to come out, resulting in a stalemate, even if the raiding party would win. If a faction is declared upon, and they know they will lose the war, they just hole up in their base and refuse to come out, and there's nothing the other faction can do about it. I wish there was an interface for declaring war, say for example- "(Faction) has declared war on (Faction). Atleast the other faction would know they mean business. Long story short, when possible, I want the way wars are declared and won changed, so there can finally be winners of a war, and not a war ending over one faction not being able to be raided.
Also, perhaps if we, the players, could set a standard of, if you enter into a war, then you are expected to fight it out on the field of battle, we could see a big change in Massive warfare.
This is a valid idea, and I like the sound of it, but a siege on a base is fun if you do sh*t about it, rather than just hide away. I doubt that a brave warrior would hide away in his castle/dirt hut from attackers because he doesn't want his armor to be wrecked, or he doesn't want to lose is valuable sword. The only valid reason for hiding is lack of fighting skills (And I'm not just talking mcmmo). I'm not gonna lie, I've hidden when my faction has been raided, but that was under orders of my leader.

I suppose this could be done, if both parties of the war agree to it. I think it'd be fun for the first 5 minutes, and then it'd kind of die out.
I think that the real issue isn't where pvp is fought, but that pvp itself is the problem. The reason people hide in their houses is that they already know that they will lose. There's no way to create balanced pvp (not counting mini-game arenas) because of people who have too much time on their hands and spend hours on end grinding mcmmo to the point of one shotting people. It also doesn't help that most people that raid are also premiums that have superior armor. pvp just isn't balanced, and sadly, nothing can fix that.
Personally, If mcmmo only affected non combat related skills, I would be fine with it.
In the original faction plugin you can overclaim the enemy's territory. This is a great way of winning a war. However, overclaiming will ruin massive alot since people would stop building beautiful cities. What we could do instead of that, is a feature that made you able to clam the enemy faction as a so called "sub faction" if they lost enough power from your raids. The faction would now be linked to yours, they would have the same allies and enemy's as you, the factions would basically be under your controll. The conquered faction would still be able to continue ruling his faction with all the perms as before but without the ability to change his relationship with other factions. The only ways to be released from the faction that conquered you is that they let you go, another faction conquerer you or declare independence. If undeclared independence you would have to fight yourself out of the chains.
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