A Step Towards Stewardship

Scratch, scratch.

Her pencil moved quickly across the pages. A soft mumble escaped her as she erased a few of the words she had written down only to replace them not a moment after. Her written words were a jumble of Common and D'Ithanie, a confusion to an onlooker.

Except for the occasional mumble from the woman, the entrance hall was silent and calm. The candles over head flicked and shifted as a gentle spring breeze came in through an open window. The silence was broken by the the door swinging open and someone entering.

Nyth glanced over at Darcie who sat vigil at her desk. Two movers, having been left to handle the final touch-ups by Leonzio, ducked around the plant fellow as the Yanar drew closer to the desk the woman sat behind.

"How long have you been here?"

"What time is it?"

"About… An hour past noon I would say? Roughly."

The woman remained silent, seeming to consider this information. She shrugged her shoulders and went back to her writing, giving him no answer to his original question. Darcie bent her head forward even further, her expression a mask of complete concentration.

Nyth narrowed their eyes and moved to plant a gloved hand upon the woman's papers, stopping her progress.

Darcie looked up in confusion as she tilted her head at the Yanar Ranger, who simply stared down at her.


"Did you even eat this morning?"

"A bite of toast and a cup of tea…"

"That isn't a proper breakfast, Darcie. Come along, I'll buy you lunch."


Darcie frowned slightly at her notes. The woman, after much begging and eventual physical dragging, had been forced, as she had put it, to go and eat something more than just bread and tea. Nyth had happily led his superior along, out of the Keep and back to the city for a brief lunch interlude where they discussed nothing but menial matters. The Arkens or the possible impending doom of Regalia was not brought up at all.

Now they had returned back to Harburen, the Ranger Keep, and were positioned before a board where Darcie was tacking up notes and scribbling upon pieces of paper. Nyth lounged on the edge of the table nearby, observing the woman.

"So, what does all of this nonsense mean exactly?"

The board itself was a mess of pins and papers overlapping each other. The words that covered the papers were mostly in common with the occasional phrase scribbled in D'Ithanie in the margins. The pins themselves varied in color, though there was clear meaning to the six colors used. Purple, black, blue, red, green and a tarnished gold color.

"It's well… My notes. More laid out… The issue of the matter is…" Darcie trailed off as she stepped back and stared up at the board.

"It's a mess?" Nyth suggested, their eyes shifting from the board to Darcie and back again.

The woman simply stood there, staring at the board covered in papers and push pins. She raised a hand to her forehead and spoke.

"Oui, it is. And I just realized what I must do."

"That being…?"

"I need more information. I need sketches. I need to make a catalog of everything that we know. Everything that we know, Nyth."

"Does that mean we're going on an uh… Adventure?"

"Oui. A very… Artistic adventure, Nyth, cheri."

Darcie turned and grinned brightly at the Yanar who visibly blanched, if a plant can blanch at that.

"I hate when you grin like that…"

"Non, hush, you will love this. Now then, I need my sketchbook, my bow and quiver, a shield or three and well… My lovely arcanely inclined muses."

[CENTER]✦[I]Walnut/Wal[/I]✦ ✦[I]They/Them[/I]✦ ✦[I]Before you ask, my favorite vine is: "Hi my name is Chelsey, what's your favorite dinner food?" [/I]✦[/CENTER]
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Scratch, scratch.

Her pencil moved quickly across the pages. A soft mumble escaped her as she erased a few of the words she had written down only to replace them not a moment after. Her written words were a jumble of Common and D'Ithanie, a confusion to an onlooker.

Except for the occasional mumble from the woman, the entrance hall was silent and calm. The candles over head flicked and shifted as a gentle spring breeze came in through an open window. The silence was broken by the the door swinging open and someone entering.

Nyth glanced over at Darcie who sat vigil at her desk. Two movers, having been left to handle the final touch-ups by Leonzio, ducked around the plant fellow as the Yanar drew closer to the desk the woman sat behind.

"How long have you been here?"

"What time is it?"

"About… An hour past noon I would say? Roughly."

The woman remained silent, seeming to consider this information. She shrugged her shoulders and went back to her writing, giving him no answer to his original question. Darcie bent her head forward even further, her expression a mask of complete concentration.

Nyth narrowed their eyes and moved to plant a gloved hand upon the woman's papers, stopping her progress.

Darcie looked up in confusion as she tilted her head at the Yanar Ranger, who simply stared down at her.


"Did you even eat this morning?"

"A bite of toast and a cup of tea…"

"That isn't a proper breakfast, Darcie. Come along, I'll buy you lunch."


Darcie frowned slightly at her notes. The woman, after much begging and eventual physical dragging, had been forced, as she had put it, to go and eat something more than just bread and tea. Nyth had happily led his superior along, out of the Keep and back to the city for a brief lunch interlude where they discussed nothing but menial matters. The Arkens or the possible impending doom of Regalia was not brought up at all.

Now they had returned back to Harburen, the Ranger Keep, and were positioned before a board where Darcie was tacking up notes and scribbling upon pieces of paper. Nyth lounged on the edge of the table nearby, observing the woman.

"So, what does all of this nonsense mean exactly?"

The board itself was a mess of pins and papers overlapping each other. The words that covered the papers were mostly in common with the occasional phrase scribbled in D'Ithanie in the margins. The pins themselves varied in color, though there was clear meaning to the six colors used. Purple, black, blue, red, green and a tarnished gold color.

"It's well… My notes. More laid out… The issue of the matter is…" Darcie trailed off as she stepped back and stared up at the board.

"It's a mess?" Nyth suggested, their eyes shifting from the board to Darcie and back again.

The woman simply stood there, staring at the board covered in papers and push pins. She raised a hand to her forehead and spoke.

"Oui, it is. And I just realized what I must do."

"That being…?"

"I need more information. I need sketches. I need to make a catalog of everything that we know. Everything that we know, Nyth."

"Does that mean we're going on an uh… Adventure?"

"Oui. A very… Artistic adventure, Nyth, cheri."

Darcie turned and grinned brightly at the Yanar who visibly blanched, if a plant can blanch at that.

"I hate when you grin like that…"

"Non, hush, you will love this. Now then, I need my sketchbook, my bow and quiver, a shield or three and well… My lovely arcanely inclined muses."
