A Social Experiment


Overseer of Aliquam
Feb 19, 2014
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Hello! So, recently I've been reading up on Karl Marx and Marxism, and I got to thinking. Would it be possible to create perfect Marx Communism, or something like it, within a faction on Massive? So that's what I'm gonna do. If anyone would be interested in participating and/or funding this little experiment, please let me know!

Basically what I intend to do is create Marxist Communism. What this means is that there will be no class structures, no oppression, and no government. This is often referred to as "Utopian Communism" or "Utopian Anarchy". There will be only one 'rule', as said by Marx himself; "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". Basically, the work people will do will be based upon what they are good at, and the goods produced will be dispensed according to what people need.

All Citizens of the faction will have equal permissions, equal pay, and equal living quality. The only person with more power within the faction will be one of my alternate accounts, which will ONLY be used to build public facilities and invite new testers.
Communism itself is fundamentally flawed in that people need a figurehead to follow and admire, and the basic nature that each person, no matter how selfless, how devoted to a cause, always wants to be above someone. No one wants to be on the bottom. We all want someone beneath us to take a fall, and that is why is cannot work. That is why Autocratic regimes, such as the Imperials on Massive, worked so well, because they had structure.They had semblance and order. They worked. Marxism... Doesn't. It's too chaotic. Too disheveled and disordered. That is why there aren't many strong empires any more, because no one can control themselves to the point where they become an order, and that is where Autocracy comes in, as it offers an easy way to achieve what, in effect, Marxism and Democracy cannot. ((I like this kind of thing by the way, the whole getting into political viewpoints of factions))
((@jquaile can you add more to this?))
That is how most factions work. You do what you can/ good at and you are mostly the same level.

Billy, Some of it is similar organizationally, but as described (or as I'm interpreting the post) the fruits of the labor of the members would be primarily redistributed based upon need. Whereas in most (not all) factions people keep the stuff they produce, mine, or harvest, usually in private storage/chests. For example, Herp mines for a while w/ 1000 mining and Derp mines w/10. At the end of they day they would both dump their ore into the same pile for redistribution, not just for them, but to all of the members. I'm far too much of a fan of rational self-interest to go for that kind of thing, but I think that's what he's getting at.

Of course, SanityForsaken might elaborate further on the details.

That said, Marxism is a rather modern system. There are however some examples of pre-Marxist communism out there. Will be interesting to see how it goes.

he problem ive seen with communism is the fact that with no classes there is no urge to rise to the top so people dont work as hard as needed. On top of that when someone only gets what they need and not what they want then expression somewhat goes out the window. For example: most people dont see art as a need so artful expression is gone. In minecraft: only use the building materials you need to build a wall, no decorations no nothing because that would use extra materials. Just a few things to keep in mind with this experiment
MineCraft is capitalism & free market at it's finest. Communism will never work out. NEVER
EDIT: Other than that, I'm curious how this will work out.