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A Skilled Addition Wanted For An Exploration Team!


Matthias Heinrich - The Old Man
Feb 19, 2017
Reaction score
The Void

Wanted: Skilled Individuals
Good Men and Women of Regalia! With the new opportunities arising for exploration and expeditions due to The Princely Imperial Exploration League's recent unveiling, my team and I are in need of a final member to fill our ranks. As we'd like this process to be as open as possible, we are offering the opportunity to any citizen of Regalia of sufficient skill level - regardless of race, gender or class. So far within the team, we have myself (a Historian/Philosopher), my brother - Edmond Vis-Vegcht (an Expert Military Man) and Ayas Telfere (an Expert in Espionage). We are looking for anyone who is skilled in a certain area - preferably something aside from those that we already have. If you are interested in being interviewed, please pen a letter to Marcello Vis-Vegcht.

Application Format
Please use the below format to apply for an interview, post it below:

  • In Game Name: (Your In Game Name)
  • Character Name: (Your Characters Name)
  • Character Application: (Approved Character Application)
  • Skill: (What Skill does your Character Specialise in?)
  • In Character Letter: (Addressed to Marcello Vis-Vegcht)
In Game Name: TeenySeaTrash
Character Name: Ke'wince Gavenmore
Character Application: Here
Skill: Medicine
In Character Letter:
Dear Mr. Marcello Vis-Vegcht,
My name is Ke'wince, though friends call me Ke' (pronounced Key). For some years, I have studied and practiced in the field of Medicine. With this, I would like to request a chance to join your team and aid where I can, and I thank you for your time and consideration.

Ke'wince Gavenmore
In Game Name: HoshiChomp12
Character Name: Mama Yahdga
Character Application: boop
Skill: Faith of Estel, Medicine, Husbandry
In Character Letter:
To Marcello Vis-Vegcht,
Greetings~ I've written this letter to you in answer to your notice. I don't know if yah already have the required members, but I'm interested in an adventure! I am an expert in the field of Elven Religion and Husbandry in particular, while medicine is another of my pursuits. Thank you for reading my letter and I look forward to your response.

Mama Yahdga
In Game Name: TeenySeaTrash
Character Name: Ke'wince Gavenmore
Character Application: Here
Skill: Medicine
In Character Letter:
Dear Mr. Marcello Vis-Vegcht,
My name is Ke'wince, though friends call me Ke' (pronounced Key). For some years, I have studied and practiced in the field of Medicine. With this, I would like to request a chance to join your team and aid where I can, and I thank you for your time and consideration.

Ke'wince Gavenmore
Ke'wince Gavenmore,
Thank you for expressing interest in our endeavours - though I wish to interview you in person before going forward and accepting you into the group. I hope you understand.
Your's Sincerely,
Marcello Vis-Vegcht​
((We can organise a time over Skype, I'll PM you to get your details.))
In Game Name: HoshiChomp12
Character Name: Mama Yahdga
Character Application: boop
Skill: Faith of Estel, Medicine, Husbandry
In Character Letter:
To Marcello Vis-Vegcht,
Greetings~ I've written this letter to you in answer to your notice. I don't know if yah already have the required members, but I'm interested in an adventure! I am an expert in the field of Elven Religion and Husbandry in particular, while medicine is another of my pursuits. Thank you for reading my letter and I look forward to your response.

Mama Yahdga
Lady Yahdga,
Thank you for expressing interest in our endeavours - though I wish to interview you in person before going forward and accepting you into the group. I hope you understand.
Your's Sincerely,
Marcello Vis-Vegcht​
((We can organise a time over Skype, I'll PM you to get your details.))

Applications are still OPEN!
Any Astronomists/Sailors out there?