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A Simple Message.

Aug 8, 2022
Reaction score
Small golems with varying arms, and rusted shells, roll around in the sewers, and occasionally in the ruins of Crookback. Each hold a paper in their hands.

The parchment is old, and weathered.



All wanderers.

Unlike the rest of many, I do not hide my words with flair nor vocabulary.

So I will attempt to make this

Long ago, I had discovered a testing ground.

I do not remember when exactly. But what I had learned there was simple.

The world is not
cruel. It is just indifferent.

Its indifference allows for freedom for us to choose.

However, the world teeters upon a careful balance.

To upset that balance is a grave result for all, or at least, for many.

Many dwell here. It is not peaceful. But its holds a balance. And allows for freedom.

Recently, that balance has been broken. Many have suffered.

It will most likely not be the last.

I have been told I am a simple being.

So here is a simple message.

When the time comes.

Fight for your homes.
