A Response To 'slumberwood's Senseless, Sordid Slaughter'

Discussion in 'Regalian Roleplay' started by Anseran, Apr 28, 2021.

  1. Anseran

    Anseran Ifrit Enthusiast

    Sep 11, 2013
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    Dear reader, my name is Osira Braewanyir.

    On the matter of the assassination incident, read below.

    I am commonly mistaken for his grace Slumberwood's palest, but I was merely a house guard. I do not depose the Grand Duchess Cadieux' conclusions, but it should be known that I acted in accordance with what I knew that night. She includes Mister Lothar's testimony to the incident, but not my own, and for all that it is worth, this is how it followed:

    During the night of the 'assassination attempt', Duke Slumberwood and I were sat high upstairs discussing his political campaign for the district election. His methods seemed genuine, and I believed that his attempts to persuade were diplomatic and would prove fruitful to him. Then the door knocked. As is my usual instinct, I brought myself to stand, but Duke Slumberwood assured me he could handle it, insisting that I remain to offer more insight into his campaign notes from my own diplomatic education. It was not long before Duke Slumberwood called for my aid, claiming he had been stabbed. Immediately, I rushed downstairs to the best of my ability, to find Lothar Lomsted beside his grace with what I perceived to be an expression of guilt, and of recognition he had been caught. I am not an investigator. I am not certain whether this was staged or not, whether it was planned or whether it was truly the machinations of an enemy political party. I was a guard doing my duty. To reduce further harm on my watch, I incapacitated Mister Lomsted in one blow to the head. I hadn't known the door was knocked down in my haste, but I concur with the Grand Duchess and Violet's that this fellow was not capable. I escorted his grace to Greygate, then returned with Sibyllad, a member of the guard, to arrest who I deemed to be the attacker at the time - Lothar Lomsted. I provided these details to the Grand Duchess, checked up on the condition of his grace, and then I departed.

    This is my testimony, on my faith in the All-Mother, and that is all. As I said, I am no investigator, interpret my experience as you will but know that I was not parley to any sort of set-up.

    On the matter of my role as head tactician for Slumberwood's 'army', please read below.

    Duke Slumberwood had contacted me regarding the threats Duke Keen had elicited, and spoke of fearing for his countrymen's lives. The Duke Keen had threatened man, woman, and child, and this is what Duke Slumberwood had brought to me; asking for my assistance in the defense of his people. Naturally, as one opposed to violence, I agreed on the condition that my help as a commander would only be enlisted if Duke Keen's threat came to pass. As far as I am aware, they did not. As far as I am aware, nothing of the sort occurred on his grace's lands which constituted the requirements I had laid out. And yet I was summoned for battle. I would like to lament that this is why I refuse to become a palest. Not because of a lack of skill or desire to protect, but that to be a palest seems to come with a blind responsibility to the person you protect. I do not know Duke Slumberwood, not beyond our short 'friendship'. But what I do know now is that he would push me into battle, against innocents and clergymen, without my express authority and without clear knowledge of what I would be participating in.

    To note, my involvement in the offenses to his people involved pure theory and strategy consultation with Morgaine Slumberwood, for I acted as tactician. I was not told the targets, I was not told the intent, and I certainly was not told about what was to come. Again, I lament my refusal to become a palest. My trust in both of these incidents appears to be violated so easily. Taken and twisted into actions that I would not in my wildest dreams dare to commit on my own accord. But that does not mean I am not to blame. What has occurred due to my negligence and misplaced trust is yet another painful memory that I will have to live with, another memory that I will be seeking to atone for. My part may not have been grand, but I was a cog in the wheel of events that led to tragedy, and for now all I can offer is my most sincere apologies.

    My reasoning for writing this response is to protect myself against the accusations of the Grand Duchess Cadieux toward myself which is as follows: 'his [Duke Slumberwood's] longtime assistant, complicit partner-in-crime, and traitor to the pacifistic ways of the Cielothar he claims to love and the Petalcourt he claims to be one with, mister Osira Braewanyir'.

    I am not his longtime assistant, I was his house guard. I am not a traitor to my people as I have evidenced, and you have no right to call me one as you are not one of us. Yes, I do love my people, and the people of Petalcourt.

    Regardless of my oppositions to the Grand Duchess' accusations on myself, I agree whole-heartedly with her on the matter of Duke Slumberwood. That the Duke's actions were severely out-of-line, incited the behavior to slaughter some of the Empire's holiest just for their (very legal) political inclinations, that enlisted the aid and trust of people who I am sure did not know the whole context in what they were doing - such as Duke Vyzal - who should not have been called as his pact like my own with Slumberwood hinged on defense, not offense.

    I hereby declare that I made mistakes in trusting Duke Slumberwood, offering this man my trust and skillset was a mistake I will not repeat, because his own bloody desires are not my own and they sicken me. I hereby declare my resignation from the Slumberwood House Guard due to Slumberwood’s violation of my trust and the abhorrent acts which he has set upon his own populace.

    I encourage Duke Vyzal to dissolve his pact with Slumberwood lest this happen again, and I hereby denounce Duke Slumberwood for his atrocious actions for what it is worth as his former house guard, standing with House Kreiburg, House Van Haal, and House Cadieux.

    I will be manipulated and used for these ends no longer. Thank you for reading, and thank you Grand Duchess Cadieux for putting into words what I could not.

    Kind regards,
    and my most sincere apologies,
    Osira Braewanyir

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  2. bwmwags3

    bwmwags3 Refugee

    Dec 17, 2019
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    Alucard plays his violin upon his balcony.

    “Unfortunate this all has come to pass...but it is good to see another has acknowledged our shared mistakes,” He looks to his children and smiles.

    “Well at least, I can be home more though my haitus has already allowed such. I should probably consider seclusion till this passes over. . . Well looks like you’ll have me around more often my dears.”
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. MidnightRey

    MidnightRey Ruler of the Abyss

    Feb 5, 2018
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    A literal letter was left for all to see... It was written in black ink with fancy cursive writing. A darkened rose as the seal.

    "An introduction, I have likely spent way too much of my time and breath on this but there's some points I believe really need to be properly discussed. In this I'll be going over multiple topics, it's a long read but one I think you'll enjoy. I'll be talking about the negligence of both Osira and his Grace Slumberwood, the man who supposedly stabbed the Duke and was accused of busting down a door, the alchemy used, which they had completely left out of this notice, the apparent threat of Duke Keen, and the idiot who blindly follows someone he barely knows into battle and than gets surprised when it back fired on him."

    "On the topic of your negligence. Just how did you not realize the door had been busted open? You obviously heard the knock from upstairs of the door, as we all know a servant couldn't had came and told you someone was at the front door. As at the time, you were alone in the Estate from your past claims. It's the entire reason his Grace Slumberwood went downstairs to begin with, you heard him scream to. So how did you fail to hear the fact the door was getting knocked or ripped off it's hinges? And why did he not call for you a lot sooner even if you did somehow miss hearing the loud noises it takes to do such a task?"

    "On the topic of man who supposedly stabbed his Grace himself. The fact you added in the entire "He had a look of guilt on his face and recognition he had been caught." Section onto your notice here only makes me question you even more. Tell me, w
    ho in their right mind walks into another person's Estate, stabs them in front of their own door, and supposedly gets surprised when they got seen and proceeds to stand there like an idiot waiting to be attacked? Just, no a smart man who just got seen stabbing a Noble would run and have some kind of plan to escape, likely plot such a thing ahead of time unless they're merely an idiot. It's quite obvious this man had no such plans of escape given how easy you described his capture. I don't see at all how the scene you described could have possibly played out realistically at all."

    "On the topic of the Alchemy. You completely forgot to mention the fact the man woke up clueless about what had happened. I myself study alchemy. And I have spent years upon years doing so. Using memory wiping alchemy on someone is never by accident, and requires some of the most well trained users in alchemy to even activate and use to begin with. And normally only has one main purpose, to erase the memories of some event from something, be it a kidnapping, a struggle, so forth. So how can we take your word alone for it when the man lost his memories? It brings up the questions. Why erase his memories if you have nothing to hide? And why in Voids name did his Grace Slumberwood have memory wiping alchemy in his possession to begin with? And even if it wasn't his Grace Slumberwood who used the alchemy, who did?"

    "On the subject of Duke Keen. I heard of the incident when the Duke had threatened your lands so you have the right to be afraid. But however, you didn't recall how when Duke Keen made the threats the Prince of Gallovia himself was /very/ quick to get onto his case about it. Calling him out for violating the Emperor's public edict on nobilities duties. His Grace Slumberwood truly didn't need you to defend against Duke Keen. Cause trust me, I have a very strong feeling if he actually tried anything Duke Keen would likely have his Noble title stripped from him by the Emperor himself before the sun could again rise."

    "On the topic of your own personal foolishness, I had a lot of fun writing this part. What kind of absolute bafoon such as yourself goes into combat and war having no idea what they're doing? What kind of threat they're facing? What the intent is? You must either be an absolute idiot to go along with this plan of his Grace. It would make sense if his Grace Slumberwood was a friend you trusted and therefore had the graces to not demand he tell you this. However, you just also confessed such was not the case. You are not his Grace's friend. You do not know him closely. So my question is. How dumb can you be to really let yourself be "tricked" so easily in such a matter as this? When lives of hundreds or even more as you know it could be on the line? If every tactician was as easy to take advantage of and use as you are. The empire would have crumbled on top of itself ages ago."

    "And finally I conclude everything. I say your words are a lot of absolute non-sense. At this point give up, as you're not going to get yourself anywhere here. Have a lovely day."
  4. MidnightRey

    MidnightRey Ruler of the Abyss

    Feb 5, 2018
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    Typo I somehow realized I missed right after pressing upload. My character only spoke of Osira in the part about negligence, not also the Slumberwood in question.
    I'll be talking about the negligence of Osira Braewanyir. and his Grace Slumberwood.
  5. Anseran

    Anseran Ifrit Enthusiast

    Sep 11, 2013
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    Dear nameless reader, I will answer your questions simply and to the point for the value it might provide other readers.

    On the topic of my negligence, I solemnly swear that I heard nothing of the sort - that being the door knocked down. I recall hearing the nature outside, birds and the like. I hadn't noticed the door afterwards because his grace was injured. I am not a medic, he refused my Sorcery which I offered to heal him, and then I rushed him to Greygate. That is the honest truth. I apologise that there is little more I can say in earnest.

    On the topic of his grace stabbing himself, it is common knowledge that to harm oneself is illegal. On that ground, I found it unlikely that he would stab himself. In regards to the assailant having no plan, I am not a detective. I arrived after whatever had occurred and so I have no information to give. I mentioned Lothar looking guilty as that was my immediate impression, nothing more.

    On the topic of memory-wiping Alchemy, I had no clue such a thing even existed. This is not my theory, it belongs to the Violet guard and Grand Duchess Cadieux. When I arrived at the scene, Mister Lothar was standing close to his grace Slumberwood, fully conscious. Again, it is not my place to investigate these matters. I trust in the efficiency of the Violet guard, but at the time, I noticed no such thing. I feel these questions are best aimed toward the Violet guard and the the Grand Duchess.

    On the topic of Duke Keen's threats, and the immediate rebuttal that followed, I admit my sight was blinded by the potential of innocents being harmed, so I immediately gave my consent for Duke Slumberwood to use my skills to defend his people, not harm them. In regards to calling me foolish for this reason, remember that nobility are to be held to a higher standard than commoners. Lying explicitly was not what I expected of a member of the peerage, least of all to a member of his staff from whom he desires trust. I am sorry that this is the only information I can give, perhaps I am too trusting, but like many in the empire I did not see this coming at all.

    On the topic of my foolishness once again, I feel I have already answered this above. But I will further cement that I was told lives were on the line. It doesn't take a Cielothar to know that protecting others is the right course of action, preserving life and maintaining peace. I was not told of the missions detail but I did have a semblance of trust in Duke Slumberwood as he was my employer. An employer, we now know, who does not care to inform his staff when he takes drastic action and risks dragging them through the mud with orders they do not want to carry out.

    Your conclusions are your own, but this is my piece. I am sorry it does not satisfy you.

    Kind regards,
  6. FutureTeller

    FutureTeller Criminally mad with no batteries

    Nov 7, 2020
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    A note would be attached to Osira's response, it read:

    "For whoever it may concern,

    perhaps it would be a good time for me to clear some things up, before this exchange becomes a senseless pile of insults sent by an anonymous writer. I will be repeating the things I have said countless times to the Violet Order already, an easy task considering how it's the truth.

    Firstly, I can confirm that Hr Braewanyir only arrived later on. While I don't exactly know how, he did only appear next to me minutes after the Duke stabbed himself. As soon as Duke Slumberwood had done so, I rushed to his side to try helping him, but unfortunately I am also not a medic, so I couldn't really do much before I turned to see Braewanyir and begged him for help. Then he knocked me out, and I woke up in the cells of Greygate.
    I will trust Braewanyir's testimony on what happened after he incapacitated me, and to that I will comment that it is rather strange for the Duke Slumberwood on his deathbed to refuse healing by sorcery. Especially considering how magic can sometimes do more than traditional medics.

    At this point, I believe it is somewhat settled that alchemy was used in this. At the time of the incident, I was not aware of being in the Duke Slumberwood's estate, or even the presence of a Duke. I woke up to a well-dressed man holding a knife and telling me to get up, and after I did so he stabbed himself and called for Hr Braewanyir. I'd be repeating what's already been said if I told the rest again.

    Reading these public notices and letters leads me to believe Osira Braewanyir is also just a victim to the Duke's atrocious deeds and lie-filled claims, and I hold no grudge against him doing his duty as a guard. In the end, the Spirit and the law will see to it that justice is served and the truth is revealed, and we can hopefully move on and avoid such a situation in the future.

    Lothar Lomstedt"
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